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 why was monica's father insensitive to robyn hours after the shooting?

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why was monica's father insensitive to robyn hours after the shooting? Empty
PostSubject: why was monica's father insensitive to robyn hours after the shooting?   why was monica's father insensitive to robyn hours after the shooting? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 25, 2022 10:44 am

sorry if i'm posting in the wrong area. i've never posted before on a forum. anyways hours after the shooting monica’s father drove the girls [robyn and friends] home. at one point, he asked robyn, “how does it feel to go to prom with a killer?” robyn didn’t react much to his question. i'm confused about how he could ask robyn that just 3 hours after a tragedy. does this come off like monica's dad suspected robyn of being involved or what? am i over thinking that statement?
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Other Crimes Moderator & Top 10 Contributor

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why was monica's father insensitive to robyn hours after the shooting? Empty
PostSubject: Re: why was monica's father insensitive to robyn hours after the shooting?   why was monica's father insensitive to robyn hours after the shooting? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2022 4:23 pm

I assume it was because so many people were shocked and angry over it. But I think Monica might’ve been friends with them too. So I’m not sure why the aggression towards Robyn .

Unless Monica’s dad spoke to her privately?

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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why was monica's father insensitive to robyn hours after the shooting?
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