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 Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)

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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 29, 2013 11:31 pm

Entire thread that was created in 2009 and continued into 2011 (it's dated as such) on the old forum that I copy/pasted and saved into a document last autumn. Eric and Dylan's old boss from Black Jack came in to discuss things. His name is Jason Secor, and his user name is Venturo. I thought this was very interesting, and that is why I saved it.


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Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:19 am
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Eric and Dylan's boss
The Denver Post - Sunday, June 27, 1999

School rampage rocks pizzeria owner
Columbine shooters his employees

By Christopher Cooper
The Wall Street Journal

How desperate are the employees at Blackjack Pizza No. 2025? Lately, they've been counting on the magical powers of pepperoni.

"The superstition," says store owner Christopher Lau, rolling his eyes. "My manager says that putting a slice of pepperoni on the phones makes them ring."

Not that the 33-year-old pizza man is going out of his way to debunk the notion. He can use any help he can get, as he faces a dilemma that budding young entrepreneurs don't learn about in business school: What to do when two model employees inexplicably become murderers?

Two of Lau's pizza cooks were Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, who horrified the nation on April 20 by killing 12 fellow Columbine High School students and a teacher before taking their own lives.

Lau was as horrified as anyone by the mayhem. But, as reporters began descending on his parlor within hours of the attack, he also realized that fallout from the shootings could bankrupt the business that he and his wife had sunk their life savings into just six weeks earlier, and kill a dream that Lau had been nurturing for more than five years.

Buying the place had been risky enough. Tucked away in a faded strip mall, the pizzeria was cramped, cluttered and dingy. The dough mixer was ancient, the workforce apathetic, the profits nonexistent.

But Lau sniffed opportunity. A rangy Pennsylvanian with tortoise-shell glasses and a precisely clipped goatee, he had moved to the area in 1994 for his wife, Linda, to pursue a degree in counseling psychology at the University of Denver.

He took a job at a Blackjack outlet. Hired as a manager trainee, he was immediately put to work kneading dough, tending ovens and making deliveries. He was surprised by how much he enjoyed himself.

Soon he was talking about buying a store, and possibly someday running a stable of Blackjack outlets. Linda Lau, by then a college counselor, arranged their lives to make it happen. To save money, they drove their aging cars until the springs sagged and made do with a tiny apartment in a modest part of town.

Franchise for sale
When a franchise in fast-growing south Jefferson County went up for sale when Lau was finishing a business degree at the University of Colorado at Denver, he spent months studying its books and chatting up its owner. In early March, he plunked down his meager savings and proceeds from a Small Business Administration loan to buy the store.

He had calculated the risk right down to the pie. The store had been losing money on a gross of about $5,000 a week. But Lau figured he needed to gross $6,000 a week just to cover operating costs.

Tacking on another $2,000 a week to cover capital improvements, such as oven replacements and plumbing repairs, Lau figured he needed to move about 1,217 pies a week, or 60 percent more pizzas than sold by the previous owners.

To help, Lau spirited away Jason Secor, the manager at the campus Blackjack where Lau got his start. As they set about sprucing up the south Jefferson County store, Lau went to work on an aggressive advertising campaign that included door hangers, direct mail and coupons taped to pizza boxes, because as he puts it, "advertising is the heart of this business."

Although he didn't know any of them well, Lau turned a cold eye on employees he inherited from the former regime, several of whom were Columbine students. Most didn't like the dress code and other rules Lau imposed to instill esprit de corps. The few who didn't quit included Klebold and Harris, two clean-cut cooks who were conscientious, punctual and good in the pizza kitchen.

After only two weeks, Lau was pleasantly surprised to see that gross sales had leapt by 22 percent. His battle plan seemed to be working. "It's not deep philosophy," he says. "I just applied standard business principles to the operation."

But the turnaround at Blackjack No. 2025 came to an abrupt halt on April 20, when his two cooks strode into the high school, guns blazing. News of the shootings came to Lau through his manager, Secor, who was headed to work at the pizzeria as the bullets flew. Even as Secor was making calls to ensure Blackjack employees weren't among the victims, reporters began phoning the store to ask about the two gunmen. That's how Lau found out that the killers were his cooks. It knocked the breath out of him.

Sitting in the dim cubbyhole that passes for his office, Lau says he has replayed over and over again everything he ever observed about the two teenagers, coming up with nothing. "It was unfathomable to me that two people who worked in my kitchen could have done something so terrible," he says.

But the effect the event would have on his business and his psyche became chillingly clear when Lau arrived at his store a few days after the massacre. Turning the lights on, he noticed that the safe that had been open when he left the day before was now shut and locked. Could the cooks have rigged the safe with bombs?

