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 Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows?

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Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Empty
PostSubject: Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows?   Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 5:57 am

I've read multiple times that there is video taken from a news chopper of the boys shooting at police. In another thread theres a video that's supposedly Eric, but I don't see anything/anyone. I've seen the pictures of the boys shooting, but all you really see is smoke. Is that the video footage that I've read about? If not does anyone have that footage? I swear I saw a picture back when I got into studying Columbine that clearly showed the boys through a window, but I can't seem to find it now. Any help would be much appreciated.
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Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows?   Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 6:06 am

I don't know. I don't think the chopper footage of them shooting, if it exists at all, is anywhere on the Internet. Where have you read about it?
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Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows?   Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 9:11 am

I wish I could give you a specific reference, but its just something I know I've seen more than a few times in various articles. Something to the effect of:

A news chopper caught the boys on camera through the upper windows. It was broadcast live on air. Once they started firing on police again the choppers were ordered to pull back for fear of it being shot at.

That's paraphrased of course. Ill take note if I see it mentioned again when I inevitably dig back into news articles again. I've seen it mentioned that it was aired live at the time. There was a MASSIVE amount of footage filmed that day for various news stations. Much of it has been lost or was never seen after being aired once or twice. You'd think something like that would have been plastered all over the media, but maybe seeing the killers shoot at cops was considered too insensitive. I promise I'm not making it up or misremembering haha. I need to start taking notes like Ive heard other researchers do.

EDIT: I remember reading about how a witness saw the mysterious NATO truck live on tv too and the feed was abruptly cut off immediately. I've read about this truck a few times before, yet I don't think I've ever seen a picture or video of it either. Does anyone happen to have or know where I can find the picture of this truck?
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Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows?   Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 7:09 pm

Maybe if someone who watched it was recording it on vhs although that was pretty early on in the news coverage seeing that it was around noon time and the killers were still alive. It could also be in the news archives of whatever station was filming that day, considering it was the biggest story they probably ever covered.
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Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows?   Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 7:54 pm

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Numerous people from around the country have reported to Mr. John Quinn and the CRTF webmaster that they saw a large, blue "NATO" truck located on the Columbine High School grounds at about 11:30 a.m. It was shown from a helicopter. The cameraman zoomed in and immediately the video feed was cut. One source told CRTF, "I remember seeing a large vehicle -- blue, black -- I remember it being dark in color, as for blue or black I am not positive regarding the color. However I do remember seeing 'NATO' on the truck and I remember the shield on the vehicle." The words "NATO" were possibly imprinted on a shield on the front of the vehicle.

Others reported seeing "NATO" SWAT personnel. A news video tape was sent by a source to Mr. Quinn which showed these men with "NATO" inscriptions in white on their uniforms/body shields. Quinn says the uniforms/shields do in fact appear to say "NATO", although the video is of poor quality.

As bizarre as the NATO reports are, we feel they are completely credible since dozens of people initially reported to John Quinn the same facts independently, and some facts that had not yet been released by Quinn were corroborated independently by various people. Whether the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was present seems very unlikely and remains unconfirmed.

Sgt. Mark Lewis of the Denver Police Department offered us this explanation, "...could it have been NTOA, which stands for National Tactical Officers Association?" The following web site offers an explanation per the NATO shields. A credible source also tells us that when viewing a Denver SWAT operation on TV in late 1999, completely unrelated to Columbine, he saw a large, blue truck with the letters "NATO" imprinted on the side. The truck was part of the SWAT operation.

The camera man focuses on a number of officials in the staging area, from a SWAT guy dredging around a body shield that says "NATO-3" in white letters on its front, to a man wearing sunglasses and a black suit -- possibly the FBI's Dwayne Fuselier.
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Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows?   Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 10, 2015 12:18 pm

sororityalpha wrote:
A credible source also tells us that when viewing a Denver SWAT operation on TV in late 1999, completely unrelated to Columbine, he saw a large, blue truck with the letters "NATO" imprinted on the side. The truck was part of the SWAT operation.

What source is that?

I imagine the acronym is real, but probably unrelated to NATO alliance. "TO" in police terms often stands for "tactical operations/operatives". "A" may stand for "armed", "active", "armored" or "assault" or similar terms. Have no idea what the N would stand for.

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Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows?   Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 7:01 am

I wasnt questioning the existence of the NATO truck. With all the reliable non-student witness accounts I take it as fact. I was just using that as an evidence of there being news footage that was cut and never re-aired. I'm fairly certain the window shooting incident happened as well seeing as how there are already pictures and video claiming to be the boys committing the act. I was hoping someone may have a copy where the boys could be made out clearly. I can't think of a reason footage like that wouldn't have been re-aired other than for decency or moral reasons. That said the media didnt seem to care much about crossing lines when it comes to Columbine.
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PostSubject: Re: Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows?   Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows? Icon_minitime

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Footage of Eric and Dylan shooting through the windows?
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