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 Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.

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Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Empty
PostSubject: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2024 1:40 pm

"The purest surrealist act is walking into
a crowd with a loaded gun and firing into it
randomly" - André Breton (1896 - 1966)

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Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2024 2:41 pm

I'm watching this right now. I love Dire Trip.

"Today is the day. The day that it all begins. The day of my massacre shall begin." - Nikolas Cruz

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Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2024 4:20 pm

Rest in peace William,you didn't deserve this whole mess.Good thing he didn't make it till 2018 to see other perpetrators achieving what he dreamed of-commiting an actual mass shooting.

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Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 29, 2024 6:09 am

good video thumbs up

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Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 29, 2024 12:07 pm

He got a Swastika tat?

Become a techno-barbarian and get a free catgirl! You need to kill at least one jew to qualify. Alternatives include foxgirls and normal Waifus. She will always be loyal, so treat her good.
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Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 29, 2024 3:59 pm

Oh god, all of the comments are about "mental health." I hate hearing that phrase, it's like nails on a chalkboard. It wasn't a mental illness, America just sucks.

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Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 29, 2024 10:51 pm

CaneBread wrote:
Oh god, all of the comments are about "mental health." I hate hearing that phrase, it's like nails on a chalkboard. It wasn't a mental illness, America just sucks.

honestly yeah the term "mental health" is such a copout. literally just exists for people to use when they pretend to care about your wellbeing but don't actually care enough to address the material conditions that make people miserable in the first place. women invented the term "mental health" to torment me with because they are evil. how about they try being happy when their life is fucked and there's nothing they can do about it. what's that? society is set up to poop and shit on you and leave skidmarks on your forehead and shove its dick in your face? yeah must be your mental health.

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Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 30, 2024 12:46 am

sk3l wrote:
CaneBread wrote:
Oh god, all of the comments are about "mental health." I hate hearing that phrase, it's like nails on a chalkboard. It wasn't a mental illness, America just sucks.

honestly yeah the term "mental health" is such a copout. literally just exists for people to use when they pretend to care about your wellbeing but don't actually care enough to address the material conditions that make people miserable in the first place. women invented the term "mental health" to torment me with because they are evil. how about they try being happy when their life is fucked and there's nothing they can do about it. what's that? society is set up to poop and shit on you and leave skidmarks on your forehead and shove its dick in your face? yeah must be your mental health.

I have also noticed that the concept of "mental health" tends to largely be associated with women. I'm not depressed because of a chemical imbalance, I'm depressed because I'm poor. It's like women have hijacked the whole psychiatry industry. Most people that are labeled as "mentally ill" see therapists, and most therapists are women. I've had some people in anti-psychiatry discussions and male spaces say that women don't make good therapists. There's a reason why a lot of men say therapy for a man is gym and Jesus. Hopefully this does not come off as a hasty generalization but I believe that this is primarily associated with education in general. Women tend to be interested in people and thus are more likely to conform to social norms (AKA do what the establishment tells you to do, which is what school is for) whilst men tend to be more opinionated and interested in things.

Teachers have largely noticed this too. Thinking back to middle school and high school, a good chunk of the advanced classes and student council and leadership were like, all girls. The nicest and meanest people you'd ever meet were women, most of the social bullies in school were women, and women are treated better by society. I could be going on a tangent, and possibly off topic, but this could be why many mass shooters dislike women.

Last edited by CaneBread on Mon Sep 23, 2024 4:26 am; edited 1 time in total

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Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitimeTue Jul 30, 2024 2:06 am

Just imagine had Will's dad not bought that gun.

Anyways, good video. I liked watching it. I wish there were more videos like this.

Put future on hold.
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Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitimeSun Aug 04, 2024 9:40 am

CaneBread wrote:
sk3l wrote:
CaneBread wrote:
Oh god, all of the comments are about "mental health." I hate hearing that phrase, it's like nails on a chalkboard. It wasn't a mental illness, America just sucks.

honestly yeah the term "mental health" is such a copout. literally just exists for people to use when they pretend to care about your wellbeing but don't actually care enough to address the material conditions that make people miserable in the first place. women invented the term "mental health" to torment me with because they are evil. how about they try being happy when their life is fucked and there's nothing they can do about it. what's that? society is set up to poop and shit on you and leave skidmarks on your forehead and shove its dick in your face? yeah must be your mental health.

I have also noticed that the concept of "mental health" tends to largely be associated with women. I'm not depressed because of a chemical imbalance, I'm depressed because I'm poor. It's like women have hijacked the whole psychiatry industry. Most people that are labeled as "mentally ill" see therapists, and most therapists are women. I've had some people in anti-psychiatry discussions and male spaces say that women don't make good therapists. There's a reason why a lot of men say therapy for a man is gym and Jesus. Hopefully this does not come off as a hasty generalization but I believe that this is primarily associated with education in general. Women tend to be interested in people and thus are more likely to conform to social norms (which is what school is for) whilst men tend to be more opinionated and interested in things.

