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 Dylan at school VS Eric at school

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Dylan at school VS Eric at school Empty
PostSubject: Dylan at school VS Eric at school   Dylan at school VS Eric at school Icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2022 10:32 am

What I find interesting is that there is a lot more evidence that Dylan was a lot more violent and aggressive at school.
In late 1998, Dylan was known to bully underclassmen with special needs. Dylan would threaten to kill him and if he went to class... The student told his parents who alerted the authorities. He would also vandalize another student's locker. Dylan was sent to the dean's office and began pacing up and down cursing. Dylan had to pay $70 and was suspended for 1 day. Which is also mentioned in one of his journal entries. Overall Dylan had a very bad temper and couldn't control it. Dylan also had difficulties with authorities, often cursing at them and being rude in class.

When you look at Eric Harris, he seemed to be more in control of his emotions in school.

This is kind of funny when you look at their journals, cause you would think the opposite. I guess the repressed rage came out at home in his journal.
And then when you look at Dylan´s journal it shows a lot of his sensitive and contemplative side, with here and there some murderous stuff.

I just find the psychology very interesting behind the two. And found this difference very interesting.

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