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 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK

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PostSubject: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 8:44 am

On the news today it was mentioned a 17 year old has been arrested in Loughborough, England for planning as the news lady put it an attack based on the 1999 Columbine massacre. This is just from memory from what i heard on the news but reportedly bomb making materials, rifles, pipe/ petrol bombs, knives and a crossbow were found in the teens home he shares with his mother. It was made out like he had quite a selection and was suggested he may have even had some kind of 'hit list'. The report said an audio recording was found where the boy made reference to Columbine and Virginia Tech. He is been referred to as a terrorist and is said to have believed there were too many Muslims living in his area and he held grudges against teachers and pupils, presumably from his current school or former school. It was mentioned throughout that the boy suffers from Asperger syndrome. Apparently two other boys have been arrested in connection but have since been released. The 17 year old was supposedly targeting local schools, a cinema and a mosque. The news reporter also stated that the boy had made refernce to other mass shootings in the USA but did not elaborate on this.
I know this is a bit of a vague description but it is just what i remembered hearing on the TV, it was a brief report and the Columbine reference caught my attention.

A quick online search yielded a few results:
This is a much more detailed account and describes the boy as a neo-Nazi who dubbed his plans 'the new Columbine.'
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Terrorism charge for boy of 17
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 1:18 pm

How did they got him?
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 2:44 pm

It didn't say how he was actually caught, i assume if three of them were involved it could have been a case of one or more of them talking about it thus getting caught, but i am not sure.
The boy who has been arrested is definitely been painted as the ringleader. There was a little more on the news this evening but it wasn't a main story, it was full of Columbine references. Including pictures of Eric and Dylan and Columbine High School.
The report this evening mentions the boy having a huge amount of weapons stored it seems in his bedroom, this also included military style clothing. Reportedly the boys also made video tapes of them showing off their bomb making.
There seems to be different bits and pieces to the story depending on what news source you read so it's difficult at the moment to tell what is true and what isn't.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 5:54 pm

Interesting. I'd like to hear more. I agree that they're definitely throwing all the blame on this particular kid, apparently because he was in possession of most of the arsenal. Please post more if you come across it.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeWed Oct 02, 2013 7:01 pm

Wideawake wrote:
Interesting. I'd like to hear more. I agree that they're definitely throwing all the blame on this particular kid, apparently because he was in possession of most of the arsenal. Please post more if you come across it.
Yes it certainly seems that way, the actual news shows are making out like this kid had a massive amount of arsenal stored in his bedroom and as the other two had less and seemed to be less involved they were released. At first i thought i wonder how he managed to hide all this stuff then realized that was probably a stupid question, but i am interested in how he managed to get his hands on such a large range of weapons if in fact the reports of such weapons are accurate. Apparently a great deal of the attack was planned out when the boy was 16 and some reports say the other two boys were featured in the videos they made describing the planning of the attack.
I will keep my eyes peeled for any more information that comes to light, hopefully there will be more on local news stations soon.

There's a little more information here, about the videos the boys made:
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I also noticed the Dark Knight poster reference so i assume he was familiar with the James Holmes case also. Many of the reports are the same at the moment but another interesting piece of information is that the boy was also in possession of body armour.  Many of the reports state he has rifles implying more than one so it would also be interesting to hear how he managed to get his hands of several guns if this is the case. I was thinking at the moment the simplest explanation would be he had a family member who owned rifles or something and stole them, but then surely they would notice missing guns, so i'm not sure about this.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 8:46 am

Items believed to be possessed by the teenager include:
"nine partially assembled petrol bombs, a quantity of commercial firework powder, a quantity of part-assembled pipe bombs, partially constructed improvised explosive devices (IEDs), quantities of commercial pyrotechnic fuse cords, a stab proof vest, a gas mask, three 0.22 air rifles, one Olympic 0.22 blank-firing pistol and a quantity of ammunition, one 0.22 air pistol, three BB guns, a black military belt containing air gun pellets and a silver cartridge, and one note book containing information about the planning and construction of explosive devices"
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It's very interesting how the pictures / description of Columbine are included in almost every news post. Especially when the teenager mentioned Columbine AND V-Tech on his audio recordings and apparently talked about other mass shootings which have not been identified.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 7:13 pm

