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 What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living?

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What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living? Empty
PostSubject: What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living?   What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 10, 2024 9:35 pm

Just asking. How did she afford a big house and all the guns. What did she do for a living? Some people say that she worked for Sandy Hook but I honestly don't know. People spread rumors that Adam worked for a computer shop which is obviously not true because he probably would have freaked the job interviewer out to holy hell. In reality Adam was a online college student.

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PostSubject: Re: What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living?   What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 10, 2024 11:37 pm

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"The trappings of Lanza's life in Newtown were comfortable. When she and then-husband Peter Lanza moved to the town in 1998 from southern New Hampshire, they bought a new colonial on more than 2 acres in the Bennett's Farm neighborhood. Nancy Lanza had previously worked as a stock broker at John Hancock in Boston and her husband was a successful executive.

"When the couple divorced in 2009, he left their spacious home to Nancy Lanza and told her she would never have to work another day in her life, said Marsha Lanza of Crystal Lake, Il., the gunman's aunt. The split-up was not acrimonious and Adam Lanza spent time with both his mother and father, she said.

"Those who knew Nancy Lanza recall her as very generous, often giving money to those she met and doing volunteer work."

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However, interviews with school staff indicate that despite the paucity of documentation, there was some attention to AL’s transition needs. Efforts were made to connect AL, through a job coach, with an employer in the community. AL interned with and was later employed for a time by an individual in the community for whom AL did computer work. A written letter from this employer dated March 2009 indicated that AL was working “as an independent contractor” to resolve computer problems. The author of the letter indicated that AL was “cordial, professional” and displayed “expert attributes.”

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PostSubject: Re: What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living?   What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 14, 2024 3:08 pm

BlackAndWhiteKittenz wrote:
Just asking. How did she afford a big house and all the guns. What did she do for a living? Some people say that she worked for Sandy Hook but I honestly don't know. People spread rumors that Adam worked for a computer shop which is obviously not true because he probably would have freaked the job interviewer out to holy hell. In reality Adam was a online college student.
she got a shit ton of money from the divorce, also the guns used in sandy hook were all pretty cheap and basic guns.
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PostSubject: Re: What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living?   What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 14, 2024 5:28 pm

That house still had over $400,000 of debt on it at the time she died.
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PostSubject: Re: What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living?   What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 28, 2024 11:39 pm

sscc wrote:

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However, interviews with school staff indicate that despite the paucity of documentation, there was some attention to AL’s transition needs. Efforts were made to connect AL, through a job coach, with an employer in the community. AL interned with and was later employed for a time by an individual in the community for whom AL did computer work. A written letter from this employer dated March 2009 indicated that AL was working “as an independent contractor” to resolve computer problems. The author of the letter indicated that AL was “cordial, professional” and displayed “expert attributes.”

Here’s a copy of the full letter.
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PostSubject: Re: What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living?   What Did Nancy Lanza Do For a living? Icon_minitimeFri May 03, 2024 4:20 pm

sscc wrote:
sscc wrote:

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Page 69

However, interviews with school staff indicate that despite the paucity of documentation, there was some attention to AL’s transition needs. Efforts were made to connect AL, through a job coach, with an employer in the community. AL interned with and was later employed for a time by an individual in the community for whom AL did computer work. A written letter from this employer dated March 2009 indicated that AL was working “as an independent contractor” to resolve computer problems. The author of the letter indicated that AL was “cordial, professional” and displayed “expert attributes.”

Here’s a copy of the full letter.
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That must feel humiliating and dumb to be the guy whop wrote that about Adam Lanza.
Was Philip the one who wrote it, or was it Homer? Cool

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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