Speech adaptation from the movie/book The Silence of the Lambs
-Tell me more about the crime scene.
- The room was a mess, the 3 victims were stabbed to death. however, on the bed there was a notebook connected to youtube, where was Elliot's video, Retribution, his manifesto printed next to it, an open diary and it was noticed that some pages were torn and the open page said exactly that he'd taken it out so they wouldn't find out about his plans and said everyone to die. There was also a drawing on the spot.
- Was it a drawing of him stabbing someone else?
- Yes, exactly.
- How many stabs did he give the 3 victims in total?
- More than 140, and in one there were 94.
– He was fascinated by knives, but mostly using them on male people. this is not an attribute of crazy misogynist. As far as I know, it is Homicide Homosexuals who carry out such violent acts against men.
- His anger was always with women. the manifest...
- Manifest? Clarice, you knows, not everything we write necessarily corresponds to the truth. Was something rescued from his computer?
- Yea.
- And did he mention everything he had seen or done in both the manifesto and the diary?
- No. he for example researched terrorist attacks in shanghai days before the attack, and since 2012 has been studying extremist ideologies and violent acts linked to the stabbing and preparing for the attack. he was even an admirer of the Virginia Tech shooter and also of Himmler, and he mentioned almost none of this in the media he left.
- Was Himmler's death the day he made the right attack?
- Yea.
- So we already know where the symbolism came from. our Rodger wasn't telling the whole truth in his manifesto. the way of designing the crime scene, together with the media that he left, demonstrate an analytical mind, whose aim has always been to generate a narrative.
- He changed his mind to attack many times.
- Based on what do you say that Clarice? in his manifesto that he himself manipulated?
- It could have been a coincidence.
- Natural phenomena can be coincidences, not planned attacks.
Quid Pro Quo Clarice. what is your worst childhood memory?
- My father's death.
- Why did he die?
- He was chief of police and went to answer a call of robbery, two robbers. they shot him.
- And he died instantly?
- No, it was strong, it resisted for more than a month.
- You are very frank Clarice. this will be of benefit to know about your personal life.
- Quid Pro Quo Doctor.
- Elliot was not heterosexual, he could pretend to be many things, but he was nothing like that.
- But how is that possible?
- A cold, calculating and analytical mind, combined with distorted emotions can do anything. he manipulated all the media to create the narrative that suited him. his anger was never against girls, but against everyone, against humanity and especially against men. Misogynist he never was. Radical misanthrope, yes.
- But he was just a shy boy with psychological problems.
- Age does not mean ability. and don't be fooled. appearance doesn't say anything about essence.