A few more tidbits:
Teenage schoolboy accused of plotting Columbine-style massacre at his school 'supported EDL and would racially abuse classmates'

"The 17-year-old boy, who can not be named for legal reasons, kept newspaper stories about Raoul Moat and Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik along with a stockpile of weapons in his bedroom including a machete and homemade petrol bombs"

"In the week before his arrest in February, the boy wrote on Facebook Chat: 'I think I want to do it next April,' the court heard." (Emphasis mine)

"The jury have already been shown amateur videos showing the teenager and his two friends, also unnamed, testing petrol bombs made out of wine bottles, white spirit and lighter spirit, and socks or rags as the fuse.
Among 11,000 Facebook Chat messages, the teenager also discussed creating 'smoke-nades' with ping- pong balls and making 'acid-filled condoms' with a friend, the jury was told."

"Mr Hill showed jurors a selection of newspaper clipping found, including a report of a 16-year-old boy who planned a killing spree....'You can see the level of interest in atrocities, both domestic and foreign’, he said."

"A former classmate of the defendant, who cannot be identified, said his behaviour became 'uncontrollable at school' and began racially abusing other pupils"

"'He said he supported types of terrorist groups like the IRA, EDL (English Defence League), and was quite racist as well."

"'I was told he was quite a big racist and said offensive things to teachers. He was uncontrollable."

"In one incident the defendant became “wound up” when he was accidentally tripped by a pupil, the witness said.
'He started getting really mad, raging at this person,' the boy said."

"His teacher told the court: ‘He said I f**king hate Muslims and expressed a desire to blow up a mosque.
‘He is aware I am a chemistry teacher, and he was also keen to ask questions about explosives and chemicals.
‘I did not get involved with it because I didn’t want to be the one to tell anybody how to commit an atrocity.’" scratch 

"He said he had to issue regular reprimands to the teenager over his behaviour in class because of his bullying, and regular stream of racist remarks.
In one chilling exchange, the teacher recalled: ‘He made a specific comment to me when talking about guns.
‘He asked me which gun I would prefer to be shot with."

"He said Columbine was one of the attacks the teen pointed out, adding: ‘He was encouraging me to look at the firearms, making a judgement whether it was a good gun.
‘He mentioned people that had carried out the attacks and referred to those people as not bad people.’"

"‘With the incidents of racism, they were tirades of long drawn-out and frankly painful to listen to episodes of him going on about different people different religions and different orientations.’
He said the race hate began in October 2011, when the boy was just 15, ranting against Jewish people, Germans, and Muslims."

"The boy, now 17, is accused of stockpiling weapons, explosives, and a crossbow in preparation for a planned a killing spree in April next year."

"The defendant, who has Asperger’s syndrome, denies a charge of possessing items for the purpose, preparation and instigation of an act of terrorism.
The boy also denies one count of possessing a document or record containing information likely to be useful for a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, and a further count of possessing explosives in the form of component parts of IEDs."

Taken from:
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Based on this report it seems this teenager was highly disruptive in school, i'm wondering what the school did about this and if his mother was informed at all? (Many reports say the teen lived alone with his mother)
This behaviour if it started at 15 would have occurred when the boy was in high school. Many reports say the teenager was currently in college studying for his A Levels. (Just a note to those unfamiliar: In England you graduate 'High School' at 16 and go to 'College' from 16-18 then University) So i would be interested to know if the boys College knew about his disruptive high school behaviour or if his high school was just glad to be rid of him?

