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 Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree

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Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree Empty
PostSubject: Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree   Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree Icon_minitimeFri Dec 24, 2021 1:39 pm

After speeding in his neighborhood on Oct. 26 2002, Daniel (an 18 year old high school senior) was confronted by his neighbors. After presumably arguing with them, Daniel broke into his fathers house, stealing a 20 gauge pump action shotgun and several rounds of ammunition before beginning to fire on his neighbors killing Patsy Wells, 61, and injuring Elvie Gene Wells, 64, as well as Gregory Caughman aged 29 and his 2 year old daughter. He fled to a nearby car dealership where he shot and killed Reba Spangler, 58,  and fired on the owner of the dealership, injuring him. He drove to a statue shop and shot a couple who both survived their wounds, before shooting Matthew Tabor whilst driving down the highway. His final victim Linda Dutton was shot as she walked with her two children. She survived as well. Daniel eventually crashed his vehicle near Roland, OK. he surrendered without incident and with minor injuries to his his head. After his arrest he was later found not guilty by reason of insanity and sent to a psych clinic. He has been denied release twice.
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Daniel being taken to court:
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If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way

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Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree Empty
PostSubject: Re: Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree   Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree Icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2021 2:04 pm

I wonder where he is being held at if there is any way to communicate with him. He is the only mass shooter I know of that is in a psychiatric facility instead of a prison.
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PostSubject: Re: Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree   Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree Icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2021 2:07 pm

nicolecevario wrote:
I wonder where he is being held at if there is any way to communicate with him. He is the only mass shooter I know of that is in a psychiatric facility instead of a prison.
Dimitrios Pagourtzis is still in a facility iirc

If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way
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PostSubject: Re: Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree   Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree Icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2021 3:27 pm


Last edited by nicolecevario on Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:51 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree   Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree Icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2021 3:29 pm


Last edited by nicolecevario on Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:52 am; edited 3 times in total
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Age : 21
Location : Hell, USA

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PostSubject: Re: Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree   Daniel Hawke Fears and his 18 mile shooting spree Icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2021 6:03 pm

nicolecevario wrote:
10-26-02 Daniel Hawke Fears, 18, Sallisaw, Okla. (2 dead, 7 wounded)

A teenager apparently upset by complaints about his driving shot four neighbors, including a 2-year-old girl, then went on a 20-mile shooting spree, apparently targeting people at random, police said. Two of the victims died. He was arrested after losing control of his pickup truck and crashing near a police roadblock.

--Police said they believed Fears became angry when a neighbor scolded him for driving recklessly in the middle-class neighborhood.
As he approached his home on that Saturday afternoon, Fears nearly ran over his next-door neighbors' grandchildren, who were playing in the street, according to neighbors.
Fears broke into his father's house and stole a 20-gauge shotgun(loaded with birdshot). He shot and wounded his neighbor and his daughter after the man complained about his driving.
Fears then shot two other neighbors, killing one. He then got into his pickup and headed east on U.S. 64 to a car dealership, where a customer was killed. He continued firing as he drove down the highway, wounding two people who were shopping at a roadside statuary store. After he drove away from the store, he fired into a pickup and wounded a man in the arm and chest, authorities said. A short time later, he shot a pedestrian walking with her young children in the town of Muldrow, injuring the woman. Fears also shot at but did not hit a police officer from Muldrow.

--Some people in Sallisaw wondered if Fears was mimicking the sniper attacks in the Washington area. "I think it's a copycat thing," said Camellia Conley, an employee at a Sallisaw hotel. "He's been a rebel without a cause. He was always a loner, and always wore a black trench coat."

--Fears was described as a polite student who worked part-time at a Wal-Mart store and lived with his mother in Sallisaw, a town of about 8,000 people near the Oklahoma-Arkansas state line.

--A teacher at Sallisaw High School, where Fears is a senior, said nothing she had seen at the school indicated Fears was capable of such violence.

--There have been conflicting stories about the young man......all say he was very smart, but some say he was a loner and hung out with no one....while others say he had alot of friends and was very outgoing.

--On 7-7-06 his conviction was overturned by reason of insanity. Four mental health experts in the trial, three for the defense and one for the prosecution, said that Fears was schizophrenic and seriously mentally ill. A doctor who visited with him says Fears believed extra terrestrials were controlling him.
A relative of one of the victims with whom I have been in contact says the kid was on some kind of drug; he also says no blood tests were ever taken at the hospital for some unknown reason.

--Fears' attorney is Rob Nigh, who represented Timothy McVeigh during the Oklahoma City bombing suspect's trial.

Described by his father:
"Fears said his son had a 3.5 grade-point average "and worked 5 days a week on top of that. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He loved animals and his little nephew -- he just adored him.
"We spent most of the day Friday together, working on his pickup, going to lunch and talking about his future, what he wanted to do. He had everything planned out. He was happy we got his truck running well and went and told his mother all about it. Then he walked out of the house to go to work.
"She said, 'Oh, by the way. We got your report card. You got two As, a B and a C.' He gave her a thumbs up and a smile, and walked out.".
Forgot about the detail of his attorney also being Mcveighs

If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way
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