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 Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced

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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2015 5:54 pm

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Warsaw University/Polish students group Slikrat produced this Columbine influenced amateur film that became infamous when linked to Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza. Lanza found it on youtube & made references & promotes the film on the message board "Super Columbine Massacre RPG".

Excellent film in my opinion. At the bottom right corner of your youtube interface click for English subtitles.

One of our own posters here played a key role in the making of the film.
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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2015 6:07 am

Fatheroftwo wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Warsaw University/Polish students group Slikrat produced this Columbine influenced amateur film that became infamous when linked to Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza.  Lanza found it on youtube & made references & promotes the film on the message board "Super Columbine Massacre RPG".

Excellent film in my opinion.  At the bottom right corner of your youtube interface click for English subtitles.

One of our own posters here played a key role in the making of the film.

That'd be me.

As for Lanza, I never knew the guy, he never sent me any private messages on the old forums. I was pretty much ceasing to be an active poster at the same time Lanza was just starting to post there. I know Lanza was following my old posts carefully and made positive comments on the film, something I'm not very thrilled about.

As for the film becoming "infamous" or "famous" I'd say that is a huge overstatement.

The film remains largely unknown and very few people seen it. The filnal part of the english subtitles movie has some 800+ views on youtube currently.

In contrast, the Chernobyl disaster short film made by the same movie making group (film: "Chernobyl -Wormwood and the Flame") has almost 5 000 views, while the group's short film on dissidents and police brutality in Belarus ("Belarus- fighting for freedom") has over 17 500 views currently.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2015 12:49 pm


I'll check out the Chernobyl film.. last summer saw a great documentary/source escapes me.

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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2015 3:31 pm

Sabratha wrote:
Fatheroftwo wrote:

Warsaw University/Polish students group Slikrat produced this Columbine influenced amateur film that became infamous when linked to Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza.  Lanza found it on youtube & made references & promotes the film on the message board "Super Columbine Massacre RPG".

Excellent film in my opinion.  At the bottom right corner of your youtube interface click for English subtitles.

One of our own posters here played a key role in the making of the film.

That'd be me.

As for Lanza, I never knew the guy, he never sent me any private messages on the old forums. I was pretty much ceasing to be an active poster at the same time Lanza was just starting to post there. I know Lanza was following my old posts carefully and made positive comments on the film, something I'm not very thrilled about.

As for the film becoming "infamous" or "famous" I'd say that is a huge overstatement.

The film remains largely unknown and very few people seen it. The filnal part of the english subtitles movie has some 800+ views on youtube currently.

In contrast, the Chernobyl disaster short film made by the same movie making group (film: "Chernobyl -Wormwood and the Flame") has almost 5 000 views, while the group's short film on dissidents and police brutality in Belarus ("Belarus- fighting for freedom") has over 17 500 views currently.

Were you in the movie Bullet Time?
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Posts : 1707
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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2015 4:33 pm

virtual wrote:
Were you in the movie Bullet Time?

I decline to answer this sort of questions. Primary reason being I stronly prefer to keep my online persence separated from my RL persence.

I can confirm that I had a hand in writing the script and that's it.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2015 4:46 pm

Sabratha wrote:
virtual wrote:
Were you in the movie Bullet Time?

I decline to answer this sort of questions. Primary reason being I stronly prefer to keep my online persence separated from my RL persence.

I can confirm that I had a hand in writing the script and that's it.

Oh so you are. Great. Thank you. Smile
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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2015 4:47 pm

Sabratha wrote:
virtual wrote:
Were you in the movie Bullet Time?

I decline to answer this sort of questions. Primary reason being I stronly prefer to keep my online persence separated from my RL persence.

I can confirm that I had a hand in writing the script and that's it.

Just watched the movie again. It was great.
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Posts : 1707
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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2015 7:35 am

Given some of the recent influx of people commenting on this, SILKRAT released an official statement:

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2015 8:59 am

Sabratha wrote:
Given some of the recent influx of people commenting on this, SILKRAT released an official statement:

Well the shooter Adam Lanza was a previous forum member named Smiggles. Isn't that weird. lol
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Posts : 1707
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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2015 9:17 am

virtual wrote:
Sabratha wrote:
Given some of the recent influx of people commenting on this, SILKRAT released an official statement:

Well the shooter Adam Lanza was a previous forum member named Smiggles. Isn't that weird. lol

Yes he was. In all probablity, I would assume he found our film through my profile from the old forums.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2015 10:38 am

Sabratha wrote:
virtual wrote:
Sabratha wrote:
Given some of the recent influx of people commenting on this, SILKRAT released an official statement:

Well the shooter Adam Lanza was a previous forum member named Smiggles. Isn't that weird. lol

Yes he was. In all probablity, I would assume he found our film through my profile from the old forums.

Who was the lead actor in the movie? That shorter thinner guy? I always thought he was SilkRat. I like the acting job of the bigger guy too, great work.
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Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2015 10:40 am

Sabratha wrote:
virtual wrote:
Sabratha wrote:
Given some of the recent influx of people commenting on this, SILKRAT released an official statement:

Well the shooter Adam Lanza was a previous forum member named Smiggles. Isn't that weird. lol

Yes he was. In all probablity, I would assume he found our film through my profile from the old forums.

The movie has such a HUGE buildup to the shooting and sadly there isn't much of the shooting in the film. It would be awesome if it had just a bit more action at the end. Good though.
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Posts : 1707
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Location : The Masovian Lowland

Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2015 7:28 am

virtual wrote:

Who was the lead actor in the movie? That shorter thinner guy? I always thought he was SilkRat. I like the acting job of the bigger guy too, great work.

The skinny guy is Michal (Mike) Wisniewski. The big guy is Jan Kuncewicz. SILKRAT is the name of the whole mivie making student group. All of the people in the film (except the few cameo appearances by people in their 40s and 50s - friends and family of the students) were at the time Warsaw university students, all were from the Philosophy, Psychology, English studies or MISH departments.

virtual wrote:

The movie has such a HUGE buildup to the shooting and sadly there isn't much of the shooting in the film. It would be awesome if it had just a bit more action at the end. Good though.
This is both by design and necessity. First is that this is a zero-budget student film and we certainly had no desire to spend our own money of expensive special effects. Secondly, we deliberately made the film's central point to be the behavior, personality and motives of the shooters. We decided not to have any detailed description of the actaul event, aside from scattered fragments of witness reports in the openign scenes. We also deliberately not provided any info on how many people were to die in this fictional shooting or wether or not the car bombs went off etc.
Our "role model" so to speka was "Zero Day" much more than "Elephant" or "Duck!".

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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PostSubject: Re: Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced   Student film "Bullet Time"  Columbine influenced Icon_minitime

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Student film "Bullet Time" Columbine influenced
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