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 Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston

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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeWed Aug 09, 2023 1:37 pm

I have always wondered about this
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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeWed Aug 09, 2023 1:43 pm

Because Dylann Roof had more drip and didn't cuck as much as Payton.

Last edited by Sturmengel on Fri Aug 11, 2023 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeWed Aug 09, 2023 3:56 pm

the charleston shooting was at the historic AME (African Methodist Episcopal) church and the buffalo shooting was at a grocery store in a majority black neighborhood. also the people at the church welcomed dylann into their bible study, they were there to pray and be somewhere safe and close to their god. being murdering in a place of worship is more tragic in a way, i think. also i think because payton livestreamed the shooting and had a manifesto, the media didn't want to call more attention to these things.

"ain't no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people"

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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeThu Aug 10, 2023 1:46 pm

TheGoodChief wrote:
I have always wondered about this
I guess americans are so used to mass shootings, that next time another one happens at a elementary school and 30+ people die, they will just look at it like any other day.

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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeThu Aug 10, 2023 1:47 pm

shithole318 wrote:
TheGoodChief wrote:
I have always wondered about this
I guess americans are so used to mass shootings, that next time another one happens at a elementary school and 30+ people die, they will just look at it like any other day.
Evil Ar-15 guy kill ppl it's over ameribors Sad Sad Sad
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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeThu Aug 10, 2023 1:50 pm

Sturmengel wrote:
shithole318 wrote:
TheGoodChief wrote:
I have always wondered about this
I guess americans are so used to mass shootings, that next time another one happens at a elementary school and 30+ people die, they will just look at it like any other day.
Evil Ar-15 guy kill ppl it's over ameribors  Sad Sad Sad
What I hate the most is their gun choises. They always use those shitty polymer whatever the fuck that is ar15 shit. They should go back to the 12 gauge shotguns, and 9mm pistols. I bet an ar 15 breaks easier that 1000 year old bones

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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeThu Aug 10, 2023 4:45 pm

shithole318 wrote:
Sturmengel wrote:
shithole318 wrote:
TheGoodChief wrote:
I have always wondered about this
I guess americans are so used to mass shootings, that next time another one happens at a elementary school and 30+ people die, they will just look at it like any other day.
Evil Ar-15 guy kill ppl it's over ameribors  Sad Sad Sad
What I hate the most is their gun choises. They always use those shitty polymer whatever the fuck that is ar15 shit. They should go back to the 12 gauge shotguns, and 9mm pistols. I bet an ar 15 breaks easier that 1000 year old bones

... what do you think most modern 9mm pistols are made out of

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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeThu Aug 10, 2023 6:59 pm

shithole318 wrote:
Sturmengel wrote:
shithole318 wrote:
TheGoodChief wrote:
I have always wondered about this
I guess americans are so used to mass shootings, that next time another one happens at a elementary school and 30+ people die, they will just look at it like any other day.
Evil Ar-15 guy kill ppl it's over ameribors  Sad Sad Sad
What I hate the most is their gun choises. They always use those shitty polymer whatever the fuck that is ar15 shit. They should go back to the 12 gauge shotguns, and 9mm pistols. I bet an ar 15 breaks easier that 1000 year old bones

Or a good AK-47 like Crusius. Besides, a good AR-15 can run as good as any good AK.

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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 11, 2023 4:08 pm

shithole318 wrote:
Sturmengel wrote:
shithole318 wrote:
TheGoodChief wrote:
I have always wondered about this
I guess americans are so used to mass shootings, that next time another one happens at a elementary school and 30+ people die, they will just look at it like any other day.
Evil Ar-15 guy kill ppl it's over ameribors  Sad Sad Sad
What I hate the most is their gun choises. They always use those shitty polymer whatever the fuck that is ar15 shit. They should go back to the 12 gauge shotguns, and 9mm pistols. I bet an ar 15 breaks easier that 1000 year old bones

Or a good AK-47 like Crusius. Besides, a good AR-15 can run as good as any good AK.

Andrew Berwick and his trusty ol’ Mini-14: Am I a joke to you?

“The message here is there is no message”-James Holmes
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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 11, 2023 4:24 pm

I feel like, at least personally, the Buffalo shooting did get a bit of attention. It was mostly memed about because he livestreamed it on Twitch and that weird NSFW Martha Speaks image on his phone. The Robb elementary shooting happened two weeks afterwards, if I can recall correctly. Feels like people care more about little kids than black people so everyone moved on to the next shooting.

7 November 2011 | 4:44 AM | Serial killers are lame. Everyone knows that mass murderers are the cool kids.
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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 11, 2023 4:39 pm

losercide wrote:
Feels like people care more about little kids than black people so everyone moved on to the next shooting.
Wtf based ppl!?
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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 11, 2023 4:43 pm

Sturmengel wrote:
losercide wrote:
Feels like people care more about little kids than black people so everyone moved on to the next shooting.
Wtf based ppl!?
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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston    Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston  Icon_minitime

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Why didn't the Buffalo shooting get as much attention as Charleston
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