Raoul Moat: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
A less well known shooter in the UK who the teenager apparently had news paper clippings about.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 8:03 pm

ranted about Germans... what a fuck... Very Happy 
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 8:55 pm

em81 wrote:
ranted about Germans... what a fuck... Very Happy 
That is pretty absurd Very Happy 
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 9:02 pm

Hale-Bopp wrote:
em81 wrote:
ranted about Germans... what a fuck... Very Happy 
That is pretty absurd Very Happy 
It sounds like he ranted about pretty much everyone Smile 
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeThu Oct 03, 2013 9:47 pm

queenfarooq wrote:
Hale-Bopp wrote:
em81 wrote:
ranted about Germans... what a fuck... Very Happy 
That is pretty absurd Very Happy 
It sounds like he ranted about pretty much everyone Smile 
Yeah, but in case of Jews and muslims I can see an ideology behind this. But a british national scialist, who is racist against germans? That just doesnt make any sense.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2013 10:57 am

Hale-Bopp wrote:
Yeah, but in case of Jews and muslims I can see an ideology behind this. But a british national scialist, who is racist against germans? That just doesnt make any sense.
It is a little strange yes. One report said he made fun of a German classmate so i'm wondering if the "ranting against Germans" was just based on this, or if it was something more?

Another article i had not previously seen:
Interesting choice of picture.... But more of less the same information.

"a copy of the Mujahideen Poisons Handbook was allegedly discovered."

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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeFri Oct 04, 2013 4:27 pm

Do you guys think he would have actually gone through with it?

The reports make his sound angry. Anger plays a large part in a lot of these shootings so, I think he would have tried something.

"I'd rather die my way than live yours."- Lauren Oliver
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeSat Oct 05, 2013 4:21 pm

It sounds clear from the information that we have that he was pretty damn open about his intentions. Asking a teacher what gun he would prefer to get shot with? Wow. I wonder if someone reported him for comments like that, and if that was how he got caught. They also mentioned comments made on Facebook chat, but not who he was chatting with. That'd be good to know.

As far as whether he actually would have done it - I'd say likely. Not just the anger, but he had clearly been planning this awhile and was picking a date. That's when you get serious.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeTue Oct 08, 2013 5:00 pm

More in the news today: I just thought i'd highlight some of the main points and some new details. Columbine similarities are very interesting.

"A TEENAGE neo-Nazi accused of plotting a 'new Columbine' brought a gun into college and pulled out knives in the middle of a lesson, the Old Bailey heard (Tues)" Shocked 

"bragged about getting a machete for his birthday and making bombs in his bedroom, it is said."

"the teenager once pulled a large knife out of his trench coat pocket and told him 'look at this'."

"he brandished three knives in class when the teacher left the room."

"the teenager pulled out a knife from his boot and two other small blades when challenged by other students"

"'People were saying why don't you get your knife out, the teacher was not in the room at the time'."

"The court has heard the Nazi and EDL-obsessed teen had threatened to shoot and stab fellow college students, and had drawn up a list of targets for his attack in a notebook."

"The witness, also 17, told jurors the defendant had bragged of having a list of people he wanted to kill, and had shown him a gun at college. 'He said he had a gun on him at college and opened his bag', he said. 'Under his coat he had a gun shape. He said it is, but he didn't show me. 'I just saw what looks like an outline.'"

"boasted about having a shooting range at home."

"'He says he likes shooting, and I think he said he had been shooting ducks with his dad.'"

"made a string of racist remarks at another college student"

"'He hated a lot of the foreign people on the course, and he said he would kill all of them', he said. 'He said all of them were getting dole money, benefit money, and he wished we could kill them all - out of order comments."

"'He always fantasised of killing people, and said he had a gun range at home. 'He just said he had a list of people on there that he was going to kill.'"

"The court has heard the teenager and two pals made homemade petrol bombs and then filmed themselves testing them behind a local leisure centre."

"When police raided his home in February, they discovered a Nazi flag draped in his bedroom, and books about infamous mass murders alongside a copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf."

"claimed to be downloading books on making bombs." (At College)

"'On one website there was a countdown clock at the end of the website for a person getting out of prison', he added. 'He would always go on about how he wouldn't go to prison and would kill himself.'"