He felt his palms grow damp. A short time later, Lau, standing in his kitchen and flanked by his wife and a worker, carefully turned the dial on the safe, taking care to shield his body behind the heavy door.

It was empty, but the same feeling of uncertainty and dread stayed with him as he tried to go about his routine, cleaning the bathroom and mopping the floors. "There was just no way for me to wrap my mind around what was happening," says Lau.

Closed for several days
There was more to come. Hoping that the tumult might die down, Lau closed the pizzeria for several days after the shootings, but when he reopened, the reporters were still there, pressing up against the front windows with their cameras and filming the shell-shocked workers inside.

"These poor guys had enough to deal with," Lau says of his employees, several of whom are Columbine students. "Work should have been a haven for them."

Instead, work was a fish bowl. Hoping to divert attention away from his young workers, Lau spent one sleepless night laboring over a press release. It contained the killers' Blackjack work history and said that no one at the shop had had any clue about their plans. When reporters continued to appear, he developed a new routine, meeting visitors at the door and easing them into the parking lot before saying a word.

As he fumbled to control the press, Lau discovered he could do less about the crank callers who were tormenting his employees. Secor, the manager, says numerous callers called the store in the days following the shootings demanding such items as "pipe-bomb pizzas," and "TEC-9 specials," in reference to one of the guns used in the massacre.

There were other jarring calls as well. Linda Lau recalls an Iowa man who offered cash for the signed time sheets and job applications left behind by the two gunmen.

Although Lau couldn't disconnect the phones without strangling his takeout business, he gave employees permission to hang up on crank callers. He assured them that, with time, such calls would pass, and indeed, they did.

But one caller got Lau to thinking. "I'm never going to order pizza again from you because of the people you hire," he remembers the man saying. "That was the kind of thing I was gravely concerned would destroy the store," Lau says.

For a while, the fears seemed warranted. Sales slid to around 700 pies a week, or $4,600, compared with the $7,000 weekly gross shortly before the shooting. Lau's dream was hemorrhaging money and for the first time he was scared. He stopped opening for lunch and began closing the store altogether on Mondays, the slowest day of the week.

Amid the turmoil, Lau and his staff were having trouble keeping up with the orders that did come. Secor suffered from relentless nightmares. Lau invited him to dinner and sent a basket of flowers in a show of support. A number of employees requested funeral leave, which Lau granted without question. Others, many of them Columbine students, began showing up late and out of uniform, prompting Lau to relax his dress code. These things, too, had not been discussed in business school. "I wish that I had brought in some grief counselors," he now says.

Making matters worse, Lau was forced to reduce his already depleted staff even further. He had 16 employees before the massacre. He says he dismissed a cook who was captured on television being led away from the school in handcuffs. The former employee hasn't been charged with a crime, and his lawyer says the dismissal was actually a resignation. A Blackjack deliveryman was also let go for bragging - falsely, it turned out - about having knowledge of where his coworkers obtained their guns.

Former driver charged
Another Blackjack employee allegedly did play a role in the crime: Phillip Joseph Duran, a former driver, was charged with acting as a middleman in the sale of the TEC-DC9 assault pistol used by the killers. Duran, also an inherited employee, worked with Lau for about two weeks before taking another job several weeks before the shootings. "Neat appearance, no discipline problems," Lau says of Duran. "I never had any suspicions about him."

The tight local job market - and possibly a Columbine stigma.[/b]

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:27 pm



Last edited by Guest on Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:53 pm


Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:19 am
Posts: 12268
Location: The land of sour milk and rancid honey

You seem to find the obscure, tucked-away stuff lporter - it's good.

I actually do a lot of searches by date. For example, not too long ago I was reading about something that was going to happen on the 27th, so just out of the blue I decided to do a search for articles with "Columbine" in the text published on June 27, 1999 (a Sunday in 1999 *and* this year, as well).

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:56 pm


Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:42 pm
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Hats off you you lporter. I always find your post interesting. Do you know if Black jack pizza(specifically the one E&D worked at) is still open? Sorry if this is a question thats been answered kinda new to the site.

Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:03 pm


Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:19 am
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Do you know if Black jack pizza(specifically the one E&D worked at) is still open?

The chain is still around:

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but the particular store where Eric and Dylan is worked is something else now:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ... php?t=2739

Here's an amusing (or annoying, based on your perspective) YouTube clip:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ... php?t=2798

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:14 pm


Joined: Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:40 pm
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I was wondering what types of effects the massacre had on Blackjacks. Thank you so much for the wide variety of obscure articles you post on the aftermath of Columbine.

Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:02 pm


Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:19 am
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Thank you so much for the wide variety of obscure articles you post on the aftermath of Columbine.

You're welcome. I'll keep digging.

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:15 pm


Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:50 pm
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I love that you find all this stuff. Just think all these years later how many obsessed girls would love to eat there. Business could be booming haha

Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:15 am


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asloversgo wrote:
I love that you find all this stuff. Just think all these years later how many obsessed girls would love to eat there. Business could be booming haha

Ha! It would. I would like to eat at the original location. It would be so weird yet interesting to be there.

Anyway, I doubt it matters now. Most people don't even know, or care, where they worked now.

Crap happens, and life goes on!

Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:29 pm


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I'm bumping this.

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:11 am


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lporter101 wrote:
I'm bumping this.


"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:49 pm


Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:22 pm
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Even though Blackjack the business is closed, I'm wondering if it would be possible to go behind the building and see where they detonated the dry ice bombs.

we will be free, to explore the vast wonders of the stars.

Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:04 pm


Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:41 pm
Posts: 374

I missed this the first time you posted it lporter, please keep bumping your old stuff.

Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:11 pm


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absolutequiet wrote:
I missed this the first time you posted it lporter, please keep bumping your old stuff.

I will.

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:07 am


Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:22 pm
Posts: 33

Hi guys.
Hello, my name is Jason Secor. Yes, the same from this very black jack pizza. I am amazed people are still talking about this 11 years later! I live it every day so I know why I still think of it. So this forum is for a columbine RPG game? If so, I am dumbfounded by people. Trust me the real thing ain't so fun. The hurt it caused all of us SUCKED. Anyways, came on here like I do once in awhile in articles etc, when people start wondering what really happened etc. Try to dispell with the myths and such...cuz frankly almost nobody has ever gotten this stuff right.,...apparently this game didn't either, at least partly, with Marilyn mansion (cd?). Whats that about? Both reb and Dylan hated marilyn manson and referred to him as a "faggot", their words, not mine. So anyways, hopefully there is some education to all this considering the crap that went down. Jason.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:12 pm


Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:41 pm
Posts: 374

Hi Jason, yes this is a forum based on a game. But the majority of people here really are here for research, finding out what happened really and why it did happen.

Besides the Marilyn Manson thing, what else has the media gotten wrong?
Mind telling us about your experience.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:21 pm


Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:19 am
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Welcome to the board, Jason.

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Last edited by lporter101 on Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:29 pm


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Re: Hi guys.

Venturo wrote:
Both reb and Dylan hated marilyn manson and referred to him as a "faggot", their words, not mine.

Dylan reportedly has a MM poster in his room, and told his mother at least that he liked the music (if not the lyrics).

Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:20 pm


Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:22 pm
Posts: 33

Sure thing. Kinda my mini mission to educate if you will. One thing most don't know, is that the pipe bombs were let off in a field a mile or two away from blackjack. The reason? I was late for work that day and they were forced to alter the original plan. As the manager, I was never late, except that day. WE were supposed to be shot to hell as a distraction for the police, not the pipe bombs. The FBI informed us of that little tid bit as well as one of our employees that was waiting outside that day, saw them pull up, then drive away when i wasn't there.. Great little bit of guilt to live with huh? Needless to say, I don't like being late for anything now. Before people say "you were lucky cuz they woulda shot you!" I wasn't a high school kid and certainly had little fear, guns or not, I might have been able to talk em down or outright stop em. Pipe dream? Maybe, but I am the one left to wonder if I could have stopped em. So I blame myself for being late. I am not any kind of Nancy, but I certainly should have sought counseling. Anyways, the ATF, FBI, and just about every three letter agency you can imagine searched blackjack and interviewed us. Fun stuff. You don't find many articles from Chris or myself because it would've been blood money in our minds, and believe me, there was monies offered! A lot of the kids did interviews, but mostly from a friends perspective, not ultra objective in my opinion. The only real interview we did was with the wall street journal. It was free to them, and was an article based on how a business survives such a crisis. It saved that place. Until that time, no one knew our role, and many thought we were the kingpins...ridiculous! The police and FBI were the only ones who knew we were victims as well. They gathered some of their bomb making materials from blackjack. Such as the glass jugs for hot sauce. They would break them up to use as shrapnel. The klebolds are wonderful people. At least from what I knew. Didn't speak with Harris family too much. They kinda disappeared afterward. Reb was an extremely intelligent kid, quiet, but smart, and likable! We actually wanted to promote him to shift manager! Can you believe it?! Dylan was more outgoing and laughed more, but seemed like a good kid. There were NO signs, i dont care what all the talking heads say, i worked next to them both DAILY. I am no expert, but they were no different to me or many others from what i can recall. They loved rammstein. Hated manson. They did idolize hitler and the nazi ideal. For a couple tormented and apparently unstable kids, they couldnt have picked a worst role model. The "jocks" did indeed torment those two...on more occasions then most anybody knew or would admit. They threw rocks and bottles at them etc. Aside from the mental and emotional abuse as well. While there is absolutely no excuse for what transpired, they became a product of their environment. I liken it to this analogy: you cage a dog and poke it with a stick repeatedly and daily, it will become vicious. That is probably the single best summary of what happened. I liked the same music they did, I was angry at life growing up, I played violent video games, I watched violent movies, yet I didn't go shoot up a lot of innocent kids. I was much more social than reb or Dylan growing up and at least didn't get the repeated "torture" if you will that they received. Some of these incidents even transpired as they were coming to work a couple times. I tried to stick up for them, but real or imaginary, I never was able to confront anyone near the store. So I had to go on their word. So there is a quick synopsis. Feel free to ask more if you like. I am happy to answer what I can and what I know. Jason

Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:21 pm


Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:22 pm
Posts: 33

Well xerxes, I am not sure where that "info" comes from, but I know at work day in and day out, they would refer to him, among others as a "faggot". They played rammstein DAILY. I don't mind the band, but I heard more than I cared for day and day out. So take that for what it's worth.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:23 pm


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Jason, have you read Dave Cullen's Columbine? If so, can you comment on Cullen's characterization of the two killers?

Cullen writes that Eric got "lots and lots of chicks," and that he "scored" with a 23-year-old woman named Brenda Parker.

(At first, Parker told the police that she and Eric went out a few times, but then she admitted that she made the whole thing up.)

Cullen also writes that Dylan was scared of Eric.


Did Eric and Dylan ever talk about the things that happened at school? Did they ever mention anything about "ketchup" or "tampons?"

(There are reports that the jocks threw ketchup and tampons at them in the cafeteria.)

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:53 pm


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It must have been really hard for you, Jason. We really appreciate your effort to reach out and talk about what happened.

I'm very surprised to hear that Eric and Dylan wanted to target Blackjack before the school. I don't think anyone has ever mentioned that before. I can understand why it might mess you up to think about it.

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:02 pm


Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:42 pm
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Re: Hi guys.

Venturo wrote:
Hello, my name is Jason Secor. Yes, the same from this very black jack pizza. I am amazed people are still talking about this 11 years later! I live it every day so I know why I still think of it. So this forum is for a columbine RPG game? If so, I am dumbfounded by people. Trust me the real thing ain't so fun. The hurt it caused all of us SUCKED. Anyways, came on here like I do once in awhile in articles etc, when people start wondering what really happened etc. Try to dispell with the myths and such...cuz frankly almost nobody has ever gotten this stuff right.,...apparently this game didn't either, at least partly, with Marilyn mansion (cd?). Whats that about? Both reb and Dylan hated marilyn manson and referred to him as a "faggot", their words, not mine. So anyways, hopefully there is some education to all this considering the crap that went down. Jason.

Do you have any proof you are who you say you are? I'm not trying to say your lying but anyone can make an account and claim to be someone.

"I could convince them that I'm going to climb Mount Everest, or I have a twin brother growing out of my back. I can make you believe anything." - eric harris

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Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:43 pm


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Hey, welcome to the board Jason. I'm sorry it was so tough on you.

Columbine seems to have hurt everyone involved. I know at least two of their friends became alcoholics out of shame and guilt, and one of their jock tormentors took to shooting up meth.

As for Blackjack today... the location appeared to close a few years after. I guess the shooting had a big negative impact. Today a karate studio fills where it once was.

But, ya know, E/D loved hanging at Funplex but nobody's held that place "accountable". I think it's sad that anyone would view Blackjack negatively because of what happened.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ... =alcoholic

Also, just out of curiosity, do you know whatever happened to Kirgis? He seems like a nice guy and Eric and Dylan liked him so much that they even spoke kind words about him in their basement videos before the massacre.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:54 pm


Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:22 pm
Posts: 33

Iporter101, no I have not read that book. I was asked to consult on a book with someone about 2 weeks after all this, and at that time, we were and still are utterly disgusted with any media folks. Maybe same person? Not sure. They are bottom feeders. Anyways, they didn't mention ketchup and tampons specifically, they were repeatedly hurt and upset by things at school, But whenever I tried to inquire, they would clam up and refer to them as "faggots", which is what they pretty much called everything they didnt like. I do know this though, one day they both came to work out of breath and upset. I asked why. They said that a bunch of jocks were throwing rocks and bottles at them. We ran out back to nobody there. This happened more than once. I don't remember eric(reb) being a chick magnet. That sounds somewha far fetched, as these two were in more of a clique than anything (trench coat mafia thing). Dylan was NOT scared of reb. That is ridiculous. Those two were pretty much inseparable. The had one spat for a day or two, and I don't recall Dylan running away or cowerin in a corne by any stretch. A coupl of peas in a pod for sure.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:15 pm


Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:22 pm
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@justmythoughts, I am not sure how, other than these details, to prove to you, I am who I say. I obviously can't post my social sec. Num. Have run across skeptics before. Some think it's for attention etc, but I assure you, I didn't want any money or attention then or now. Only to let people know what actually was going on. Maybe someone smarter than me can figure it out. It is somewhat therapeutic to talk to others though so that is one other reason, I poke my head out of my shell with this every now and then.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:20 pm


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Venturo wrote:
@justmythoughts, I am not sure how, other than these details, to prove to you, I am who I say. I obviously can't post my social sec. Num. Have run across skeptics before. Some think it's for attention etc, but I assure you, I didn't want any money or attention then or now. Only to let people know what actually was going on. Maybe someone smarter than me can figure it out. It is somewhat therapeutic to talk to others though so that is one other reason, I poke my head out of my shell with this every now and then.

I'm in no way trying to insult you or call you a liar i was just curious. I'm not saying you aren't who you're saying you are but you never know, ya know? I guess we'll just have to take your word for it.

"I could convince them that I'm going to climb Mount Everest, or I have a twin brother growing out of my back. I can make you believe anything." - eric harris

Follow me on twitter please.
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Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:23 pm


Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:22 pm
Posts: 33

@MNM, holy crap! Now here is someone who knows some stuff! Yes I do know where kirgis is. You wouldn't believe where either. Frankly, I don't like the guy. He knew more of the BS than Chris or I would ever have tolerated. He was a bad influence, and frankly he should've been prosecuted for his apathy! sorry if he is you or a friend of yours, but his negligence and irresponsibility led to all this being undiscovered until it was too late...IMO. I Dont think he recognized me, but I ran into him a few years ago, and he was still there last year. Don't know if I should say where, because it could make me liable, bad mouthing him and all. Let's just say a "predominate sandwich making chain in Denver". I stayed with Chris and black jack for only a short time. Couldn't take the pizza biz after that any more. I told Chris I would help build it back unto where we were, than I had to move on. It took a couple months of ass bustin but we got it there. Chris moved to Pennsylvania with his family. Poor guy. One of the nicest guys and friends I ever worked with. Wrong tome wrong place.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:30 pm


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Have run across skeptics before.

It's human nature to be somewhat skeptical.

Still, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm very interested to hear what you have to say.

The had one spat for a day or two,

Do you remember when it was - how long before 4/20?

Do you remember what it was about?


Did Eric ever talk about trying to get a date for the prom?

Did he ever talk about girls at all?


So you would say that Eric and Dylan were bullied on a constant basis?

The reason why I ask you about Dave Cullen's book is because it's the most popular one out there, by far.

He has said that they were not bullied at all - that they were actually pretty popular around the school.

He definitely makes Eric out to be the leader, and Dylan the follower.

The thing is that *a lot* of people have read his book, and now believe that Eric was this swaggering ladies' man and that Dylan was this sad little guy who followed him around.

(Well, obviously Dylan wasn't *little*, but you know what I mean.)

So your perspective is different from Cullen's. Very interesting.

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:32 pm


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I am not sure how, other than these details, to prove to you, I am who I say. I obviously can't post my social sec. Num.

Some of the police interviews (available online in the 11K) *do* include some people's Social Security numbers, believe it or not.

Your number is *not* available, so you can rest easy about that.

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:47 pm


Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:31 am
Posts: 43

I wonder if it was the sandwich shop that was the scene of a double murder...?


Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:21 pm


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Location: Lincoln: "Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.""

Well I don't know Kirgis personally. But I always thought he was cool since he was pretty much the -only- adult figure in E/D's lives they praised and had kind words for in the basement tapes besides their parents. If anything they needed more people who were nice to them.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:26 pm


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@MNM, he had kind words, true, but he did know stuff that kids should not be doing...and HE DID NOTHING! Except drink his beer in the store in front of those kids at the very least. Kind words or not I really disliked him after that. The place was a disaster when we came in. Firs time I saw it he offered me a beer...some business model huh?

Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:42 pm


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@ejolly0001, no that was in littleton some time later. He is in Denver last I knew. I will never forget that guys face.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:44 pm


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@iporter101, thank god for that small miracle. They botched a lot of stuff I guess, but that was mostly not anything with us.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:45 pm


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Ah I see. E/D called him an alcoholic but I never realized how bad it was.

No wonder they liked so much- he sounds extremely overly-permissive. He had issues before the shooting, I'm sure afterwards really must have messed him up.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:52 pm


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Welcome, Venturo. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I just finished reading your posts in this thread, and noticed that you briefly mentioned a 'spat' that Eric and Dylan had which lasted for a day or so. It's obviously been a long time, but do you happen to remember what that 'spat' was about? Was it just some innocuous teenage thing, or something more significant? When did it happen, roughly?

“And when he came back to, he was flat on his back on the beach in the freezing sand, and it was raining out of a low sky, and the tide was way out.â€

Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:59 pm


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@lporter101, I get the sceptiscm. Nothing new t m. I wish I wasn't ever there and didnt hear the freegin gun shots from the store, and take all the stupid ass calls from "funny" hillbillies in tennesee asking to buy tech nines, etc. At least if I was pretending, I wouldn't have any real memories of this crap. It's cool though. I am dealing and moving on. Every April though, I get real grumpy for a week.

Let's see what I can answer here.

As for the spat, nothing serious as I recall, but don't remember what exactly. Just a couple friends mad at each other for whatever. I think Dylan told me, but it seemed unimportant at the time. Chris and I only knew them for a couple months so not sure how long before it took place that they had the spat. Seemed unimportant, so never really committed to memory.

We talked about the prom, but don't remember everything. I thought he had a girlfriend or a date though. Funny how some of this fades but the other crap sticks like glue. I know he liked a girl at one point towards the end, but not sure what came of it.

Yes, they were bullied relentlessly.

Aside from Internet articles, I rarely read books on this. Bad enough every April having to hear about the anniversary. I commented on some female students article that was featured on msn, last year, and man talk about skeptics! Sounds like this gentleman culled together all the media info and put it together. Chris and I never consulted with anyone about this stuff, except the police, FBI, ATF. So I feel the whole story isn't out if you don't have all sides. That's why I will chat on these kinds of things every now and then.

Lol...seriously?!?! This guy said they were never bullied?!?! Ha! Then he is a hack, and only interested in making a buck! I was there! I saw the anguish they went through pretty much daily. I tried to stick up for them! We went to chase the "faggot jocks" a couple times. Where do these guys get off with that BS? That one infuriates me...cuz that isn't remotely true. Now, they did have a small clique of friends. So they were popular with them. I think we employed most of them, unfortunately. But they all seemed harmless enough, just high school kids ya know?

That leader follower crap, I have heard many times. They were friends, they had different personalities sure, different in their own ways, but not like a leader follower scenario. Hard to explain exactly but hopefully that helps.

This guy really sucks. I might read this book, but sounds like I would be reallly pissed the entire read, and I don't need that.

Apparently I disagree with cullen in every way. I worked side by side with reb way more than Dylan. We worked 5 nights a week together Dylan only worked a couple. We chatted and talked about lots of stuff, but mostly benign coworkers, life stuff. Kinda why this was a huge surprise.

Boy, really feel like I want to read this book now! Lol...I certainly am not going to purchase it though, doesn't sound like an ounce of fact so far.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:09 pm


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@MNM, you would think he would have been messed up. Chris and I were devastated after only two months! He put on a good show though. Did ibis interview as their boss, collected his money, etc. Smelling of beer with tears in his eyes, he made me sick. They showed him a pipe bomb they made and he "apparently" told them to take it out o there. Never reported it. Nothing. IMO, from what I knew of him, he was probably " COOL!" but I don't know that for fact. Shows you what I think of him.

Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:28 pm


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@lporter101, OMG! Thank you! I haven't ever seen these! I didn't know I could view them! Yeah they screwed up my name, probably best anyways. Also says I worked for kirgis, never would have worked for that ass!

Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:04 am


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"I was there! I saw the anguish they went through pretty much daily. I tried to stick up for them! We went to chase the "faggot jocks" a couple times."

What was the deal with having to chase away the jocks anyway? Would they come to the store specifically just to harass Eric and Dylan?

Also, did Eric and Dylan refer to themselves as "Reb and Vodka" a lot at Black Jack?

(Interesting note- Kirgis actually told on Eric Harris to his parents about him drinking on the job. He did give him a slight raise beforehand to try and mitigate his doing that. I also heard that he used to shoot off fireworks on the roof at night and he told them that it was "cool" and he'd deal with the cops if they arrived. Man, that guy sounds pretty slushed.)

Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:12 am


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Venturo wrote:
@lporter101, OMG! Thank you! I haven't ever seen these! I didn't know I could view them! Yeah they screwed up my name, probably best anyways. Also says I worked for kirgis, never would have worked for that ass!

You're welcome.

The 11K is available from this site:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

(You have to copy and paste the URL into your address bar.)

Your interviews begin on page 10197.

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:14 am


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Thank you again. I had forgotten some of that. Man do I remember right now.

As for chasing the jocks away, it was like I said. They were all pissed and winded one day and came running into the store. Asked what was wrong, to which they replied "nothing, just some faggots". Of course i prodded further, and said what about these "faggots"? They replied "some faggots are fucking with us" Of course now I was curious, and being the smart ass I am, I teased them to lighten em up a bit and tell me what was going on. I said "so a bunch of faggots are picking on ya and your all upset?". They said "some faggot jocks were throwing rocks and bottles at us". I said "where?? Out back here??" reb said "just now out back." I said "let's go get em!" we ran out back and looked around, but no one was there. Then apparently they decided I deserved a bullet in the head, little pricks. Anyways, that's almost verbatim, and happened a couple times similarly. I was 26 and full of bravado then so forgive my aggressiveness, hopefully I have matured a bit.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:38 am


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"Sure thing. Kinda my mini mission to educate if you will. One thing most don't know, is that the pipe bombs were let off in a field a mile or two away from blackjack. The reason? I was late for work that day and they were forced to alter the original plan. As the manager, I was never late, except that day. WE were supposed to be shot to hell as a distraction for the police, not the pipe bombs. The FBI informed us of that little tid bit as well as one of our employees that was waiting outside that day, saw them pull up, then drive away when i wasn't there.."

From what I've read all the bombs they set off were primarily distractions to cause chaos during the shooting to "divide" the cop forces during the massacre- or something, ah, I dont' know. Anyway, a fictional story written by Dylan uses something like this as a plotline, only it's to draw the cops to the man who wants to die killing them after he's murdered his enemies. Near the end of the story says....

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ... ht=piggies

"The man then pulled out of the duffel bag what looked to be some type of electronic device. I saw him tweak the dials, and press a button. I heard a faint, yet powerful explosion, I would have to guess about 6 miles away. Then another one occurred closer. After recalling the night many times, I finally understood that these were diversions, to attract the cops."

What exactly did the FBI tell you they thought Eric and Dylan had planned to do at Black Jack that day and how long after 4/20 did they relay this information?

Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:51 am


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The bombs were a distraction indeed. However, the real distraction was supposed to be shooting the hell out of, blackjack and us employees. Mainly Chris and me I guess. The cops told us they said that in their video(s). One of our other cooks was waiting for me in the back and saw them pull up. He said hey. They just stared and drove away. Apparently pulled around to another parking lot to prepare the pipe bombs, to blow up in a field, as I understand it and was told.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:58 am


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Hmm.... perhaps they were uncertain of shooting friends and coworkers and decided against the Black Jack part of the plan.

2 more questions....

1. To what extent did they call themselves Reb and Vodka?

2. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Which forms of pop culture can you remember them expressing like or an interest in or expressing a hatred towards?

Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:02 am


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I will tell you this, in retrospect, those two were anything but indecisive. They had a plan and went through every part of it that they could. I was late to work..plan altered (why just shoot one 15 year old kid they hardly knew, sitting outside smoking by himself, with a locked door outside?). Eric always insisted on being called reb. Dylan wasn't as attached to the name vodka, as eric was to reb tho. I do remember him being referred to that tho. Just not all the time.

I will answer that second part later my friend. I need to get some work done and getting I am 38 now after all.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:11 am


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Venturo wrote:
WE were supposed to be shot to hell as a distraction for the police, not the pipe bombs. The FBI informed us of that little tid bit as well as one of our employees that was waiting outside that day, saw them pull up, then drive away when i wasn't there..


Do you know why they might have targeted BJ?

Who was that other employee who said he saw them that morning? Was it just Harris and Klebold driving one vehicle, or were there others in the cars or did they drive up in two vehicles?

Do you think it's possible Eric and Dylan were imagining being chased to work? Odd that you say it happened several times yet you never saw any evidence of anybody after them.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:54 am


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This is all fascinating. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with people like us.

I think it is great you are offering insight to what they (mainly) Eric was like leading up to the shooting. New insight. It helps me understand this whole thing and come to terms with it a lot better (being directly affected by the moral panic it caused resulting in my being ostracized by society and mankind for the remainder of my youth).

