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 Dylan Roof going to Supreme Court for Appeal

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Dylan Roof going to Supreme Court for Appeal Empty
PostSubject: Dylan Roof going to Supreme Court for Appeal   Dylan Roof going to Supreme Court for Appeal Icon_minitimeMon May 30, 2022 3:55 pm

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What do you guys think will come of this?

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PostSubject: Re: Dylan Roof going to Supreme Court for Appeal   Dylan Roof going to Supreme Court for Appeal Icon_minitimeMon May 30, 2022 8:01 pm

Executions take forever, so I think people will be complaining for a long time that he is not dead. Regardless of whether this appeal affects anything, I can guarantee that people will continue complaining about how he expects white supremacists to break him out of prison to prevent him from getting executed, and people will continue complaining about how he wants to be made governor of South Carolina someday. I wish there were more Dylann posts here on the forum, it's a case I remember very vividly and it doesn't get talked about much here anymore. Anyone remember the Tumblr girl who pretended to have gotten pregnant with Dylann Roof's baby by having like, conjugal sex or something but it turned out she was just fat? I'm starting to wonder if i'm having false memories or something.

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PostSubject: Re: Dylan Roof going to Supreme Court for Appeal   Dylan Roof going to Supreme Court for Appeal Icon_minitimeMon May 30, 2022 10:16 pm

22:22 wrote:
Executions take forever, so I think people will be complaining for a long time that he is not dead. Regardless of whether this appeal affects anything, I can guarantee that people will continue complaining about how he expects white supremacists to break him out of prison to prevent him from getting executed, and people will continue complaining about how he wants to be made governor of South Carolina someday. I wish there were more Dylann posts here on the forum, it's a case I remember very vividly and it doesn't get talked about much here anymore. Anyone remember the Tumblr girl who pretended to have gotten pregnant with Dylann Roof's baby by having like, conjugal sex or something but it turned out she was just fat? I'm starting to wonder if i'm having false memories or something.

I actually lived in SC during the shooting. I knew the track coach who died, Coach Singleton since I ran track for another local school. So, I remember a lot of the aftermath in CHS and the conspiracies/his idiotic trial. Dylann is an interesting subject matter due to the nature of his crime and how it’s not talked about more, i don’t know. I think i remember that tumblr girl thing but there was a lot of country confederates at my school who wanted to marry him and legit thought he was doing SC a favor and he was the “start” of a race war.
But to your comment about him not dying, as my mother told me, he will live a life of guardedness since all the inmates want to kill him. Either way, i don’t see how he doesn’t want the execution tbh. i honestly thought his personality type would like death by firing squad due to it being legal now in SC

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PostSubject: Re: Dylan Roof going to Supreme Court for Appeal   Dylan Roof going to Supreme Court for Appeal Icon_minitime

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