"denies possessing an article for a purpose connected with terrorism, possessing a document likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, and possessing parts for an improvised explosive. He has pleaded guilty to two counts of possessing an offensive weapon."

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Lifetime wrote:
Do you guys think he would have actually gone through with it?

The reports make his sound angry. Anger plays a large part in a lot of these shootings so, I think he would have tried something.
He certainly does sound like he had anger issues and I agree that i do think he would have tried something.
I'm not sure if he would have created the chaos he envisioned of blowing up several buildings and going on some kind of shooting spree. But i certainly think he would have been capable of attacking either his current college or former high school at the very least.

As Wideawake mentioned it would be good to know for sure how he got caught. It does sound like he was very open with his plans both online and in person so it sounds pretty likely someone reported him.
He certainly wasn't shy about expressing his plans / desire to kill. I can only assume all of the described behavior in both college and high school was just not taken very seriously by anyone, until finally someone reported him.
I'd like to know what if any kind of warning his high school gave to his college, or if they just washed their hands of him as soon as he left, as he sounds like a problem student. I also wonder if they ever informed his parents about his behavior.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeTue Oct 08, 2013 11:47 pm

There was a small mention on the news tonight about this case, basically repeated what is already posted in the thread. They also said this teenager had a picture of himself holding a gun as his Facebook profile picture. Also that he was a member of some kind of extremist organisation that Anders Breivik was a member of.
The report said he had a copy of the book 'Spree Killers: The World's Most Notorious Gunmen and their Deadly Rampages.' This one: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Apparently the book tells the stories of 45 spree killers from 1913 up until the more recent high school and shopping center massacres. I think the book was published in 2010.

I wonder if this will turn out like a Jared Cano type situation....
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeMon Oct 21, 2013 9:54 pm

I would like to read that book. I may have to buy it.

In my opinion, Jared Cano kinda got screwed. Not that I wanted him to have the chance to follow through with his plans, but he got some pretty hard time for it.

This kid, on the other hand, sounds like he should have been locked up some time ago. I would be very surprised if he HADN'T had some mental health treatment, done time in juvie, etc.

(I am very late commenting on this. I got lost in real life for several weeks.)
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeTue Oct 29, 2013 8:32 pm

I've been meaning to post back here for a week or so but I hadn't seen anything in the news etc for a while regarding this case. It certainly has not been given a great deal of coverage to my knowledge. I'm wondering if any other UK posters on here had heard about it (I know there's a few of us around) But I found some more information today:

"told a court he was just "messing about" when he filmed himself testing explosives and poison gas."

said "anti-Islamic material he recorded was "just for fun."

"told the jury he had been bullied as a child."

"told the court he had become fascinated with World War II, as well as the weapons and memorabilia associated with it, after a disruptive childhood in which he was repeatedly bullied."

There are several more references to him saying what he was doing was "messing around" and was "just for fun." The trial is still ongoing.

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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeTue Oct 29, 2013 8:39 pm

I'm surprised that they're not pushing for some sort of insanity plea. (Do they have that in the UK? I honestly don't know. I'm sure there's some form of it right?) His attorney has to realize and to have conveyed that this "just messing around" thing is not going to hold up.

I still don't see anything about the others involved. Did they just disappear?
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeWed Oct 30, 2013 6:08 pm

Wideawake wrote:
I'm surprised that they're not pushing for some sort of insanity plea. (Do they have that in the UK? I honestly don't know. I'm sure there's some form of it right?) His attorney has to realize and to have conveyed that this "just messing around" thing is not going to hold up.

I still don't see anything about the others involved. Did they just disappear?
Personally I don't think they would be able to push for any kind of insanity plea, as far as i know there has been no mention of him suffering from anything that would suggest he could be insane or suffered any kind of mental illness. So I'm not sure how they would be able to do this. I also haven't seen any reports to suggest that an insanity plea was ever considered.
He reportedly has Aspergers, an Autism spectrum disorder which could have made him vulnerable to other mental health issues but i haven't come across anything to suggest that yet. Some of the news articles above mention he was supported by an "intermediary" during the trail because of his Asperger's. (An Intermediary is usually assigned to a person with communication issues.)  