Teachers have largely noticed this too. Thinking back to middle school and high school, a good chunk of the advanced classes and student council and leadership were like, all girls. The nicest and meanest people you'd ever meet were women, most of the social bullies in school were women, and women are treated better by society. I could be going on a tangent, and possibly off topic, but this could be why many mass shooters dislike women.

I've had this thought a lot recently and I can't tell if it's that I'm blinded by paranoia and bad experiences with women or if there's a grain of truth in there somewhere. I understand if it sounds like I'm fucking unhinged though. The way I see it, women's primary defence mechanism is to form an emotional connection with men who can protect them from the big bad reality of the outside world. This isn't completely their fault and doesn't make them bad (except it kind of does), but the reason they act as though they care about "expressing feelings" and such is because they are hard wired to do so purely for their own benefit. Unlike many aspects of human behaviour, this instinct translates surprisingly well into our mode of society, since it can provide them with material financial security as a direct substitute for physical security. It does, however, give women the ability to get their emotional tendrils into your head and fuck it up badly if they want to. A lot of men don't even have someone who pretends to care about them until a girl comes along and leads them down the path of emotional trust and sharing vulnerable experiences. Again, I think most of the time they do this because they actually do care initially, but it's easy for the magic to wane and once it does there's no taking that trust back. They still know those things about you and if they have a reason to dislike you they won't hesitate to use it against you. Or even just lose interest in you, which can be equally emotionally damaging.

I could easily see how current psychology is an institutional extension of this largely female impulse. Although, most of the original pioneering psychologists were men. Even talk therapy was invented by Freud which is interesting since the idea of talk therapy seems very female to me. Then again, i don't know that much about psychology and have never even been to therapy. So idk. It is certainly interesting that women seem to be outperforming men in many of these areas (like education as you mentioned) even though they were exclusively constructed by men. I've heard lots of explanations given as to why, but people tend to just acknowledge it politely then move on without lifting a finger to do anything about it. Probably because women don't understand the internal male experience and the men who are in a position to make changes just don't care enough to bother because it won't make them money.

Going on a tangent is good, i need to get misogyny out of my system online every now and again so I don't go yelling at random girls irl and if I ever told people I actually thought this I'd just lose all of my social credit points. Awesome.

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Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 23, 2024 11:32 am

sk3l wrote:
CaneBread wrote:
sk3l wrote:
CaneBread wrote:
Oh god, all of the comments are about "mental health." I hate hearing that phrase, it's like nails on a chalkboard. It wasn't a mental illness, America just sucks.

honestly yeah the term "mental health" is such a copout. literally just exists for people to use when they pretend to care about your wellbeing but don't actually care enough to address the material conditions that make people miserable in the first place. women invented the term "mental health" to torment me with because they are evil. how about they try being happy when their life is fucked and there's nothing they can do about it. what's that? society is set up to poop and shit on you and leave skidmarks on your forehead and shove its dick in your face? yeah must be your mental health.

I have also noticed that the concept of "mental health" tends to largely be associated with women. I'm not depressed because of a chemical imbalance, I'm depressed because I'm poor. It's like women have hijacked the whole psychiatry industry. Most people that are labeled as "mentally ill" see therapists, and most therapists are women. I've had some people in anti-psychiatry discussions and male spaces say that women don't make good therapists. There's a reason why a lot of men say therapy for a man is gym and Jesus. Hopefully this does not come off as a hasty generalization but I believe that this is primarily associated with education in general. Women tend to be interested in people and thus are more likely to conform to social norms (which is what school is for) whilst men tend to be more opinionated and interested in things.

Teachers have largely noticed this too. Thinking back to middle school and high school, a good chunk of the advanced classes and student council and leadership were like, all girls. The nicest and meanest people you'd ever meet were women, most of the social bullies in school were women, and women are treated better by society. I could be going on a tangent, and possibly off topic, but this could be why many mass shooters dislike women.

