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 Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year

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Mr Bubbless
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2021 7:02 pm

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Mr Bubbless
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2021 4:28 am

Nothing new, I thought that people would be well aware of the FBI's incompetence by now. Just look at how embarrassingly they failed at stopping Nikolas Cruz.

Last edited by Mr Bubbless on Sun Jul 11, 2021 7:42 am; edited 2 times in total

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2021 5:30 am

And people think "red flag" laws will actually work. What do you do with the red flags if the dipshits in charge choose not to act on them? Lmao. It's almost like they let this shit happen to keep up the "guns are bad" narrative. scratch

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2021 10:21 am

This also shows how the mental health system is doing, they had already arrested him for suicide threats and he had a gun in his possession!  Isn't that a big red flag? Why didn't they act before?
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2021 5:24 pm

The amount of incompetence that the FBI has is truly embarrassing. I know that everyone makes mistakes, but this is ridiculous.
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Mr Bubbless
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2021 7:14 am


Last edited by Mr Bubbless on Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:06 am; edited 2 times in total

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2021 1:20 pm


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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2021 5:46 pm

Mr Bubbless wrote:
Kadewin wrote:
The amount of incompetence that the FBI has is truly embarrassing. I know that everyone makes mistakes, but this is ridiculous.

Wait until you find out about Parkland
Parkland showed the ultimate incompetence of the FBI and law enforcement in general.

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2021 12:26 am

Everyone's talking about the FBI's fuckups (rightfully, don't get me wrong), and yet here I am still dumbstruck by the motive.

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Quote :
Facebook said it took down two accounts connected with the suspect shortly after the shooting at the request of Indianapolis police, according to an internal Facebook memo viewed by The Wall Street Journal.
Content on the accounts revealed no clear evidence of a motive for the attack, the memo said. It focused mostly on the toy franchise and children’s cartoon series “My Little Pony.”
An internet subculture of mostly male adults interested in the cartoon—who call themselves “Bronies,” a mashup of “bro” and “ponies”—has existed for years. “Brony online culture has displayed elements of far-right and white nationalist extremism,” the memo said, but added that there is no clear indication those were motivations in the shooting.
A post timestamped 10:19 p.m., less than an hour before the shooting, featured a photo of the cartoon pony named Applejack. “I hope that I can be with Applejack in the afterlife, my life has no meaning without her,” the post said.

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"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeMon Apr 26, 2021 7:06 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Everyone's talking about the FBI's fuckups (rightfully, don't get me wrong), and yet here I am still dumbstruck by the motive.

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Quote :
Facebook said it took down two accounts connected with the suspect shortly after the shooting at the request of Indianapolis police, according to an internal Facebook memo viewed by The Wall Street Journal.
Content on the accounts revealed no clear evidence of a motive for the attack, the memo said. It focused mostly on the toy franchise and children’s cartoon series “My Little Pony.”
An internet subculture of mostly male adults interested in the cartoon—who call themselves “Bronies,” a mashup of “bro” and “ponies”—has existed for years. “Brony online culture has displayed elements of far-right and white nationalist extremism,” the memo said, but added that there is no clear indication those were motivations in the shooting.
A post timestamped 10:19 p.m., less than an hour before the shooting, featured a photo of the cartoon pony named Applejack. “I hope that I can be with Applejack in the afterlife, my life has no meaning without her,” the post said.

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Same. I just read about this today because I was expecting a package from FedEx so I went to their website where they mention the shooting. I went to the wikipedia page and that's where I saw he wanted to spend the after life with "Applejack".

How does one's mind become so far gone that they believe a cartoon ghost or a cartoon pony are real and the only way to be with them is to murder people and then commit suicide? I wonder if this FedEx kid knew about Randy and his ghost girlfriend?

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2021 3:34 am

Yeah they dropped the ball it seems.

Though to be fair, we only hear about the cases where they investigated red flags and the guy does it anyway later. We don't get to hear about those investigated for red flags who then go on to have perfectly mundane lives.

Jenn wrote:
How does one's mind become so far gone that they believe a cartoon ghost or a cartoon pony are real and the only way to be with them is to murder people and then commit suicide? I wonder if this FedEx kid knew about Randy and his ghost girlfriend?
Any of the more serious psychotic disorders.

I think all of us who have been looking into this for some time have learned the difference between people like Holmes and those like Lanza or Kip Kinkel.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2021 5:05 pm

Jenn wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
Everyone's talking about the FBI's fuckups (rightfully, don't get me wrong), and yet here I am still dumbstruck by the motive.

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Quote :
Facebook said it took down two accounts connected with the suspect shortly after the shooting at the request of Indianapolis police, according to an internal Facebook memo viewed by The Wall Street Journal.
Content on the accounts revealed no clear evidence of a motive for the attack, the memo said. It focused mostly on the toy franchise and children’s cartoon series “My Little Pony.”
An internet subculture of mostly male adults interested in the cartoon—who call themselves “Bronies,” a mashup of “bro” and “ponies”—has existed for years. “Brony online culture has displayed elements of far-right and white nationalist extremism,” the memo said, but added that there is no clear indication those were motivations in the shooting.
A post timestamped 10:19 p.m., less than an hour before the shooting, featured a photo of the cartoon pony named Applejack. “I hope that I can be with Applejack in the afterlife, my life has no meaning without her,” the post said.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] you have competition.
Same. I just read about this today because I was expecting a package from FedEx so I went to their website where they mention the shooting. I went to the wikipedia page and that's where I saw he wanted to spend the after life with "Applejack".

