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 School shooters by type of school

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School shooters by type of school Empty
PostSubject: School shooters by type of school   School shooters by type of school Icon_minitimeMon Apr 10, 2023 12:30 pm

School shootings by school type


- Droysigg attacker
- Heinz Schmidt
- John Higgins
- Stefan Bykowski
- Steven Guy
- Ma'alot attackers
- Brenda Spencer
- Karel Charva
- Tyrone Mitchell
- Laurie Dann
- James Wilson
- Patrick Purdy
- Thomas Hamilton
- Mohammad al-Nazari
- Dedrick Owens
- Walisongo attackers
- Beslan attackers
- Charles Roberts
- Brendan O'Rourke
- Wellington de Oliveira
- Mohammed Merah
- Adam Lanza
- Jesse Osborne
- Cedric Anderson
- Kevin Neal
- Marek Nowak
- Polina Dvorkina
- Ruslan Akthyamov
- Salvador Ramos
- Panya Khamrab
- Audrey Hale

Secondary School:

- Stanisław Ławrynowicz and Janusz Obrąpalski
- William Prevatte
- Ove Andersson
- Robert Mone
- Milorad Vulinović
- Anthony Barbaro
- Michael Slobodian
- Robert Poulin
- Vida Nova attackers
- Patrick Lizotte
- James Kearbey
- Kristofer Hans
- Jarrett Huskey
- Darren Fowler
- Clemmie Henderson
- Nicholas Elliott
- Tero Toivola
- Eric Houston
- Gary Pennington
- Steven Leith
- Phu Cuong-Ta
- Anthony Sincino
- James Rouse
- Evan Ramsey
- Helmut Z.
- Luke Woodham
- Mauricio Neto
- Michael Carneal
- Joseph Todd
- Kipland Kinkel
- Eric Harris
- Dylan Klebold
- Todd Smith
- Anthony Solomon
- Darrell Ingram
- Charles Williams
- Elizabeth Bush
- Jason Hoffman
- Adam Labus
- Mohammed Farhat
- Robert Steinhauser
- Dragoslav Petković
- Chlef attackers
- Edmar Freitas
- Steven Williams
- James Tate
- James Sheets
- Anatcha Boonkwan
- Florian Klein
- John McLaughlin
- Jon Romano
- Rafael Solich
- Jeffrey Weise
- Kenneth Bartley
- Alvaro Castillo
- Duane Morrison
- Eric Hainstock
- Sebastian Bosse
- Douglas Chanthabouly
- Chad Escobedo
- Asa Coon
- Pekka-Eric Auvinen
- Nicco Tatum
- Tim Kretschmer
- Christian Helms
- Robert Butler
- TJ Lane
- Robert Gladden
- Bryan Oliver
- Yobe State attackers
- Karl Pierson
- Sergey Gordeyev
- Jared Padgett
- Jaylen Fryberg
- Randan Fontaine
- Dorothy Dutiel
- James Hancock
- Federico Elizondo
- Ely Serna
- Kylian Barbey
- Mikhail Pivnev
- Caleb Sharpe
- Goyases attacker
- William Atchison
- Gabriel Parker
- Nikolas Cruz
- Austin Rollins
- Natalya Kabakova
- Sky Bouche
- Dimitrios Pagourtzis
- Medianeira attackers
- Guilherme Monteiro
- Luiz de Castro
- Devon Erickson
- Alec McKinney
- Ishkandar Khalfin
- Nathaniel Berhow
- Jose Ramos
- Anthony Thompson
- Ethan Crumbley
- Raymond Spencer
- Artem Kazantsev
- Orlando Harris
- Gabriel Castigliani

Middle School:

- Verlin Spencer
- Robert Wickes
- Heather Smith
- Floyd Warmsley
- Kevin Newman
- Keith Ledeger
- Barry Loukaitis
- Mitchell Johnson
- Andrew Golden
- Andrew Wurst
- Seth Trickey
- Nathaniel Brazill
- James Newman
- Bruco Eastwood
- Jose Reyes
- Mason Campbell
- Max Porta
- David Moore
- Ilnaz Galyaviev

College or university:

- Joseph Semmes
- Wesley Clow
- Mikhail Tselousov
- Charles Whitman
- Robert Cantor
- Larry Harmon
- Branimir Donchev
- Edward Allaway
- Mark Houston
- Leo Kelly
- Kelvin Love
- Su Yong-Kim
- Van Hull
- Azizollah Mazooni
- Marc Lepine
- Gang Lu
- Valery Fabrikant
- Wayne Lo
- Mark Duong
- Flemming Nielsen
- Frederick Davidson
- Jillian Robbins
- Jonathon Horrocks
- Jian Chen
- James Kelly
- Kazimierz J.
- Peter Odighizuwa
- Huan Xiang
- Robert Flores
- Biswanath Halder
- Douglas Pennington
- Kimveer Gill
- Jonathan Rowan
- Seung-Hui Cho
- Latina Williams
- Steven Kazmierczak
- Alaa Dhaim
- Matti Saari
- Dimitris Patmanidis
- Anthony Powell
- O'Dane Maye
- Farda Gadirov
- Amy Bishop
- Colton Tooley
- One Goh
- Dalton Stidham
- Neil MacInnis
- John Zawahri
- Elliot Rodger
- Aaron Ybarra
- Myron May
- Sunghee Kwon
- Garissa attackers
- Christopher Harper-Mercer
- Kharsadda attackers
- Mainak Sarkar
- Eric Davis
- Ilya Ivanistov
- Vladislav Roslyakov
- Trystan Terrell
- Daniil Zasorin
- Timur Bekmansurov
- Nikolai G.
- Chao-Tiao Yumol
- Christopher Jones
- Anthony McRae


- Robert Smith
- Neil Liebeskind
- Anatoly Fedorenko
- Aleppo attackers
- Sergei Lepnev
- Jiverly Wong
- Peshawar attackers

Consumerism = Death
Anarchism = Freedom

His name is RazoR. You will come to know him as the Prophet of Dark. He is male. He is 18 years of age. He lives in Poland. He finds that is horrible place to live. He is not a people person. He has met a handful of people in his life who are decent. But he finds the vast majority to be worthless, no good, kniving, lieing, deceptive, motherfuckers. W0rk sux, sk00l sux, l1f3 sux.

I love you A.F. <3 Our relationship
[*]25 April 2020 - 24 January 2022

RAZOR'S BACK [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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