I've had this thought a lot recently and I can't tell if it's that I'm blinded by paranoia and bad experiences with women or if there's a grain of truth in there somewhere. I understand if it sounds like I'm fucking unhinged though. The way I see it, women's primary defence mechanism is to form an emotional connection with men who can protect them from the big bad reality of the outside world. This isn't completely their fault and doesn't make them bad (except it kind of does), but the reason they act as though they care about "expressing feelings" and such is because they are hard wired to do so purely for their own benefit. Unlike many aspects of human behaviour, this instinct translates surprisingly well into our mode of society, since it can provide them with material financial security as a direct substitute for physical security. It does, however, give women the ability to get their emotional tendrils into your head and fuck it up badly if they want to. A lot of men don't even have someone who pretends to care about them until a girl comes along and leads them down the path of emotional trust and sharing vulnerable experiences. Again, I think most of the time they do this because they actually do care initially, but it's easy for the magic to wane and once it does there's no taking that trust back. They still know those things about you and if they have a reason to dislike you they won't hesitate to use it against you. Or even just lose interest in you, which can be equally emotionally damaging.

I could easily see how current psychology is an institutional extension of this largely female impulse. Although, most of the original pioneering psychologists were men. Even talk therapy was invented by Freud which is interesting since the idea of talk therapy seems very female to me. Then again, i don't know that much about psychology and have never even been to therapy. So idk. It is certainly interesting that women seem to be outperforming men in many of these areas (like education as you mentioned) even though they were exclusively constructed by men. I've heard lots of explanations given as to why, but people tend to just acknowledge it politely then move on without lifting a finger to do anything about it. Probably because women don't understand the internal male experience and the men who are in a position to make changes just don't care enough to bother because it won't make them money.

Going on a tangent is good, i need to get misogyny out of my system online every now and again so I don't go yelling at random girls irl and if I ever told people I actually thought this I'd just lose all of my social credit points. Awesome.

I know this is kind of a late response, but I've just become numb to the whole life thing which makes it hard to convey my thoughts sometimes. I often perceive situations through a bubble due to my lack of experience in the real world. However, it seems that many people participate in some sort of echo chamber. My thought process tends to be pretty linear, so I'm only an expert in some of the things that actually pique my interest. I've never had much of an interest in women, and I'm not gay or anything, it's just the linear thinking that causes me to feel this way. I know that biologically men are supposed to cater to women, and I subconsciously realize that there's this instinct within me, because I'm kind of a slave to whatever DNA wants to do. I possess an inherent mental construction within myself, where you kind of just have to feel bad for women because nature gave them the short end of the stick. The values I have lead me to believe that women are at a disadvantage because they're physically weaker and had to spend the majority of their life (back then) bearing children.

But even so, the whole strength thing only applies If I were at the mercy of nature, however unrealistic that is since I'm so used to the demanding social conditioning that societies demand. I have read a few controversial proposals that social impairments tend to be caused by an "extreme male brain" but take it as you will. This may seem unusual or have some weird phrasing, but the concept of having an entirely different psychological and biological composition is just so foreign to me. I don't see anything wrong with this though, since a typical person would be complacent with the advantages they were given. And like you said, I don't really blame women for acting irrational or whatever, because women are historically used to being pandered to for protection. You have effectively summed up how I tend to view women from a  "human nature" perspective.

On psychology though, it's interesting the see the shift from it being a male field to something women have largely shown interest in. I believe that this is the case because psychology and psychiatry are now mostly mixed in with each other. Psychology is a science that studies the human brain and behavior. They mainly stay out of the social aspect although they still work with psychiatrists, because the drugs need to be backed by something at least, even though some of the time they just prescribe stuff and hope it works out. Psychiatry is, I guess, "psychology" made to help people, they're the ones who push the "mental health" nonsense. I've never been to therapy because I talked my way out of it, because I knew what my problems were, I just couldn't put them into action and the only solution was to distract myself. This could be described from the concept of the power process, in which my real goal (not the hedonistic solution) would never be achieved, regardless of the amount of effort I put in. Psychiatry has gained a lot of popularity now, but it's often just referred to as typology. Typically, it's a feminine interest in itself but it's pretty popular in South Korea too. Typology is essentially the categorization of various personal characteristics being represented as a combination of letters or numbers. It's similar to the rigid psychiatric labels that "mental health" advocates put onto people.

It seems that what I'm trying to get out of this is that society is hyper feminine and women tend to thrive in this cucked system. Where the current structure of our society just rewards docility and it’s just a repeating negative feedback loop where no one does anything because everyone is so used to this system. Men are guilty of this too, but usually they just want to see themselves as rebels so badly that they actually do stuff (aka shoot innocent people in a public place which solves nothing). I don't usually like scapegoating all of my problems on a certain group of people, even though I'm guilty of it myself. But there's not really many spaces left on the internet where I can do this sort of thing.

Last edited by CaneBread on Thu Oct 17, 2024 5:39 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Grammar)

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PostSubject: Re: Dire Trip made a video on Atchison.   Dire Trip made a video on Atchison. Icon_minitime

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