How does one's mind become so far gone that they believe a cartoon ghost or a cartoon pony are real and the only way to be with them is to murder people and then commit suicide? I wonder if this FedEx kid knew about Randy and his ghost girlfriend?
Hey Jenn, I wanted to ask the same question some days ago (if the kid knew Randy Stair) but I wanted to make sure somebody also did have this theory. I have the speculation that this person actually knew Randy/or was inspired by Randy's "ghost motives". But no confirmation sure.
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2021 5:31 pm

Laws are strong but law enforcement are the weakest link.

The gremlins in my mind won't show me the light.
For fucks sake reflect the light for everyone and the person I try to be
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2021 9:43 pm

Enesbrietchvonfrederitch wrote:
I have the speculation that this person actually knew Randy/or was inspired by Randy's "ghost motives". But no confirmation sure.

Well, there’s too little info of the shooter, really.
Also, there’s nothing that indicates that he made the attack in the name of his waifu, like Stair did; he “just” expressed a desire of be with her in the afterlife. But yeah, the similarity with Stair it’s there.

If he knew about Stair or not, it depends on how active he was online, I would say. I would like to know what were those white supremacist websites, that he supposedly was searching for a year ago. (In case it wasn’t mentioned on here yet: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2021 10:16 pm

Alex213 wrote:
Enesbrietchvonfrederitch wrote:
I have the speculation that this person actually knew Randy/or was inspired by Randy's "ghost motives". But no confirmation sure.

Well, there’s too little info of the shooter, really.
Also, there’s nothing that indicates that he made the attack in the name of his waifu, like Stair did; he “just” expressed a desire of be with her in the afterlife. But yeah, the similarity with Stair it’s there.

If he knew about Stair or not, it depends on how active he was online, I would say. I would like to know what were those white supremacist websites, that he supposedly was searching for a year ago. (In case it wasn’t mentioned on here yet: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I wonder if that is true. If it had been like that I think they could have been groups or Facebook pages
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2021 6:02 am

Alex213 wrote:
Enesbrietchvonfrederitch wrote:
I have the speculation that this person actually knew Randy/or was inspired by Randy's "ghost motives". But no confirmation sure.

Well, there’s too little info of the shooter, really.
Also, there’s nothing that indicates that he made the attack in the name of his waifu, like Stair did; he “just” expressed a desire of be with her in the afterlife. But yeah, the similarity with Stair it’s there.

If he knew about Stair or not, it depends on how active he was online, I would say. I would like to know what were those white supremacist websites, that he supposedly was searching for a year ago. (In case it wasn’t mentioned on here yet: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Thanks for information. Also, I didn't know that he browsed white supremacist sites, I'm gonna take a look at that.

Also, could I ask what your profile photo is from? It reminds me of arrest photos of rampage killers that I saw in Amok Wiki.

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2021 6:05 am

Alex213 wrote:
Enesbrietchvonfrederitch wrote:
I have the speculation that this person actually knew Randy/or was inspired by Randy's "ghost motives". But no confirmation sure.

Well, there’s too little info of the shooter, really.
Also, there’s nothing that indicates that he made the attack in the name of his waifu, like Stair did; he “just” expressed a desire of be with her in the afterlife. But yeah, the similarity with Stair it’s there.

If he knew about Stair or not, it depends on how active he was online, I would say. I would like to know what were those white supremacist websites, that he supposedly was searching for a year ago. (In case it wasn’t mentioned on here yet: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The article quote was as follows:

One of the officers went upstairs to seize the shotgun and "observed what through his training and experience indicated was white supremist (sic) websites" on Hole's computer, the report said.

Could have been anything from KKK or anti-muslim militias to plain old Trump supporter's site or some gadsden-flag-anti-federal stuff.

The amazingly professional term "white supremist" does not inspire much confidence in the report. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2021 11:07 am

Enesbrietchvonfrederitch wrote:
Also, could I ask what your profile photo is from? It reminds me of arrest photos of rampage killers that I saw in Amok Wiki.

Sure, his name is George Banks. He killed 13 people on 1982; on Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2021 2:37 pm

no updates for days... Crying or Very sad
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2023 9:26 pm

Guest wrote:
no updates for days... Crying or Very sad

Years late but here you go:
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Article describes some of his previous suicidal ideation and how he would beat his mom.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2023 10:25 pm

Also here are the full calls between Brandon, his mother, and a detective r.e the confiscated shotgun.
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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2023 10:44 pm

A lot of the newer info suggests the feds had very little justification for the level of persecution they put him through, which ultimately fueled his paranoia and helped precipitate his mental decline. Multiple sources imply that the accusations of white supremacy came from a popular video game he was into and the police were never aware of him threatening to harm anyone other than himself. Worst of all, the transcript Sheila wrote of his interview with the FBI agent, there were accusations levied at him that his interest in MLP was some kind of extremist dog-whistle, which anyone can tell isn't the case by taking one look at the kid's bedroom.