There is an insanity defense in England:Insanity at the time of the crime and insanity at the time of the trial. So i guess they would have to prove he was either insane throughout the entire planning process. Or that he is "too insane" to defend himself.
I agree that his defense must realize that "messing around" and "not serious" are just not going to balance out all the other seemingly incriminating evidence. In my opinion everything that he has been accused of certainly doesn't seem to be only "messing around." I find it quite bizarre that this seems to be his only defense.

The others involved only seem to have been mentioned in early articles. In this article all it says is they were "released on police bail without charge, pending further inquiries." [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeSat Nov 16, 2013 8:14 am

A few more interesting updates on this case:

Terror notes helped Loughborough boy cope with bullying
30 October 2013, BBC News
"he wrote about committing a school massacre because it helped him cope with bullying."

"He was also asked whether he would have detonated explosives inside the school, he replied: "deep down, no.""

""Writing it down made me feel better... as if I'd got my own back on the people that bullied me.""

"The teenager was asked whether it was a real operation and replied "no""

"The boy also told the court he could relate to murderers in a book he had bought because they had been bullied or mistreated."

"However, when asked by Mr Bajwa whether he was capable of doing what they had done he replied: "No, never""
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Personally I think the following two articles are the most interesting:

Loughborough terror accused 'fought nursery shooting urge'
October 31st 2013, BBC News
"told a friend he had an urge to shoot at a nursery, a court has heard."

"The boy had "fought" the urge to shoot at the nursery and instead he had physically attacked his mother.."

"admitted he would "sometimes" walk to college from his home carrying a knife and, on some occasions, a pistol."

"said that shortly after midnight on 20 December, he wrote a message to his friend on Facebook about the nursery incident. Mr Hill asked him: "Did you tell (your friend) that you were walking past the nursery when you felt a strong urge to shoot?" The defendant, who was 16 at the time the alleged offences were discovered, replied: "I did, yes.""

"Asked who he had felt like shooting, he replied: "People around the nursery.""

"whether he meant children or adults, or both, the teenager told the court: "I don't know. Because I wouldn't have done it.""

"Facebook message to the same friend read: "I nearly gave in, but I fought it and I hit my mum.""

"admitted sending the Facebook message and hitting his mother, adding: "She said some mean stuff.""

"He was angry because his mother had said he would "end up like that guy in America" who "shot those children"" I'm presuming she means Adam Lanza as he shot children, and that case seemed to get a fair amount of attention when the shootings initially happened in the UK media.

"The prosecutor also told the court of letters written by the teenager in which he said: "One day I will get the scumbags back.""

"Mr Hill read out part of one which said: "The only way to get some proper power is to hit back against the scum.""

"Asked about his letters, the teenager said: "That's how I was feeling.""
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Loughborough terror accused 'plotted Columbine-type deaths'
1st November 2013, BBC News
"he denied wanting to copy the killers during cross-examination." "They" = "The Columbine Killers"

"kept a picture of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who killed 12 students and a teacher at the US high school." Emphasis mine.

"intended to carry out his attack, which he referred to himself as "the operation", on 20 April, 2014."

"Asked if that was correct, the defendant, who has Asperger's syndrome, replied: "Quite possibly, yes.""

"The boy denied 20 April was a significant date for him as it was the day of the Columbine murders and the day Adolf Hitler was born. Mr Hill asked if by April the defendant intended to have a gun licence. He replied "possibly, yes" and also told the court he wanted to buy firearms."

"Asked why he had the picture of Klebold and Harris, he said: "Because it was to do with Columbine and part of history.""

"Photographs of the teenager making a military-style salute outside a mosque in Loughborough and outside a leisure centre, on which he had spray-painted the words "No more mosques", were shown to the jury. In the leisure centre picture, he was holding a machete."

