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 Guilherme Taucci's comment on Elliot Rodger

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Fox Mulder

Fox Mulder

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Guilherme Taucci's comment on Elliot Rodger  Empty
PostSubject: Guilherme Taucci's comment on Elliot Rodger    Guilherme Taucci's comment on Elliot Rodger  Icon_minitimeTue Nov 07, 2023 6:57 pm

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Corrected translation:
He was a genius, his way of thinking was brilliant. I leave my respect and admiration to him. the only thing I didn't like about him was that he thought like that, just because girls didn't date him.

Kartoffeln, ANOMIC, NEXT STEP UP, Nylajen, Saint_X, Trolzzerl, Woundfucker and alesanagoon like this post

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Guilherme Taucci's comment on Elliot Rodger
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