Then, when he actually reached out for help and communicated that he was a legitimate danger to himself and others, he was ignored and went on to commit the shootings within a few days.

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2023 12:46 am

Ben wrote:
A lot of the newer info suggests the feds had very little justification for the level of persecution they put him through, which ultimately fueled his paranoia and helped precipitate his mental decline. Multiple sources imply that the accusations of white supremacy came from a popular video game he was into and the police were never aware of him threatening to harm anyone other than himself. Worst of all, the transcript Sheila wrote of his interview with the FBI agent, there were accusations levied at him that his interest in MLP was some kind of extremist dog-whistle, which anyone can tell isn't the case by taking one look at the kid's bedroom.

I think no matter if you think they were or weren't justified in questioning him the way they did it was genuinely awful. Calling him a white supremacist because he like Warhammer, and openly mocking him over liking MLP is really unprofessional. Of course I expect nothing less from America's "finest".

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2023 1:02 am

QuestionMark wrote:
Ben wrote:
A lot of the newer info suggests the feds had very little justification for the level of persecution they put him through, which ultimately fueled his paranoia and helped precipitate his mental decline. Multiple sources imply that the accusations of white supremacy came from a popular video game he was into and the police were never aware of him threatening to harm anyone other than himself. Worst of all, the transcript Sheila wrote of his interview with the FBI agent, there were accusations levied at him that his interest in MLP was some kind of extremist dog-whistle, which anyone can tell isn't the case by taking one look at the kid's bedroom.

I think no matter if you think they were or weren't justified in questioning him the way they did it was genuinely awful. Calling him a white supremacist because he like Warhammer, and openly mocking him over liking MLP is really unprofessional. Of course I expect nothing less from America's "finest".

They also told his mom he was a potential mass shooter because he was a loner who used 4chan and had no GF. Funny how treating someone like a mass shooter makes them more likely to become one. I'm not sure why they even responded considering he was only threatening to kill himself, maybe because he mentioned suicide by cop?

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2023 1:04 am

QuestionMark wrote:
Ben wrote:
A lot of the newer info suggests the feds had very little justification for the level of persecution they put him through, which ultimately fueled his paranoia and helped precipitate his mental decline. Multiple sources imply that the accusations of white supremacy came from a popular video game he was into and the police were never aware of him threatening to harm anyone other than himself. Worst of all, the transcript Sheila wrote of his interview with the FBI agent, there were accusations levied at him that his interest in MLP was some kind of extremist dog-whistle, which anyone can tell isn't the case by taking one look at the kid's bedroom.

I think no matter if you think they were or weren't justified in questioning him the way they did it was genuinely awful. Calling him a white supremacist because he like Warhammer, and openly mocking him over liking MLP is really unprofessional. Of course I expect nothing less from America's "finest".

I really think they need younger consultants who have a better understanding of internet subcultures and how they relate to extremism when dealing with cases like his. A lot of grief could've been avoided if that boomer cop hadn't reported him cuz "he like bad guy in video game mean he like bad guy in real life".

Another thing he did that I thought was disrespectful was shit all over Brandon because he made what seems like a pretty obvious joke about becoming an FBI agent himself. Even the detective lady stifling a laugh when he mentioned dropping out in 6th grade. No wonder he didn't like cops when they treated him in such a patronizing way.

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Empty
PostSubject: Re: Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year   Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year Icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2023 2:56 pm

vril wrote:
I'm not sure why they even responded considering he was only threatening to kill himself, maybe because he mentioned suicide by cop?

From the article:
Quote :
The material IMPD saw on his computer led to a referral to the FBI. Details of what exactly police saw have never been made public.

Ben wrote:
I really think they need younger consultants who have a better understanding of internet subcultures and how they relate to extremism when dealing with cases like his. A lot of grief could've been avoided if that boomer cop hadn't reported him cuz "he like bad guy in video game mean he like bad guy in real life".

Yeah, and it would avoid absurd claims about My Little Pony, of all fucking things, being used to recruit white supremacists. For whatever reason that particular allegation seems to have bothered him a great deal. Maybe he thought it was too stigmatizing?

Ben wrote:
Another thing he did that I thought was disrespectful was shit all over Brandon because he made what seems like a pretty obvious joke about becoming an FBI agent himself. Even the detective lady stifling a laugh when he mentioned dropping out in 6th grade. No wonder he didn't like cops when they treated him in such a patronizing way.  

Exactly, I thought the reaction to the joke was also fairly unwarranted. I almost forgot that they made a parting comment "don't hit your mom". So these assholes knew he was beating his mother and decided it didn't warrant an arrest (granted, domestic violence isn't a federal crime, but they could've easily referred it to local authorities).

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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Indianapolis/FedEx shooter was interviewed by the FBI last year
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