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 Obscure documentary clip?

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Posts : 179
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Join date : 2020-10-09
Age : 22
Location : Everest, Ohio (Home of Mt. Everest)

Obscure documentary clip? Empty
PostSubject: Obscure documentary clip?   Obscure documentary clip? Icon_minitimeFri 30 Oct 2020, 17:07

I have vivid memories a bit ago of having seen clips of a documentary that I can't find despite my efforts, so I will attempt to relay what details I remember.

It's a dimly lit home video of Adam Lanza at his uncle James Champion's for some party, his face is turned away and it had a label of "age 4" on the screen I'm pretty sure.

If anyone has the source or even a screencap of it to validate that i'm not crazy i'd very much appreciate it, as I haven't even found surviving screenshots. I am not referring to the childhood clip in "raising Adam Lanza" in which Nancy tells Adam to "do your doggy bark" as i've rewatched the documentary twice now and hopefully didn't just miss it.
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Posts : 179
Contribution Points : 43001
Forum Reputation : 123
Join date : 2020-10-09
Age : 22
Location : Everest, Ohio (Home of Mt. Everest)

Obscure documentary clip? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obscure documentary clip?   Obscure documentary clip? Icon_minitimeSat 31 Oct 2020, 05:05

timestamp 24:27 apologies I rewatched a third time to find I was simply incompetent, impatient, and it's not something widely known
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Obscure documentary clip?
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