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 Salvador Ramos had 10 other videos on his YouTube Channel (Lost Media)

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Salvador Ramos had 10 other videos on his YouTube Channel (Lost Media) Empty
PostSubject: Salvador Ramos had 10 other videos on his YouTube Channel (Lost Media)   Salvador Ramos had 10 other videos on his YouTube Channel (Lost Media) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 6:54 am

Salvador Ramos (perpretrator of the robb elementry shooting 2022) had at least 10 lesser known videos on his channel "revcnge" that have either been deleted or unlisted by him prior to the massacre and his termination.

The channel was first discovered the same day as the massacre which appeared to have only 1 video published at the time, however if you do some digging via the Wayback Machine, there was also a snapshot from 2020 which had another 10 videos.
Channel URL:

List of known video urls from his channel both from 2022 and the other lost 10 from 2020.
(Public/Unlisted = published/unlisted before termination) (Deleted = Removed by uploader before termination)

[Known videos from May 24 2022]
(1 published)
Video link:

[The other 10 from 2020]
(6 unlisted) (4 deleted)
Video links:

Did anyone archive them before it's removal? If anyone out there were quick enough before his channel was gone, there may be a small possibly someone at least archived the other 6 and didn't release it. They could have pasted the channel url into the wayback machine, open the links to the videos on YouTube and archive the remaining 6 that were unlisted while the other 4 remain lost.

Last edited by Randy303 on Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:11 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Links were put in spoilers to make the message look organized)

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Join date : 2024-06-13
Age : 18

Salvador Ramos had 10 other videos on his YouTube Channel (Lost Media) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Salvador Ramos had 10 other videos on his YouTube Channel (Lost Media)   Salvador Ramos had 10 other videos on his YouTube Channel (Lost Media) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 11, 2024 6:13 pm

Randy303 wrote:
Salvador Ramos (perpretrator of the robb elementry shooting 2022) had at least 10 lesser known videos on his channel "revcnge" which have either been deleted or unlisted by him prior to the massacre and his termination.

The channel was first discovered the same day as the massacre which appeared to have only 1 video published at the time, however if you do some digging via the Wayback Machine, there was also a snapshot from 2020 which had another 10 videos.
https :// web .archive .org /web/20201016134650/https :// www .youtube .com / channel / UCfLJHVq_iEMlp4AtCjt9p%2dw?disable_polymer=1
https :// web .archive .org /web/20220524213224/https :// www .youtube .com / channel / UCfLJHVq_iEMlp4AtCjt9p-w / videos?view=0&sort=dd

Here's a compiled list of known video urls from his channel both from 2022 and the other 10 lesser known ones from 2020.
(Public/Unlisted = published/unlisted before termination) (Deleted = Removed by uploader before termination)

[Known videos from May 24 2022]
(1 published)
(FOUND/PUBLIC)  https :// www . youtube .com / watch?v=5zweWPL8NuQ Abrams Steals A lot Beats Up Chubby Kid

[The lost 10 from 2020]
(6 unlisted) (4 deleted)
(LOST/DELETED)  https :// www . youtube . com /watch?v=rMjpPOEVAPU Waxy Comes Out???.......
(LOST/DELETED)  https :// www . youtube . com /watch?v=wdcAsIYMOfQ Joker Ramos clown
(LOST/UNLISTED) https :// www . youtube . com /watch?v=ikTU96EJCSE Solos
(LOST/DELETED)  https :// www . youtube . com /watch?v=JPuBX1Iw7WQ Solvac Trash Talks & Clips
(LOST/DELETED)  https :// www . youtube . com /watch?v=hCcu0mkrxwI Waxy gets bullied by SOLVAC
(LOST/UNLISTED) https :// www . youtube . com /watch?v=Zk9j5EQmxOc Playing warzone Trios (You're here because you got smacked )
(LOST/UNLISTED) https :// www . youtube . com /watch?v=FUc4R9jdkkY Arena
(LOST/UNLISTED) https :// www . youtube . com /watch?v=mB2GlYUx9ys Revcnge plays Duo fill Sad
(LOST/UNLISTED) https :// www . youtube . com /watch?v=a2JojVYW6Dc Solo Arena
(LOST/UNLISTED) https :// www . youtube . com /watch?v=SuwUlOAAcbM !

I know this is a long shot but did anyone archive them before he was terminated? If someone out there were quick enough before his channel was gone, there may be a small possibly someone at least archived the other 6 and didn't release it. They could have pasted the channel url into the wayback machine, open the links to the videos on YouTube and archive the remaining 6 that were unlisted while the other 4 would remain lost as they were deleted prior.

His fangirls would have them if they existed.


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Salvador Ramos had 10 other videos on his YouTube Channel (Lost Media)
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