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 2017 Freeman High School shooter to be resentenced

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2017 Freeman High School shooter to be resentenced Empty
PostSubject: 2017 Freeman High School shooter to be resentenced   2017 Freeman High School shooter to be resentenced Icon_minitimeSun May 12, 2024 4:55 pm

Caleb Sharpe, who did the September 2017 Freeman High School shooting in Washington, will have to be resentenced, a judge has ruled. Last month a court deemed that it was unconstitutional for a person to be sentenced to longer than 25 years for something they did under the age of 16.
It was a "1 dead, 3 wounded" school shooting that ended with him surrendering to one of the school's janitors. (By luck that janitor didn't become [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])
His AR jammed, then his .32 pistol jammed.
So...this Washington court ruling means he's going to be out the two boys who did Jonesboro.
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2017 Freeman High School shooter to be resentenced
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