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 Court Videos

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PostSubject: Court Videos   Court Videos Icon_minitimeFri Jan 14, 2022 5:53 pm

First. I am new to this forum and want to say hello to everyone still here. So to get to the point of this post:

I am wanting to know if there are any new court videos regarding Nikolas Cruz. I have watched the ones from like a year or two ago and the latest ones I have seen are the jury selection video and the guilty plea he gave. I know Nikolas Cruz has had another court appearance within the last month or so as the judge Elizabeth Scherer has given the lawyers more time to make their cases etc. Is it possible that any one here knows how to find the videos? I have searched YouTube etc but have found nothing new within the last three months. Please send any information/links you have below if there is any at all.

Thanks for reading my post.
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Mr Bubbless
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Mr Bubbless

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PostSubject: Re: Court Videos   Court Videos Icon_minitimeFri Jan 14, 2022 10:08 pm

TheChavBoi wrote:
First. I am new to this forum and want to say hello to everyone still here. So to get to the point of this post:

I am wanting to know if there are any new court videos regarding Nikolas Cruz. I have watched the ones from like a year or two ago and the latest ones I have seen are the jury selection video and the guilty plea he gave. I know Nikolas Cruz has had another court appearance within the last month or so as the judge Elizabeth Scherer has given the lawyers more time to make their cases etc. Is it possible that any one here knows how to find the videos? I have searched YouTube etc but have found nothing new within the last three months. Please send any information/links you have below if there is any at all.

Thanks for reading my post.

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PostSubject: Re: Court Videos   Court Videos Icon_minitimeSat Jan 15, 2022 3:27 am

Mr Bubbless wrote:
TheChavBoi wrote:
First. I am new to this forum and want to say hello to everyone still here. So to get to the point of this post:

I am wanting to know if there are any new court videos regarding Nikolas Cruz. I have watched the ones from like a year or two ago and the latest ones I have seen are the jury selection video and the guilty plea he gave. I know Nikolas Cruz has had another court appearance within the last month or so as the judge Elizabeth Scherer has given the lawyers more time to make their cases etc. Is it possible that any one here knows how to find the videos? I have searched YouTube etc but have found nothing new within the last three months. Please send any information/links you have below if there is any at all.

Thanks for reading my post.

Hello Mr Bubbless. Thanks for the videos. I have seen those ones however I think those was the last ones I have seen up to date. Thanks for sharing though.

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Mr Bubbless
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Mr Bubbless

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PostSubject: Re: Court Videos   Court Videos Icon_minitimeSat Jan 15, 2022 5:54 am

TheChavBoi wrote:
Mr Bubbless wrote:
TheChavBoi wrote:
First. I am new to this forum and want to say hello to everyone still here. So to get to the point of this post:

I am wanting to know if there are any new court videos regarding Nikolas Cruz. I have watched the ones from like a year or two ago and the latest ones I have seen are the jury selection video and the guilty plea he gave. I know Nikolas Cruz has had another court appearance within the last month or so as the judge Elizabeth Scherer has given the lawyers more time to make their cases etc. Is it possible that any one here knows how to find the videos? I have searched YouTube etc but have found nothing new within the last three months. Please send any information/links you have below if there is any at all.

Thanks for reading my post.

Hello Mr Bubbless. Thanks for the videos. I have seen those ones however I think those was the last ones I have seen up to date. Thanks for sharing though.

I'm sure that's the last time he was actually in physical court, any other recent appearances would've been via Zoom call.
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Age : 23
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PostSubject: Re: Court Videos   Court Videos Icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2022 7:54 am

Mr Bubbless wrote:
TheChavBoi wrote:
Mr Bubbless wrote:
TheChavBoi wrote:
First. I am new to this forum and want to say hello to everyone still here. So to get to the point of this post:

I am wanting to know if there are any new court videos regarding Nikolas Cruz. I have watched the ones from like a year or two ago and the latest ones I have seen are the jury selection video and the guilty plea he gave. I know Nikolas Cruz has had another court appearance within the last month or so as the judge Elizabeth Scherer has given the lawyers more time to make their cases etc. Is it possible that any one here knows how to find the videos? I have searched YouTube etc but have found nothing new within the last three months. Please send any information/links you have below if there is any at all.

Thanks for reading my post.

Hello Mr Bubbless. Thanks for the videos. I have seen those ones however I think those was the last ones I have seen up to date. Thanks for sharing though.

I'm sure that's the last time he was actually in physical court, any other recent appearances would've been via Zoom call.

They must have postponed the hearings through zoom then maybe. Find them interesting to watch when they get made available to the public to watch!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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