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 Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine

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PostSubject: Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine   Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2020 6:49 pm

There have been a lot of weird theories surrounding Columbine and what happened but which is the worst in your opinion?
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PostSubject: Re: Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine   Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2020 7:10 pm

I think the worst theory is the one that "Eric killed Dylan". This is a controversial choice for some, but I find it utterly ridiculous. Dylan wrote about wanting to die for years, and his longing to move on. I find it incredibly strange that Dylan wouldn't take that change himself. He would want to end his own life his way. I don't think Eric would have had the guts to kill arguably his closest friend. I don't see the theory having any ground to stand on.

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PostSubject: Re: Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine   Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2020 8:47 pm

The one about the shooting being faked with Trey Parker and Matt Stone playing the shooters.
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PostSubject: Re: Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine   Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2020 9:49 pm

Mine are the psychopath theory and the "Eric killed Dylan" theory. The latter is obvious with ballistics test and the former because it was pretty obvious neither were psychopaths.

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PostSubject: Re: Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine   Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2020 4:07 am

therivstur wrote:
I think the worst theory is the one that "Eric killed Dylan". This is a controversial choice for some, but I find it utterly ridiculous. Dylan wrote about wanting to die for years, and his longing to move on. I find it incredibly strange that Dylan wouldn't take that change himself. He would want to end his own life his way. I don't think Eric would have had the guts to kill arguably his closest friend. I don't see the theory having any ground to stand on.

Whilst I’m of the opinion Dylan did kill himself - I don’t think it would have been beyond belief had Eric pulled the trigger. If Dylan was so desperate to die for years, why didn’t he just do himself in years ago? Maybe he was too scared to do it himself. I suspect that’s why a few shooters go for the old ‘death by cop’.

As for Eric not having the guts to kill Dylan - the guy had just murdered multiple people in cold blood. If anyone was capable of having the guts, it was Eric.
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PostSubject: Re: Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine   Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2020 7:49 am

I agree. It's one thing to want death and probably quite another thing to be staring it right in the face, especially when you're only 17-years-old.

Dylan had already shown a reluctance in doing the job himself, so I don't think it's an entirely unplausible opinion.
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PostSubject: Re: Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine   Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2020 11:05 am

Taken from a website that support the South Park theory "The notion that the yearbook photos of Klebold and Harris are in reality Trey Parker and Matt Stone is not a linchpin, and is controversial. But I do have evidence to support it. First, here are the birth dates of the four:

Dylan Klebold: September 11, 1981.

Eric Harris: April 9, 1981 (April 9 is the 99th day of the year, or 3*3 three times in that date.)

Trey Parker: October 19, 1969 (292nd day of the year, a way of plugging in 911?) [October is the eight month though we officially call it the tenth now, so his birthday is 8/19, or two nines.]

Matt Stone: May 26, 1971, 146th day of the year, 1+4+6 =11? Also, 2+6=8.)

(No doubt commenters will have fun with those dates. I find Harris and Klebold’s birth dates to be very spooky indeed. I am less certain of Parker and Stone’s.)

That is too much difference in age for Stone and Parker to have played Harris and Klebold. Parker and Stone, after all, are merely actors. They are also insiders, otherwise they would not have the platform they do in the entertainment industry." Yeah the spefic dates are since the goverment likes to uses symbolism in dates, because that is so racional and convienent for craz... I mean normal people that have enligthment. Also Columbine predicted The Matrix, the goverment did those home movies to forshadow The Matrix.

"So-called civilized, well-brought up people will eat their own fellow kin, often their own friends, without being able to say why.
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Was, a wolf’s skin was hairy on the outside,
His on the inside;"
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PostSubject: Re: Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine   Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2020 11:53 am

Killisaki wrote:
Taken from a website that support the South Park theory "The notion that the yearbook photos of Klebold and Harris are in reality Trey Parker and Matt Stone is not a linchpin, and is controversial. But I do have evidence to support it. First, here are the birth dates of the four:

Dylan Klebold: September 11, 1981.

Eric Harris: April 9, 1981 (April 9 is the 99th day of the year, or 3*3 three times in that date.)

Trey Parker: October 19, 1969 (292nd day of the year, a way of plugging in 911?) [October is the eight month though we officially call it the tenth now, so his birthday is 8/19, or two nines.]

Matt Stone: May 26, 1971, 146th day of the year, 1+4+6 =11? Also, 2+6=8.)

(No doubt commenters will have fun with those dates. I find Harris and Klebold’s birth dates to be very spooky indeed. I am less certain of Parker and Stone’s.)

That is too much difference in age for Stone and Parker to have played Harris and Klebold. Parker and Stone, after all, are merely actors. They are also insiders, otherwise they would not have the platform they do in the entertainment industry." Yeah the spefic dates are since the goverment likes to uses symbolism in dates, because that is so racional and convienent for craz... I mean normal people that have enligthment. Also Columbine predicted The Matrix, the goverment did those home movies to forshadow The Matrix.

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PostSubject: Re: Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine   Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2020 12:40 pm

For me worst/absurd theory is one I heard on yt about Eric and Dylan were gays and took a shower together after they played bowls (yes I heard that)

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PostSubject: Re: Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine   Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine Icon_minitimeMon Feb 13, 2023 8:54 am

1: Eric killed Dylan
2: Eight shooters
3: Columbine was faked by the creators of South Park

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PostSubject: Re: Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine   Worst Conspiracy Theory/General Theory about Columbine Icon_minitimeSun Feb 19, 2023 2:56 pm

This channel have some good troughs about columbine

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