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 Different thoughts

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PostSubject: Different thoughts   Different thoughts Icon_minitimeMon Mar 21, 2022 5:50 pm

Aloha, I just discovered this useful forum:

A while ago I heard Sue Klebold (Columbine parent) being interviewed on PBS. I was disappointed to hear her say, several years after the incident--

Quote :
". . . I might've in some way inadvertently contributed to his perception of something at a given moment," Sue's use of the word "might've" (might have) is a clue, it's referred to as covert denial; however, her word "inadvertently" is accurate. Sue was and still appears to be unconscious.


". . . I felt for a very long time that it must've been something I did . . ." Here the words "felt" and "something" are clues. The implied communication being, I finally arrived at that it wasn't any specific thing I did or did not do or said or did not say. One thinks thoughts. One feels feelings.

Sue was still using everyone's home-grown definition of the word responsibility, the one we learned from parents, teachers, and clergy; it's missing the word "cause." One can't complete an incomplete they aren't willing to have caused; ergo, Sue's prolonged sadness, confusion,  and dramatized grief.

It prompted me to post an "Open letter to Sue Klebold." Google w/quotes.

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PostSubject: Re: Different thoughts   Different thoughts Icon_minitimeTue Mar 22, 2022 2:14 pm

I'll be honest, I'm not sure what you're pointing at, you might be diving in too deep. What you might need to realize is that Sue was a run of the mill civilian pre-columbine, she's not some professional speaker, not some college professor, she's just a civilian, people will tend to make mistakes when they're not a pro at public speaking, while yes, she does speak out, it's not her job to talk, hence, she can and will make mistakes in her speech.

"i'll always be here for you, baby, rain or shine, you'll always be mine"

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PostSubject: Re: Different thoughts   Different thoughts Icon_minitimeTue Mar 22, 2022 4:44 pm

Thanks for your thoughts theartofwar.
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PostSubject: Re: Different thoughts   Different thoughts Icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2022 12:08 am

Endless Love by DVRST makes me think of Dylan's last moments before he died. Here's it basically:
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PostSubject: Re: Different thoughts   Different thoughts Icon_minitime

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