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 Dates Of Shootings/Attacks That Were Chosen For Specific Reasons

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PostSubject: Dates Of Shootings/Attacks That Were Chosen For Specific Reasons    Dates Of Shootings/Attacks That Were Chosen For Specific Reasons  Icon_minitimeTue Aug 02, 2022 8:10 am

1998 United States Embassy Bombings: August 7th, 8 year anniversary of when American troops were sent to Saudi Arabia

Columbine High School Massacre: Originally April 19th in honor of the Oklahoma City Bombing, but than changed to April 20th due to Eric Harris not having enough 9mm ammo for his Hi-Point 995

Jokela High School Shooting: November 7th (Unconfirmed),Pekka-Eric Auvinen had planned to do the shooting in November, but he didn't know what day he wanted to do it, had bought his gun to school a few days before the shooting. Wrote to someone online before the 7th he thought he would have committed the attack by then. November 7th was the 90th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, whether he ultimately decided to do the shooting on the 7th because of that, is inconclusive.

Aztec High School Shooting: December 7th (rumored): Was said to have done the shooting that day because William Atchison had a relative who died during the Attack On Pearl Harbor, whether if that relative was a serviceman or civilian, it hasn't been disclosed.

Orange High School Shooting: August 30th, Alvaro Castillo chose August 30th because it was the 24th birthday of Kip Kinkel (Thurston High School Shooting) and also the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

Franklin Regional High School Stabbing: April 9th, Alex Hribal originally wanted to do the attack on April 20th, but the school would be closed because it was a weekend, so he choose April 9th because it would have been Eric Harris's birthday

Pearl High School Shooting: October 1st (unconfirmed), reportedly did it that day cause it was the one year anniversary of Luke Woodham breaking up with his ex-girlfriend Christina Menefee (who he killed)

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: December 14th (only a theory and unconfirmed): Some think Adam Lanza did it on December 14th because it was Monkey Day, an unofficial international holiday

Arapahoe High School Shooting: December 13th (unconfirmed): Karl Pierson may chosen the 13th to coincide with the 1 year anniversary of the Sandy Hook Shooting, but he may have also planned it for December 14th but it was going to be a Saturday.

Virginia Tech Massacre: April 16th (unconfirmed): Might have chose the 16th because it was Holocaust Remembrance Day, after Seung Hui Cho had earlier accused a professor of going "on a holocaust" against him, which happened on April 17th 2006, one day off from he 1 year anniversary of the confrontation with said professor

Saugus High School Shooting: November 14th (theorized/unconfirmed): Nathaniel Berhow might have possibly chose the 14th on purpose because it was his 16th birthday.

Oklahoma City Bombing: April 19th, chosen because it was the 220th anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War, and also because it was the
2nd year anniversary of the end of the Waco Siege

Some of my personal theories:

Emsdetten School Shooting: Sebastian Bosse wrote in his diary he was considering November 17th, 20th, or 21st. He did it on the 20th. He had a court hearing on the 21st for illegally possessing a Walther P38, and if he didn't show up he would have probably been arrested. My theory for why he chose the 20th is: he chose the 20th because it would replicate Columbine, since Columbine happened on a 20th, and also because he was due in court the next day and he didn't want to go to it when he was already planning to kill himself and others.

Dawson College Shooting: September 13th, Kimveer Gill was obsessed with 9/11 and the conspiracy theories surrounding it. Kimveer hated religion, if he did the attack on the 5th anniversary of 9/11, the shooting could have possibly been seen as an act of terrorism, and Kimveer probably didn't want the shooting to be seemed as such. He could have choose the 13th because he wanted it to be at least around the anniversary since he was obsessed with the event. But, he could have just did it on the 13th just because he felt like it.

2012 Moscow Shooting: November 7th, On the day of the shooting, Dmitry Vinogradov posted a manifesto to his VK account which declared his hatred for society and the human race. The manifesto is somewhat reminiscent of Pekka-Eric Auvinens manifesto. Did Dmitry chose the 7th because it was the 5th anniversary of the Jokela Shooting? Did he possibly admire Auvinen? It could be possible he may have researched shootings in the past since on his VK profile he listed Natural Born Killers as one of his favorite movies, which of course were a favorite of Eric and Dylan and other shooters. This is ironic in a sense that, Auvinen (possibly) choose the 7th because of an event in Russia, and Vinogradov (possibly) choose the 7th because of an event in Finland. Of course, then again the 7th could have just been a complete coincidence, and Dmitry was unaware of the Jokela Shooting and he could have just decided to do it that day for no apparent reason.

Last edited by Engel on Sat Aug 27, 2022 1:31 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: Dates Of Shootings/Attacks That Were Chosen For Specific Reasons    Dates Of Shootings/Attacks That Were Chosen For Specific Reasons  Icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2022 1:26 am

Janaúba Massacre: October 5th, Damião Soares dos Santos chose that day because it was the 3 year anniversary of his fathers death
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PostSubject: Re: Dates Of Shootings/Attacks That Were Chosen For Specific Reasons    Dates Of Shootings/Attacks That Were Chosen For Specific Reasons  Icon_minitimeFri Feb 03, 2023 2:11 pm

Salvador Ramos: May 24: 10th anniversary of murder committed by Luka Magnotta

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

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PostSubject: Re: Dates Of Shootings/Attacks That Were Chosen For Specific Reasons    Dates Of Shootings/Attacks That Were Chosen For Specific Reasons  Icon_minitimeWed Jul 05, 2023 8:08 am

Adam Lanza's one is weird if true.
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