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 Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot

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Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Empty
PostSubject: Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot   Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2022 1:23 pm

Dimitris Patmanidis:
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot   Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2022 1:25 pm

Karl Rose:
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Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot   Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2022 1:45 pm

ANOMIC wrote:
Dimitris Patmanidis:

Dimitris did not "reactivate" a blank gun. This is misinformation that has been spread for years. Both of his pistols were Traumatic blank guns; these are very popular in Russia (where Dimitris was originally from) for self defense. They shoot hard rubber projectiles.

Life is a lesson, you'll learn it when you're dead.
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot   Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2022 2:03 pm

CadaverCasualty wrote:
ANOMIC wrote:
Dimitris Patmanidis:

Dimitris did not "reactivate" a blank gun. This is misinformation that has been spread for years. Both of his pistols were Traumatic blank guns; these are very popular in Russia (where Dimitris was originally from) for self defense. They shoot hard rubber projectiles.
He modified the rubber bullets with wax sealed pellets. Do you have a source they were only rubber?

If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot   Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2022 2:05 pm

The Crawley college attacker used a blank gun and a knife, and injured 2 people.

If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot   Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2022 2:12 pm

ANOMIC wrote:
Dimitris Patmanidis:
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Do you have any other photos of Dimitris?
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot   Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2022 2:26 pm

ad wrote:
ANOMIC wrote:
Dimitris Patmanidis:
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Do you have any other photos of Dimitris?
I made a post on him a day or so ago, theres a couple photos there

If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way
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Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot   Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2022 3:31 pm

Ali David Sonboly's reactivated Glock 17 that previously had been used as a theatre prop:
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Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot   Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2022 6:09 pm

Michael James Holt (Attempted mass shooter who converted blanks also made homemade shotguns):
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot   Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2022 6:28 pm

ANOMIC wrote:
Ali David Sonboly's reactivated Glock 17 that previously had been used as a theatre prop:
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If I remember correctly, it was live fire, then a prop, then live fire again for Sonboly.

If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way

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Posts : 296
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Age : 21
Location : Hell, USA

Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot   Mass shooters who used converted blank guns/reactivated guns in their shoot Icon_minitimeFri Mar 25, 2022 4:07 pm

ANOMIC wrote:
Michael James Holt (Attempted mass shooter who converted blanks also made homemade shotguns):
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Odd tid bit about this guy. He claimed to be homophobic yet had sexual conversations with underage boys and girls.

If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way

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