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 Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?

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Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Empty
PostSubject: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 06, 2023 6:22 am

"Without me, you'd all be pouring over the same boring and stale conversations. I'm the first researcher, from this community, to speak extensively with affected members of this tragedy."

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PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 06, 2023 7:14 am

If it wasn't him, someone else would, with time. Bill isn't special, he's just the one who had the idea of doing it first.

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Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 06, 2023 10:23 am

He's not the "savior", but for sure he's currently the only one with enough means to get the few crumbles of info we've been getting so far.
He's definitely annoying with all the tease followed by absolute silence for weeks or months, like he's treating the investigation as a comic writer that announces the next chapter after a cliff hanger and just goes into hiatus for who knows how much. But aside from that, I'm thankful that he's at least as interested in finding stuff as he is willing to share.
We would probably be sitting in our asses waiting for the Browns museum or till 2027 when the depositions are published (if they don't extend its release... again) if Bill didn't suffer from tweet incontinence.
Also, but this is maybe just me being too optimistic, I think he eventually would be our last chance to see, at least, a highlighted version of the BT. Aside from him and Randy, I don't really know no one related to the case that's willing to share those if they ever get their hands on them.

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PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 06, 2023 11:00 am

What does he do other than provide meaningless bread crumbs for fans of the perpetrators?

Meanwhile I think I've done a hell of a lot more than he ever has: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

It's also funny that he names himself presumably after Ockham's Razor, and is Exhibit A of the psychological fanfiction stories. Ask him "hey, why did they do this" when say it came from DOOM or something he wouldn't know, and you will get the same old story! something like they were so full of themselves that they were insane.

It seems to me on the contrary Randy is why several myths haven't been moved on from. Why you get virtue points if you do an "Omg I cant believe people say they weren't bullied" or "Omg I hate cops" thread. Why people still believe Eric killed Dylan from National Enquirer days. Why people still believe they planted the bombs during prom. I think if you pick a myth that one time died, then came back again, it seems often it's because Randy is stuck to the day it happened. Without Randy, we wouldn't have the same boring stale conversations.

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PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 06, 2023 4:52 pm

I forgot about him completely so lol.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 06, 2023 7:43 pm

cakeman wrote:
It seems to me on the contrary Randy is why several myths haven't been moved on from. Why you get virtue points if you do an "Omg I cant believe people say they weren't bullied" or "Omg I hate cops" thread. Why people still believe Eric killed Dylan from National Enquirer days. Why people still believe they planted the bombs during prom. I think if you pick a myth that one time died, then came back again, it seems often it's because Randy is stuck to the day it happened. Without Randy, we wouldn't have the same boring stale conversations.

That could be solved if he just showed SOME proof of what he says. He's always saying how many pictures and stuff he has and he's just like "Oh no! That's too hard to see! Read my book Very Happy" A little bit like what Bill does, hoarding info.
Like... cmon, I know they're boomers and all but I'd probably find way worse gore videos by accident on some random telegram group than whatever was on the library or the 911 call tape.
I've known this case practically since it happened and I can't believe we're still waiting for answers and theorizing stuff.
It was two dumb edge lords playing real life bomberman/doom, how hard can it be? Mr Green

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PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 06, 2023 8:51 pm

Kalamity wrote:
cakeman wrote:
It seems to me on the contrary Randy is why several myths haven't been moved on from. Why you get virtue points if you do an "Omg I cant believe people say they weren't bullied" or "Omg I hate cops" thread. Why people still believe Eric killed Dylan from National Enquirer days. Why people still believe they planted the bombs during prom. I think if you pick a myth that one time died, then came back again, it seems often it's because Randy is stuck to the day it happened. Without Randy, we wouldn't have the same boring stale conversations.

That could be solved if he just showed SOME proof of what he says. He's always saying how many pictures and stuff he has and he's just like "Oh no! That's too hard to see! Read my book Very Happy" A little bit like what Bill does, hoarding info.
Like... cmon, I know they're boomers and all but I'd probably find way worse gore videos by accident on some random telegram group than whatever was on the library or the 911 call tape.
I've known this case practically since it happened and I can't believe we're still waiting for answers and theorizing stuff.
It was two dumb edge lords playing real life bomberman/doom, how hard can it be? Mr Green
I like to think I've solved or dissolved the important stuff, the stuff making one hope that somehow Wayne Harris in his deposition will solve it all or something.

You're quite right though, and then there's no info in the book either. Randy will say he has photos proving that Eric killed Dylan, but surely all he has is the same thing as National Enquirer had, namely Dylan landing on his gun. When you talk to him, it's apparent he doesn't distinguish where the gun ended up from where it started.

For the bombs being planted during prom, it's that he tried to lift his version of the bombs himself and couldn't do it (lol) and thinks they had to lug it from Clement Park, for some reason. Rather than you know, drive it to school, put it down on the sidewalk, and breathe, before picking it up.

It's always some silly inference like that, having nothing to do with super secret unreleased info, which they use to shoot ink.

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PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2023 2:36 pm

warning! a bit graphically
Bill can truly be called a savior. After so many years, we still get a lot of information thanks to him. These photos were posted recently. This is the Columbine library, overlooking the entrance to the library and the section in which tables 15, 16 were located. Behind the last tables you can see the place where Eric and Dylan committed suicide. You can't see the splashes on the ceiling, although it must have been a photo before the windows were boarded [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2023 3:37 am

Bill Ockham is a cunt. If he was actually interested in research he would've just released all of this shit and left, instead he milks it for attention from 14 year old columbiner girls. Pathetic.

cakeman, Engel, Ennui, NEXT STEP UP, lifelover, vril, Kalamity and candy.rot like this post

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PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2023 7:28 am

Samson wrote:
Bill Ockham is a cunt. If he was actually interested in research he would've just released all of this shit and left, instead he milks it for attention from 14 year old columbiner girls. Pathetic.

I fully agree

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His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

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PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2023 8:01 pm

That seems right. And what new things did you learn as a result of this? Nothing. We know what the library looked like and we knew Dylan dumped his trenchcoat.

It just makes me think, yeah, the library was in a high school, so it was pretty small, so it's funny how "researchers" like Bill  think they know what's going on but they think it was merely a shooting and completely ignore what was said in the library. Look how close Kacey or Amanda Stair were to Dylan, for instance.
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PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 18, 2023 3:42 am

mflergen wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

thank you [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for these higher quality library photos - any more any time would be appreciated.

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PostSubject: Re: Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!?   Bill Ockham Believes He's The Savior Of The Research Community!? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 18, 2023 2:14 pm

Also, is that the Windows 3D maze screensaver? know it's almost like 3D, first person perspective was new and cool in computing and games at the time
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