"told the court he had been making the salute, with an arm raised up in the air, after seeing Norwegian mass killer Anders Breivik making a similar gesture."

"he posed with a machete because he "thought it would be cool", the court heard."

"also admitted to having shown a pistol to a group of strangers on a boat."

"he sent a text message to a friend reading: "So, pulled a pistol on people before."

"In a message sent to a friend on Facebook about the event, he also wrote: "Looked scared. They were on a boat. LOL.""
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The only defense this guy seems to have is it wasn't serious, he didn't mean it and wouldn't have gone through with it. I'm not so sure if i believe this to be the case.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeMon Nov 18, 2013 5:31 pm

queenfarooq wrote:
The only defense this guy seems to have is it wasn't serious, he didn't mean it and wouldn't have gone through with it. I'm not so sure if i believe this to be the case.
You forgot "I thought it would be cool" as a defense. That's the one that's going to get him off scot-free, lol. His defense team has quite a bit of work cut out for them.

Whether he truly intended to go through with it, the fact that he carried a knife and/or pistol around with him on a fairly regular basis is pretty frightening. I'd say that a tragedy was prevented when they arrested him. His idolization of Eric and Dylan, as well as Anders Breivik, his desire to shoot up a nursery school, being physically violent with his mother...I'm no psychiatrist, but I'd say he was a ticking time bomb.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeSun Nov 24, 2013 12:09 pm

Wideawake wrote:
queenfarooq wrote:
The only defense this guy seems to have is it wasn't serious, he didn't mean it and wouldn't have gone through with it. I'm not so sure if i believe this to be the case.
You forgot "I thought it would be cool" as a defense. That's the one that's going to get him off scot-free, lol. His defense team has quite a bit of work cut out for them.

Whether he truly intended to go through with it, the fact that he carried a knife and/or pistol around with him on a fairly regular basis is pretty frightening. I'd say that a tragedy was prevented when they arrested him. His idolization of Eric and Dylan, as well as Anders Breivik, his desire to shoot up a nursery school, being physically violent with his mother...I'm no psychiatrist, but I'd say he was a ticking time bomb.
He seems to me to be putting very little effort into trying to explain or defend his actions.

Apparently the boy is now facing a retrial: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeSat Dec 07, 2013 11:09 pm

queenfarooq wrote:
Wideawake wrote:
queenfarooq wrote:
The only defense this guy seems to have is it wasn't serious, he didn't mean it and wouldn't have gone through with it. I'm not so sure if i believe this to be the case.
You forgot "I thought it would be cool" as a defense. That's the one that's going to get him off scot-free, lol. His defense team has quite a bit of work cut out for them.

Whether he truly intended to go through with it, the fact that he carried a knife and/or pistol around with him on a fairly regular basis is pretty frightening. I'd say that a tragedy was prevented when they arrested him. His idolization of Eric and Dylan, as well as Anders Breivik, his desire to shoot up a nursery school, being physically violent with his mother...I'm no psychiatrist, but I'd say he was a ticking time bomb.
He seems to me to be putting very little effort into trying to explain or defend his actions.

Apparently the boy is now facing a retrial: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
How could they not convict? I can't imagine how they were unable to reach a decision after six days. Wow. Just wow.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeSun Dec 08, 2013 5:40 pm

Wideawake wrote:
How could they not convict? I can't imagine how they were unable to reach a decision after six days. Wow. Just wow.
From what I understand he was facing two charges under the Terrorism Act, i'm guessing that this is what nobody could make their mind up over. Regardless of this I feel like this young man needs some serious help before he actually harms anyone seriously. I never believed the idea it was just a "fantasy" plot to help him cope with bullying.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeTue Apr 15, 2014 7:15 am

Another recent article but it doesn't really contain any new information. He still maintains that it was just a joke.

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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeTue Apr 15, 2014 9:18 am

I've been following this case on the news a little.

Not sure if in any of your links it includes the video of him throwing the Molotov bomb but here is a link to YouTube of it for anyone interested.

