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 Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors?

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Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors? Empty
PostSubject: Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors?   Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2015 2:56 pm

I don't know if you guys have heard of Sam Granillo, but he was a student at Columbine during the shootings who has participated in several Columbine documentaries. His experience was very interesting, at least from a Columbine research standpoint (probably was terrifying for him though). He says that he had to hold the door of a kitchen office shut as Eric and Dylan were on the other side, trying to get in. While I don't doubt that what he said is true, was it really E+D on the other side of the door? Because as far as I can tell, the two shooters never even entered the cafeteria area until about 11:44, about 25 minutes after they started shooting, and by Granillo's account he and the 17 others in the room hadn't even had time to barricade the door by the time that the shooters were trying to open it. Judging by the security tapes, Harris and Klebold entered the kitchen area briefly for about a minute or two at 11:58, just before they went back upstairs to kill themselves, which means that if they did try to open the door of the kitchen area then it was probably around this time. Also, Granillo states that he could hear people talking on the other side of the door, and presumes that it was the shooters. But for a time shortly after the shooting began, there were custodians in the cafeteria area at around 11:26. I believe that these custodians tried to open the door, not Eric and Dylan. It just fits the time frame much better.

I'm curious to hear what other people think about this. Because if Granillo is right, that Eric and Dylan did try to get into the room, then that would open up a new perspective into their mindset during the attacks. Maybe they were trying to hide out in the room to prepare for a final stand? Or kill themselves? Or maybe they wanted to start killing again? Who knows, but if Granillo is correct then this opens up a huge new window of speculation on what Eric and Dylan were thinking in the last minutes before they killed themselves.

*I tried providing a link to Granillo's interview but got cut off since I'm new here Sad. Just google sam granillo columbine interview.
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Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors?   Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2015 3:19 pm

He made a documentary where he went round visiting other sites of school shootings. He goes into it in a bit more detail on that. It shows him going back into the room they apparently tried to get into.

He meets a girl from Virginia Tech and she goes back to the room she was stuck in if I recall correctly.

There were interviews with other Columbine survivors too. Anne Marie Hochhalter being one. I guess Craig Scott was in it too, he usually pops up in these types of programme. Been a while since I watched it now.

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Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors?   Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2015 12:01 am

I think there would be no way of knowing who it was. It could very of well been E+D but then again it could of just been a janitor. I think the best way to find out would go through the report interviews and see if anyone tried to go into that room but couldn't because someone was on the other side. Although you would of thought that if the person was just a janitor they would of made contact with the people on the other side.

Interesting guy though. I had a quick chat with him across Facebook about a year ago. THe documentary gave me an insight of how some of the "survivors" are living today.

*insert Columbine related quote here*
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Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors?   Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2015 12:52 am

Radioactive_Clothing wrote:
He made a documentary where he went round visiting other sites of school shootings. He goes into it in a bit more detail on that. It shows him going back into the room they apparently tried to get into.

He meets a girl from Virginia Tech and she goes back to the room she was stuck in if I recall correctly.

There were interviews with other Columbine survivors too. Anne Marie Hochhalter being one. I guess Craig Scott was in it too, he usually pops up in these types of programme. Been a while since I watched it now.

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Pretty sure that's the Dateline episode from last years anniversary? It's nice seeing different types of Columbine survivors in recent documentaries. And when one of the survivors from the 1998 Jonesboro Middle School shootings, reassures Sam that he is a victim, despite not being physically injured. "I don't care if you were shot, or not. You were injured. You are a victim, you have symptoms, & they're going to hurt. I don't think you should ever let anybody minimize that."
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Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors?   Sam Granillo's experience in the kitchen area: E+D or janitors? Icon_minitime

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