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 Does anyone have Adam Lanza's Youtube playlists/His music playlists?

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Does anyone have Adam Lanza's Youtube playlists/His music playlists? Empty
PostSubject: Does anyone have Adam Lanza's Youtube playlists/His music playlists?   Does anyone have Adam Lanza's Youtube playlists/His music playlists? Icon_minitime26/4/2024, 13:11

I've heard that he likes The Dickies and Flogging Molly (based), but I can't find any sources for this. I'm assuming it came from a playlist of his, because I couldn't find him state it in any of his messages or in his recordings. If anyone could provide the source, I'd be thankful.

I have been desperate to feel anything positive for someone for my entire life.
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Does anyone have Adam Lanza's Youtube playlists/His music playlists? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone have Adam Lanza's Youtube playlists/His music playlists?   Does anyone have Adam Lanza's Youtube playlists/His music playlists? Icon_minitime26/4/2024, 16:50

Check out the Sandy Hook Lighthouse blog if you haven’t yet. It provides easy access to some good information.
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This article has a link to a gaming forum where he mentions both bands in a single post.
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There’s also a photo of the CDs in Adam’s closet, which was released along with all of the evidence photos taken at the Lanza house.
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Kwasi, ParisPlayboy01 and THRAKATTAK like this post

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Does anyone have Adam Lanza's Youtube playlists/His music playlists?
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