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 Miscellaneous Sandy Hook Facts

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PostSubject: Miscellaneous Sandy Hook Facts   Miscellaneous Sandy Hook Facts Icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2023 12:17 pm

- Adam Lanza had printed out 3 photographs of gore
- There was a Matrix poster in the basement of the Lanza family home
- One of the cargo pants brands that Adam Lanza would wear was “Sonoma”
- Adam Lanza had screen recorded 3 videos of him playing World of Warcraft
- The two hoodies Adam Lanza discarded onto the pavement when he got to Sandy Hook Elementary School were 2 C-Sport brand black zipper up hooded sweatshirts
- The call box buzzer system that was at the front doors of Sandy Hook Elementary School was installed in 2005 and would transmit a live feed to three computer monitors in the main office, it had no recording capabilities it simply produced a live video feed
- The ammo Adam Lanza used for his main weapon was “Sellier & Bellot”
- Adam Lanza brought into the school with him a single 12 gauge Winchester shotgun shell in his right cargo pocket
- Adam Lanza’s total gear weight was about 30 pounds
- Adam Lanza had taken pictures of his black Honda Civic prior to the shooting

Engel, SonOfaGunz, Eulavist, tellecat, Coneyislandqueen, xDarkRazoR, hundszn and like this post

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PostSubject: Re: Miscellaneous Sandy Hook Facts   Miscellaneous Sandy Hook Facts Icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2023 1:50 pm

Is there are possibility to watch these WoW records?

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PostSubject: Re: Miscellaneous Sandy Hook Facts   Miscellaneous Sandy Hook Facts Icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2023 1:57 pm

Denethor wrote:
Is there are possibility to watch these WoW records?
No they aren’t released but someone could try and do a FOIA request for them.

Denethor and Knavesswiggle like this post

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PostSubject: Re: Miscellaneous Sandy Hook Facts   Miscellaneous Sandy Hook Facts Icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2023 2:22 pm

ZZZ55689 wrote:
Denethor wrote:
Is there are possibility to watch these WoW records?
No they aren’t released but someone could try and do a FOIA request for them.
Oh, ok thanks for the information.
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