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 Elliot Rodger's bedroom

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Elliot Rodger's bedroom Empty
PostSubject: Elliot Rodger's bedroom   Elliot Rodger's bedroom Icon_minitimeMon Aug 21, 2023 3:58 am

Is there a picture of Elliot Rodger's bedroom or is it a mystery. I remember trying to look for a pic of it on the internet a while back but couldn't find it. I would assume that the police would have taken a picture of his room for evidence or whatnot or that there would be a picture of him in his room.

"This is it. This is where it all ends. What a life it was. Some life." - Seung-Hui Cho

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PostSubject: Re: Elliot Rodger's bedroom   Elliot Rodger's bedroom Icon_minitimeMon Oct 23, 2023 1:56 pm

ChoHuiSeung wrote:
Is there a picture of Elliot Rodger's bedroom or is it a mystery. I remember trying to look for a pic of it on the internet a while back but couldn't find it. I would assume that the police would have taken a picture of his room for evidence or whatnot or that there would be a picture of him in his room.

Good question. It’s not public from what I know. I looked into it awhile back myself. Government and police have it stored somewhere. (Might be wrong but I don’t think so).

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PostSubject: Re: Elliot Rodger's bedroom   Elliot Rodger's bedroom Icon_minitimeMon Oct 23, 2023 2:54 pm

In this documentary it appears that they got the photos of the apartment. :

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PostSubject: Re: Elliot Rodger's bedroom   Elliot Rodger's bedroom Icon_minitimeMon Oct 23, 2023 4:40 pm

Sociokiller wrote:
In this documentary it appears that they got the photos of the apartment. :

Thank you. Just finished watching.

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PostSubject: Re: Elliot Rodger's bedroom   Elliot Rodger's bedroom Icon_minitime

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