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 Dreams about Columbine?

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Dreams about Columbine?  Empty
PostSubject: Dreams about Columbine?    Dreams about Columbine?  Icon_minitimeWed Aug 10, 2022 7:56 pm

Last night I swear I didn't read anything about Columbine nor did had thoughts about it before sleeping but I dreamt of E & D trying to recreate the shooting inside a mall where I was at in my dream. It was surreal.

They seemed very excited about it and kept requesting for media coverage and I dont know if its because my height was short but both of them appeared to be taller than I thought they were! Lol

I was scared as soon as I saw them but only because they were holding the same weapons that they used in the shooting and they were also wearing the same clothes.

So crowds panicked and scattered looking for hiding spots or the nearest exits as soon as we heard their announcement.

The funny part for me was when they came inside the room I was hiding at. They asked, "Where is the library here?" and someone from the room answered them frantically "Downstairs!" And then as they were heading towards the stairs. I shouted "Go.. NB.....!" They just smiled whilst watching their steps and then I immediately lowered my voice when I uttered 'K' word cause thats when I noticed people were glaring at me.

Has anyone also had dreams about columbine???

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Posts : 102
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Dreams about Columbine?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dreams about Columbine?    Dreams about Columbine?  Icon_minitimeWed Aug 10, 2022 8:42 pm

nrmnfckngrckwll wrote:
Last night I swear I didn't read anything about Columbine nor did had thoughts about it before sleeping but I dreamt of E & D trying to recreate the shooting inside a mall where I was at in my dream. It was surreal.

They seemed very excited about it and kept requesting for media coverage and I dont know if its because my height was short but both of them appeared to be taller than I thought they were! Lol

I was scared as soon as I saw them but only because they were holding the same weapons that they used in the shooting and they were also wearing the same clothes.

So crowds panicked and scattered looking for hiding spots or the nearest exits as soon as we heard their announcement.

The funny part for me was when they came inside the room I was hiding at. They asked, "Where is the library here?" and someone from the room answered them frantically "Downstairs!" And then as they were heading towards the stairs. I shouted "Go.. NB.....!" They just smiled whilst watching their steps and then I immediately lowered my voice when I uttered 'K' word cause thats when I noticed people were glaring at me.

Has anyone also had dreams about columbine???

bro, your dreams are not necessarily based on what you lived on the exact day of the dream. and yes, if you know them, this is designed. it was more a dream of a contemplative nature, because they did nothing with you.
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Dreams about Columbine?
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