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 Breivik is trying to sue again

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Breivik is trying to sue again Empty
PostSubject: Breivik is trying to sue again   Breivik is trying to sue again Icon_minitimeWed Sep 07, 2022 7:39 pm

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Norwegian mass murderer Breivik sues Norwegian state, again

Norwegian far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in 2011, is once again suing the Norway government in a bid to force an end to his isolation, Norwegian media reported Friday.
Breivik has been in solitary confinement in prison ever since his 2012 conviction and has not had contact with other inmates during his sentence, according to lawyer Oÿystein Storrvik.

The Aftenposten daily said a notice was sent Thursday by Storrvik to the Justice Ministry.

Earlier this year, Breivik was moved from one prison to another but Storrvik told Norwegian news agency NTB there has been no progress in terms of human contact.

"He has no contact with anyone other than prison guards," said Storrvik, adding it it was a violation of human rights.

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Breivik is trying to sue again Empty
PostSubject: Re: Breivik is trying to sue again   Breivik is trying to sue again Icon_minitimeWed Sep 07, 2022 9:16 pm

Breivik Better Get That Bread.

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Breivik is trying to sue again
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