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 Maybe it's just me...

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PostSubject: Maybe it's just me...   Maybe it's just me... Icon_minitime21/3/2013, 17:55

Why didn't the Browns inform Mr and Mrs Klebold about Dylans possible connection to the crap happening with Eric? I mean their sons were best friends both familes were close.

Personally I laughed when I read Mrs Klebolds statement to the police on the evening of April 20th when I read that:

Mrs. Klebold said that she did not know about the web site information and didn't know about any threats that were allegedly made by Eric Harris against Brooks Brown. Mrs. Klebold said that she does know that Judy Brown did not like Eric Harris, however, she indicated that "Judy doesn't like a lot of people."

If Frodo can get the ring to Mordor, you can get out of bed.
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Maybe it's just me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maybe it's just me...   Maybe it's just me... Icon_minitime21/3/2013, 18:06 made this exact same thread a few days ago...check it out!

Ignorance is bliss!-Dylan Klebold
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PostSubject: Re: Maybe it's just me...   Maybe it's just me... Icon_minitime21/3/2013, 18:08

tragedy79 wrote: made this exact same thread a few days ago...check it out!

Dang I'm sorry! I really need to check stuff first. Embarassed

If Frodo can get the ring to Mordor, you can get out of bed.
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PostSubject: Re: Maybe it's just me...   Maybe it's just me... Icon_minitime21/3/2013, 18:10

No worries Laughing

Nice to see that someone has the same questions I have...

Ignorance is bliss!-Dylan Klebold
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PostSubject: Re: Maybe it's just me...   Maybe it's just me... Icon_minitime27/3/2016, 17:33

tragedy79 wrote: made this exact same thread a few days ago...check it out!

Where is the thread? I can't find it.
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PostSubject: Re: Maybe it's just me...   Maybe it's just me... Icon_minitime27/3/2016, 17:42

astrospace92 wrote:
tragedy79 wrote: made this exact same thread a few days ago...check it out!

Where is the thread? I can't  find it.
You can read that thread here.
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"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
Zachary Patrick Bowen (March 7, 1995-November 5, 2021).
I miss you little brother.
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PostSubject: Re: Maybe it's just me...   Maybe it's just me... Icon_minitime

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