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 How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?

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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2021 12:29 pm

Sorry if this is a common question but I cannot seem to find any posts on this matter. How did they? I know they had straps for the carbine and tech 9 but what about the shotguns?
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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2021 12:58 pm

If im not wrong, Robyn Anderson bought the shotguns (and others fire arms, like the Hi-point 9mm) from unlicensed sellers, because she purchased these guns for someone else. Basically a ilegal purcharse.
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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2021 1:08 pm

margaflor wrote:
If im not wrong, Robyn Anderson bought the shotguns (and others fire arms, like the Hi-point 9mm)  from unlicensed sellers, because she purchased these guns for someone else. Basically a ilegal purcharse.
Oh, sorry I wasn't clear. I meant how did they psychically carry them during the massacre. Like, how did they carry them? I know the rifle and tech 9 were on a strap so they could carry those but what about the shotguns when they wanted to use the other weapon? And yes, you are correct.
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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2021 10:32 pm

Oh not problem, I'm sorry for my misunderstanding.

Regarding your question, I never thought for sure, but I understood that dylan had kept his sawed-off shotgun in his cargos, I thought it could have been similar during the massacre when they wanted to use other weapons but this may be uncertain because I don't know much Regarding guns I also thought that they could have also hung them but I don't know if it is possible in the same way. I went through the official reports a bit and did not find much detail to that
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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2021 4:43 am

I'm guessing that if one gun for both of them was carried on a strap, that would make holding the shotguns easier. Maybe the cafeteria footage can help us out here.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2021 6:33 am

I was reviewing the footage of the cafeteria and I am not very good at identifying weapons but I think at least Dylan, he does not have his shotgun and I cannot see that they are hanging anywhere, unless they have them somewhere not visible ? Like pants.
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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2021 8:24 am

margaflor wrote:
I was reviewing the footage of the cafeteria and I am not very good at identifying weapons but I think at least Dylan, he does not have his shotgun and I cannot see that they are hanging anywhere, unless they have them somewhere not visible  ?  Like pants.
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You can see Dylan's shotgun in his right hand in this photo of the surveillance.
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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2021 8:36 am

NoThanks wrote:
margaflor wrote:
I was reviewing the footage of the cafeteria and I am not very good at identifying weapons but I think at least Dylan, he does not have his shotgun and I cannot see that they are hanging anywhere, unless they have them somewhere not visible  ?  Like pants.
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You can see Dylan's shotgun in his right hand in this photo of the surveillance.

Oh sorry, in a hurry I looked at a poor quality image, I had not seen it. Now I see it clearly. I had forgotten for time and believed that they carried the shotguns on a strap or  their pants
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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2021 9:03 am

I think Eric kept his guns in some kind of belt that he had but that's all I can gather from the security camera photo.

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"
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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2021 4:53 am


Last edited by Carnalz on Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2021 3:11 pm

Carnalz wrote:
Klebold's double barreled shotgun was half hidden in his Cargos, and for Harris I read somewhere that it was hidden in one of the duffel bags.
I don't know much about guns but did he have the safety on? Was there even safety on the shotgun? That seems like dumb choice of place for it. What if it goes off?
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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2021 9:18 pm

NoThanks wrote:
Carnalz wrote:
Klebold's double barreled shotgun was half hidden in his Cargos, and for Harris I read somewhere that it was hidden in one of the duffel bags.
I don't know much about guns but did he have the safety on? Was there even safety on the shotgun? That seems like dumb choice of place for it. What if it goes off?

I doubt safety was a high priority. They were walking around lobbing pipe bombs after all. And if you've watched any of the footage of them out on the range you can see they were a pair of numb skulls when it came to handling guns safely.

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.

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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2021 2:42 am

Yea, they didn't come across scared at all. They put shrapnel in the pipebombs too. For them to detonate those pipebombs, in a school hallway, where they were stood not too far away from, showed utter disregard of the consequences. Walking up to the main bombs in the cafeteria also showed that they didn't give a fuck, if and when they went off. A shootout with the police also showed that they were thinking, "what will be, will be."

I think they were more scared of getting caught & arrested that day. They went there to die, as said on the Basement Tapes. It totally fucks with my head! The alternative endings this attack faced were massive, yet they still went through with it. I also believe they thought whatever happened was meant to be. Their Godlike attitude etc.....

I so wish that they had been caught by the police. Shot with a bullet, injuring one of them enough that suicide wasn't possible. Imagine an interview with Dylan now, in 2021 from prison? Damn...I dream alot! Take care everybody

My Grandma once said..... If I fart & sneeze at exactly the same time, I will do a BACK FLIP! Is this true? I only tried it once but shit myself. R.I.P Grandma x

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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 14, 2021 3:57 pm

Straps and slings for the not-shotguns and they just carried the shotguns around. Maybe that was the reason for the pistol grips. I think I like that explanation best.

They also made sure to play DOOM a lot, games where you switch guns depending on which enemies you face and what ammo you have, and usually between shotgun and chaingun. Playing DOOM IRL seems the obvious reason to go to the trouble.

And indeed I think the lack of experience with Duke Nukem 3D is why it's common to think they were lobbing pipe bombs into the cafeteria for the fun of it, rather than to set off the cafeteria bombs - which were just propane tanks with pipe bombs taped to them. They can't well have gone to "plan B" if they could have salvaged plan A by just tossing another pipe bomb. Most likely what Dylan did after the descending the outside stairs.

It seems the guns were out of DOOM and the bombs out of Duke Nukem 3D. I'd go further and say the former was Eric and the latter was Dylan ("Nobody steals our chicks, and lives." - Duke or Dylan?)

With one exception, the shotguns in Doom aren't pistol grips, at least not viewed in third person.  Duke's shotgun is more like a Mossberg, so maybe it was to fuse them.

The other idea is that a sawed off double barrel shotgun before DOOM II would be know as a lupara - a sort of signature weapon of the (Sicilian) mafia, which has the pistol grip sawed down too, and of course  there's the much reported Trench Coat Mafia connection.

On top of, of course, concealment.

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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2022 10:33 am

I doubt this is accurate, but in my mind, the two of them were duel-wielding their weapons. Considering their less than stable relationship with gun safety, I wouldn't be surprised. I bet the reason they killed so many in the library was not only due to the close proximity, but due to them actually using their guns properly.
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How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns?   How did Klebold and Harris carry both guns? Icon_minitimeTue Aug 23, 2022 1:20 am

I doubt this is accurate, but in my mind, the two of them were duel-wielding their weapons. Considering their less than stable relationship with gun safety, I wouldn't be surprised. I bet the reason they killed so many in the library was not only due to the close proximity, but due to them actually using their guns properly.

Just from a practical standpoint it would be very difficult to manage the recoil from a 12g that has been modified to a pistol grip with just one hand. Although both of their pistol caliber weapons were chambered for 9mm Eric's having a carbine length barrel results in a higher exit velocity and although not uncontrollable recoil something you would need two hands to manipulate with any level of accuracy. On the other hand Dylan would have been easily able to control the firearm he used with just one hand as it's designed to be operated in that capacity.

Like @cakemen mentioned last summer DOOMs influence on weapon selection is glaringly apparent. They sacrificed functionality for concealability when given the other equipment they carried into the school I don't see the trade off there being logical for someone taking a calculating view of the plan. The "cool" factor that influences a lot of firearms enthusiasts to this day did not spare them.

Anyway good thread, been lurking for a while, finally posted.

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