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 School shooters' mental illness

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PostSubject: School shooters' mental illness   School shooters' mental illness Icon_minitimeFri Mar 03, 2023 8:05 am

School shooters' mental illness:

- Heinz Schmidt: paranoid schizophrenia
- John Higgins: paranoid schizophrenia
- Stanisław Ławrynowicz and Janusz Obrąpalski: PTSD
- Branimir Donchev: paranoid schizophrenia
- Anthony Barbaro: depression
- Neil Liebeskind: paranoid schizophrenia
- Edward Allaway: paranoid schizophrenia
- Brenda Spencer: depression
- Mark Houston: mental impairment
- Van Hull: paranoid schizophrenia
- Laurie Dann: OCD
- James Wilson: OCD
- Patrick Purdy: PTSD
- Marc Lepine: depression
- Eric Houston: PTSD
- Valery Fabrikant: narcissistic personality disorder
- Gary Pennington: PTSD
- Kevin Newman: depression
- Flemming Nielsen: depression
- James Rouse: PTSD
- Barry Loukaitis: dysthymia
- Frederick Davidson: paranoid schizophrenia
- Evan Ramsey: PTSD
- Mohammad al-Naziri: paranoid schizophrenia
- Luke Woodham: schizotypal personality disorder
- Michael Carneal: paranoid schizophrenia
- Mitchell Johnson: PTSD
- Andrew Wurst: paranoid schizophrenia
- Kipland Kinkel: paranoid schizophrenia
- Eric Harris: depression moods
- Dylan Klebold: depression
- Todd Smith: PTSD
- Anthony Solomon: depression
- Nathaniel Brazill: PTSD
- Jason Hoffman: PTSD
- Huan Allen: paranoid schizophrenia
- Biswanath Halder: paranoid schizophrenia
- John McLaughlin: paranoid schizophrenia
- Rafael Solich: mental impairment
- Jeffrey Weise: PTSD
- Alvaro Castillo: schizophrenia
- Kimveer Gill: depression
- Duane Morrison: PTSD
- Eric Hainstock: PTSD
- Sebastian Bosse: depression
- Douglas Chanthabouly: paranoid schizophrenia
- Seung-Hui Cho: anxiety disorder
- Asa Coon: PTSD
- Pekka-Eric Auvinen: schizotypal personality disorder
- Steven Kazmierczak: depression
- Matti Saari: schizotypal personality disorder
- Tim Kretschmer: depression
- Jiverly Wong: paranoid schizophrenia
- Dimitris Patmanidis: depression
- Bruco Eastwood: paranoid schizophrenia
- Brendan O'Rourke: paranoid schizophrenia
- Wellington de Oliveira: paranoid schizophrenia
- TJ Lane: PTSD
- Mohammed Merah: mood disorder
- One Goh: paranoid schizophrenia
- Adam Lanza: apparently undiagnosed schizophrenia
- John Zawahri: depression
- Jose Reyes: PTSD
- Sergey Gordeyev: paranoid schizophrenia
- Elliot Rodger: narcissistic personality disorder
- Aaron Ybarra: schizophrenia
- Myron May: paranoid schizophrenia
- Christopher Harper-Mercer: autism
- Federico Elizondo: depression
- William Atchison: depression
- Gabriel Parker: depression
- Nikolas Cruz: anti-social
- Eric Davis: paranoid schizophrenia
- Sky Bouche: depression
- Dimitrios Pagourtzis: severe schizophrenia and/or amnesia
- Vladislav Roslyakov: depression
- Luiz de Castro: mental impairment
- Trystan Terrell: autism
- Alec McKinney: depression
- Marek Nowak: paranoid schizophrenia
- Daniil Zasorin: depression
- Nathaniel Berhow: depression
- Jose Ramos: PTSD
- Ilnaz Galyaviev: paranoid schizophrenia
- Ethan Crumbley: depression
- Nikolai G.: narcissistic personality disorder
- Salvador Ramos: histrionic personality disorder
- Artem Kazantsev: schizophrenia

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

RAZOR'S BACK [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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PostSubject: Re: School shooters' mental illness   School shooters' mental illness Icon_minitimeFri Mar 03, 2023 8:35 am


Last edited by Helianthus on Sat Mar 04, 2023 2:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostSubject: Re: School shooters' mental illness   School shooters' mental illness Icon_minitimeFri Mar 03, 2023 9:44 am

Putting people in boxes...
Putting labels on them..
To participate in the big pharma project. But I'll keep my mouth shut otherwise I'll be called a conspiracy theorist

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PostSubject: Re: School shooters' mental illness   School shooters' mental illness Icon_minitimeFri Mar 03, 2023 10:18 am

Inb4 [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] chimps out about how you didn’t list an unnamed Iraqi man from the 50’s who used a flintlock to kill 1 person.

“The message here is there is no message”-James Holmes

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