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 Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting

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Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting Empty
PostSubject: Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting   Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting Icon_minitimeThu Oct 15, 2020 11:29 am

I heard it mentioned so many times, but i couldn't find anything indicating that Dylan actually wanted to go on the killing spree with Zach.
What am i missing?
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Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting   Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting Icon_minitimeThu Oct 15, 2020 11:42 am

I am not 100% sure, but I know he was very close to Zach and from the stories many researchers have heard Zach was angry and volatile as well. He threatened Devon's ex, got into a fight with Devon that night of the break in and one of them tried to jump out of the moving car (this is from A Mother's Reckoning, in the chapter "Pathway to Suicide" )he was part of the missions and IIRC his senior quote in the yearbook was "I hate this school"

I think they said Nate also threatened Devon once as did Eric.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting   Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting Icon_minitimeThu Oct 15, 2020 4:30 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:

I think they said Nate also threatened Devon once.

If you ever find the source for this, can you post it here? Thanks!

Ligeya wrote:
I heard it mentioned so many times, but i couldn't find anything indicating that Dylan actually wanted to go on the killing spree with Zach.
What am i missing?

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OP talks a bit about Dylan wanting Zack in his thread. He did missions with him first, he considered him to be the one to understand him the best, he wrote in his journal more about him than Eric.
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Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting   Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting Icon_minitimeThu Oct 15, 2020 5:53 pm

Magnaphoria wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:

I think they said Nate also threatened Devon once.

If you ever find the source for this, can you post it here? Thanks!

Check out both Nate Dykeman (10710) and Devon Adams' (10616) statements to the police.

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To the OP, I'm pretty sure this idea comes from the redaction in Dylan's journal within the sentence that goes something like "soon me and (redacted) will snap and have our revenge on society." Because the name is redacted, people could tell that he wasn't referring to Eric here so some people latched onto the idea that he wanted to go NBK with Zach but as context suggests, and as [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] lays out, he's most likely referring to a crush (which is why he thought of it as "NBK" at all).

isabellaaa, Ligeya and daisylee671 like this post

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PostSubject: Re: Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting   Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting Icon_minitime

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Zach Heckler as Dylan's choice for the shooting
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