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 Fathers of the revolution

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PostSubject: Fathers of the revolution   Fathers of the revolution Icon_minitimeTue Apr 15, 2014 8:06 pm

"We need to fucking kick-start the revolution here!" - Eric Harris, 1999

4/20 was the last youth (a more apt term than "school," perhaps) shooting that stood on its own two feet, so to speak. The narrative of every shooting since then has been shaped (and to some degree diminished) by the template created by the initial media coverage of Eric and Dylan's crimes. This template has been distorted by the would-be chroniclers of NBK, but even after five years of Dave Cullen's incessant self-promotion, it retains a surprising degree of cultural currency.

If tradition is a tyranny imposed by the dead upon the living, then Klebold and Harris are the tyrants of postmodern adolescent-male rage expression. They are the progenitors of a ghastly new breed of man - the disaffected millennial who externalizes his self-loathing with the trigger of a gun. (One can easily find similar archetypes in earlier periods of American history, of course.) James Holmes, Seung-Hui Cho, Anders Behring Brevik - all dwarves, lurching on the stooped shoulders of two boys who blew their brains out early on a Tuesday afternoon in the third full week of the fourth month of the penultimate year of the second millennium. (There was no year zero, you see.)

Eric and Dylan never succeeded in their attempts to initiate (let alone complete) male-to-female sperm transmission. But they ended up giving birth, nonetheless.
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Juicy Jazzy

Juicy Jazzy

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PostSubject: Re: Fathers of the revolution   Fathers of the revolution Icon_minitimeTue Apr 22, 2014 10:07 am

If it wasn't Columbine, another sick event would have started it.
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Fathers of the revolution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fathers of the revolution   Fathers of the revolution Icon_minitimeTue Apr 22, 2014 1:32 pm

Mass Shooters existed long before E+D and will exist long after them. And in fact, the Shooters who existed before E+D showed the same archetypical behaviours who are seen in most perpetrators.
Eric and Dylan did not create a cultural concept, they participated in one that was already there. They just got an unusual high amount of attention for doing it.
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PostSubject: Re: Fathers of the revolution   Fathers of the revolution Icon_minitimeTue Apr 22, 2014 2:41 pm

Anders wasn't a millennial.  He was born in 1979.
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PostSubject: Re: Fathers of the revolution   Fathers of the revolution Icon_minitimeTue Apr 22, 2014 4:05 pm

sergeant hartman wrote:
Anders wasn't a millennial.  He was born in 1979.

Okay, so he missed the cutoff by a couple of years. Sue me. Very Happy

I was born in '85, but I've always identified with the cynical Generation X slacker mentality. When I was in school, bubbly overachievers made me want to gag.
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PostSubject: Re: Fathers of the revolution   Fathers of the revolution Icon_minitime

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