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 BTK and the mid 00s media circus?

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BTK and the mid 00s media circus? Empty
PostSubject: BTK and the mid 00s media circus?   BTK and the mid 00s media circus? Icon_minitime21/4/2021, 21:46

Remember when they finally found that BTK killer and they did constant news coverage about it.

I heard they banned the guy from watching TV in jail so he couldn't watch coverage of himself.

Why the hell did my mom let preteen me watch so much of that coverage? Sick shit, tbh.
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Age : 23
Location : The land of unknown pleasures

BTK and the mid 00s media circus? Empty
PostSubject: Re: BTK and the mid 00s media circus?   BTK and the mid 00s media circus? Icon_minitime25/7/2021, 00:27

Though i cannot remember the Coverage around the Arrest of Denis Radar i read somewhere that until his arrest. The BTK killer had only ever really been covered by the Kansas Media and only when he had been caught did it become national news in the United States.

Between Eros and Thanatos
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BTK and the mid 00s media circus?
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