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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeTue Apr 15, 2014 2:38 pm

Radioactive_Clothing wrote:
I've been following this case on the news a little.

Not sure if in any of your links it includes the video of him throwing the Molotov bomb but here is a link to YouTube of it for anyone interested.

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Thanks for the link, id not seen that before.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 16, 2014 2:41 am

Quote :
A teenager accused of plotting a 'new Columbine' massacre laughed in the dock today as he said that his threat to shoot children at his school was just a 'joke'.

Wow, doesn't sound like he is even attempting remorse. The whole joke defense is surely going to wear thin quickly.

Thanks for the link, Radioactive_Clothing.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 16, 2014 5:43 am

It sounds to me like it's the boy filming who sings the song at the end. I wonder why he got off the hook so easily?
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2014 1:49 pm

Teenager accused of plotting Columbine inspired massacre gets off terror charges after second Old Bailey jury could not reach verdict

Update: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeMon Jul 07, 2014 1:08 pm

For anyone who has been following this case:
Teenager 'who planned Columbine-style massacre' is detained under the Mental Health Act

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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeMon Jul 07, 2014 10:51 pm

queenfarooq wrote:
For anyone who has been following this case:
Teenager 'who planned Columbine-style massacre' is detained under the Mental Health Act

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Great call by the judge, IMO. Thanks for posting.
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeWed Oct 18, 2017 6:10 pm

Michael Piggin. What a name.
Liam Lyburd is more interesting. He was a guy that was arrested for plotting a school shooting, except he had an illegal Glock 19 Gen 3, CS gas, pipe bombs, 31 round Glock magazines and 94 hollow points (the extra bullet was probably for himself) and was caught hours before he was going to shoot up Newcastle College, which kicked him out in 2012.

Last edited by InsaneIntruder on Thu Oct 19, 2017 1:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Made a mistake, corrected it)

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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeWed Oct 18, 2017 10:31 pm

InsaneIntruder wrote:
Liam Lyburd is more interesting. He was a guy that was arrested for plotting a school shooting, except he had an illegal Glock 19 Gen 3, CS gas, pipe bombs, 31 round Glock magazines and 94 hollow points (the extra bullet was probably for himself and was caught hours before he was going to shoot up Newcastle College, which kicked him out in 2012.

Those gun control laws are working their magic, I see. /s

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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeThu Oct 19, 2017 1:52 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
InsaneIntruder wrote:
Liam Lyburd is more interesting. He was a guy that was arrested for plotting a school shooting, except he had an illegal Glock 19 Gen 3, CS gas, pipe bombs, 31 round Glock magazines and 94 hollow points (the extra bullet was probably for himself and was caught hours before he was going to shoot up Newcastle College, which kicked him out in 2012.

Those gun control laws are working their magic, I see. /s
Indeed, considering he got all his stuff off the deep web. He probably would've killed a lot of people if he hadn't posted threats on facebook.

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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeThu Oct 19, 2017 5:24 pm

InsaneIntruder wrote:
Indeed, considering he got all his stuff off the deep web.

Isn't that also how Ali David Sonboly got his gun too?

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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PostSubject: Re: 17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK   17 Year Old's Foiled Mass Shooting / Bombing Spree UK Icon_minitimeThu Oct 19, 2017 8:22 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
InsaneIntruder wrote:
Indeed, considering he got all his stuff off the deep web.

Isn't that also how Ali David Sonboly got his gun too?
Yes, he met up with a gun seller that he found on the deep web. He bought a Glock 17 and more than 400 rounds of ammunition. He'd mentioned going on a trip to Austria and "shooting sandniggers" if he had any ammo left. He also practised shooting in his sound proof basement and police found more than 100 bullet holes, so he would've had 300 rounds or so. He also apparently only had 2 magazines and manually reloaded them (basically would load more bullets into the same 2 magazines).
Kinda went from talking about Sonboly buying his gun to just completely rambling about off-topic Sonboly stuff...
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