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 Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo

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Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo Empty
PostSubject: Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo   Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo Icon_minitime16/10/2023, 04:48

Hi, new guy here.
I was looking at the suicide photos of Harris and Klebold and was wondering how Harris' shotgun ended up completely under his leg if he killed himself with it.
Also, why was Klebold's pistol in his right hand if he was left-handed?
Just wondering if anyone who's read a lot about it knew.

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Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo   Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo Icon_minitime16/10/2023, 08:42

iirc eric had his shotgun between his knees and was kinda crouching down when he shot himself. the gun managed to fall down before he fell on top of it.

as for dylan's gun, the police moved the bodies around a bit before they took the photos, checking for explosives. i think the common theory is that they put the tec back in his hand for the picture, and obviously didn't know he was left handed.

if you're randy brown however, this is clear evidence that eric shot dylan lol. i'm just joking though, that's just a conspiracy theory

"ain't no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people"

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Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo   Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo Icon_minitime29/11/2023, 11:59

ThatDelawareReader wrote:
Hi, new guy here.
I was looking at the suicide photos of Harris and Klebold and was wondering how Harris' shotgun ended up completely under his leg if he killed himself with it.
Also, why was Klebold's pistol in his right hand if he was left-handed?
Just wondering if anyone who's read a lot about it knew.

1)  Most likely because Harris's leg was up like so:


with the gun between his knees. Then they fell down when he died.

2) Because Klebold's gun was on a strap/sling cross wise. So when he died and let go with his left hand, it fell to his right hip.

And it wasn't "in his right hand". The diagrams make it clear the gun is the wrong way for that to have happened.  It was under his leg, with the handle facing towards his body, not away from it. It seems to me what people mistake for the gun handle is the strap either from Eric's carbine or Dylan's gun.  I would outline with pictures if that wasn't forbidden.

Other reports say otherwise, that his fingers lightly wrapped around it as he died, but I don't see it.  Even if so and he was holding it, then his hand just fell on it and there is something called a death grip.

Dylan's entry wound was his left temple, and his own blood was in his gun.  And Eric was on his right side. And didn't have Dylan's blood in his gun. Those things prove Eric didn't kill Dylan.  

It seems to me both wanted to be (at least initially if not forever aside from their parents) confused for victims of their own attack, and Dylan especially so. Hence the final molotov to light their final bombs which were crickets at Eric's feet and a pipe bomb in Dylan's pants.  I think that's what people like Randy Brown are unconsciously noticing when they say Dylan looks like Eric shot him. But you could just as easily say Eric looked like Cassie or Lance, and so one could similarly speculate that Dylan put his shotgun in Eric's mouth. That's why they "return to the library" which copycats and writers of fanfic found so enthralling. To be among their victims yeah, but not because that means they were bullied victims.

Not to mention it's easier to tell that story as most speculate Dylan went last and/or lit the molotov. It could have been either one and is often said due to mythology like Dylan doing some ritual with his jewelry, but others mention things like Dylan's brains are on Eric's legs but Dylan isn't covered with Eric's brains - but the ceiling and table were, which might suggest Dylan went last. Plus we watch Dylan toss some molotov or super-cricket at the second cafeteria bomb, while we only have stories from the library of Eric lighting even one.

Also it's often assumed that they moved the bodies due to Dylan's position, but this seems to be false. For one, then the pictures would be useless to the investigation. They got out due to the press, but they weren't press photos. They were evidence that leaked. That seems to me to be enough to show this, but the rest suggests this too. Dylan fell more or less sideways on to Eric's legs, with the exit wound explaining the remnants on Eric's legs of Dylan's brain, then he seemingly bounced a bit and then rolled onto his back. That seems the significance of noting he was capable of some involuntary movement.

They did remove the crickets at Eric's feet which are in another photo, and checked for bombs in their pockets that were facing up. But if memory serves, they didn't check the pockets on Eric's left side or Dylan's right side before the two pictures.

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PostSubject: Re: Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo   Question about Harris and Klebold library death photo Icon_minitime

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