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 Trolley Square Shooting 2007 - 911 Calls

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Preston Condra

Preston Condra

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Trolley Square Shooting 2007 - 911 Calls Empty
PostSubject: Trolley Square Shooting 2007 - 911 Calls   Trolley Square Shooting 2007 - 911 Calls Icon_minitimeFri Jul 02, 2021 11:18 am

First Part - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Second Part - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Third Part / Police Dispatch - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I found some direct links to the Trolley Square 2007 shooting 911 calls.

All of this together spans over 3+ hours. Not kidding. I'll post you some of the highlights.

The first 911 call in Part 1 is fantastic.

Female Caller: There was...umm...TURN THE F&$%!N MUSIC OFF!!!
Dispatcher: What's going on ma'm?
Driver: Sorry, sorry.
Female Caller: A kid came running up to our car and he's covered in blood! (AJ Walker)

The police dispatcher is LITERALLY NOTHING but police dispatch. Be aware of that before listening.

The police dispatch section ends with the following.

Officer: We have the juvenile on the skybridge!
(Sulejman Talović  can be heard screaming)
Second Officer: Are we ready to move?
*The dispatch section ends*

You never can make out, heads or tails, who's talking to who in the police dispatch section sadly.

A lot of the 911 calls are scattered and placed randomly. You might get lost.

For Part 1 near the end? One call is OMG WE KILLED THE SHOOTER and literally the next one is gunfire still going off inside the mall.

Sarita Hammond (the wife to Kenneth Hammond, who ended up killing Sulejman Talović call is included in Part 2.)

Her call comes in about 4-5 minutes into Part 2.

Sarita: My husband is an off-duty officer! Please help!
Dispatcher: Okay ma'm are you okay?
Sarita: I'm okay - I'm in a restaurant right now.
Dispatcher: Can you lock yourself in a room? It's important-


Most of the calls in Part 2 are crap honestly but, then again you try listening to all of this together for 3 hours. Enjoy.

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Trolley Square Shooting 2007 - 911 Calls
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