And please, PLEASE don't feel compelled to answer anything you don't feel comfortable sharing. You owe us nothing.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:08 am


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@Venturo. Not doubting your word at all. It's just difficult to visualize Dylan Klebold, at least 6'2" and well-connected, being bullied during his senior year. Not impossible, but difficult to imagine. Maybe he got some splash damage from being nearby when Eric was bullied? Picking on Dylan just seems risky even for a jock.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:49 am

Eric and Dylan's boss
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@vau0807, I know it is hard to envision, and to be honest I don't know how he was bullied. He was taller than me. Maybe it was something that happened for a long time, maybe before he "sprouted"? I don't really know. I don't think he was as much of the teasing as reb was. He was more outgoing, and probably was able to get along with some better, but I don't know for sure. I remember being in middle school and picking on guys much much bigger than me. It's not always about size, it is mostly a mental state. One of the reasons I wanted those two to go outside and confront their tormenters. Try to build some confidence in them to stand up for themselves. To help them not fear these people.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:30 am


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@cdeichman, thank you for trying to understand this. I still am. You connect with people in this life, some more than others. On a deeper level with some and really deep with others. I always liked reb, and Dylan. I felt like I was connecting with reb and that we had a chance to be friends at some point. I was 26 then and not too much older, I saw myself in him and I could relate to him as I had similar experiences growing up, just not to those extremes. I chose a path that didn't involve all the violence, but I was almost as angry as those two were inside, growing up. So it scares me to think that my path could've been similar, Eerily similar. I still feel I know why they snapped, but ultimately it is still a choice. They made theirs and I made mine. Now we all get to live with the consequences of those choices.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:55 am


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Venturo wrote:
I will tell you this, in retrospect, those two were anything but indecisive. They had a plan and went through every part of it that they could. I was late to work..plan altered (why just shoot one 15 year old kid they hardly knew, sitting outside smoking by himself, with a locked door outside?). Eric always insisted on being called reb. Dylan wasn't as attached to the name vodka, as eric was to reb tho. I do remember him being referred to that tho. Just not all the time.

I will answer that second part later my friend. I need to get some work done and getting I am 38 now after all.

I'm not sure about labor laws and what not from 1999 but were 15 year olds allowed to work on a school day when they should have been in school?

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Last edited by justmythoughts on Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:07 pm


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Venturo wrote:
Well xerxes, I am not sure where that "info" comes from, but I know at work day in and day out, they would refer to him, among others as a "faggot". They played rammstein DAILY. I don't mind the band, but I heard more than I cared for day and day out. So take that for what it's worth.

The information comes from Sue Klebold's interview with police. There was some extensive discussion of it.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:02 pm


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I was wondering if someone would ask that. This kid was on work release. Nice guy, but a hooligan no less.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:33 pm


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@xerxes, I don't know about you, but if my mom was asked what music I listened to, I am sure she would pick the most popular rock group of the time. I am only telling you what I knew and heard. Maybe they were closet manson fans?

Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:35 pm


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Venturo wrote:
The bombs were a distraction indeed. However, the real distraction was supposed to be shooting the hell out of, blackjack and us employees. Mainly Chris and me I guess. The cops told us they said that in their video(s). One of our other cooks was waiting for me in the back and saw them pull up. He said hey. They just stared and drove away. Apparently pulled around to another parking lot to prepare the pipe bombs, to blow up in a field, as I understand it and was told.

I could be wrong, but I don't think this ever showed up in any of the reports though. So, either the FBI was just pulling your chain to see if they could get any information, or it was a theory of theirs that didn't pan out, or something else.

Thinking about it, I really can't see them shooting up BJP. Planting a bomb with a timer is a diversionary tactic. Pulling out guns and shooting a place/people is not diversionary.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:38 pm


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Venturo wrote:
@xerxes, I don't know about you, but if my mom was asked what music I listened to, I am sure she would pick the most popular rock group of the time.

I think you are missing the context. The following is a report, but you can find the actual interview in the 11k.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ... rview.html

The Klebold's said that Dylan had a Nine Inch Nails poster and another poster of a woman in a leopard bikini. The Klebold's said that Dylan also had three sports pictures regarding baseball and also had some street signs. Mrs. Klebold indicated that Dylan had a poster of Marilyn Manson and that she asked him about it, and in particular asked him what it meant. Dylan had told her that it didn't mean anything and that he didn't really listen to lyrics of Marilyn Manson music, however, did listen to the music.

Dylan had a MM poster on his wall.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:45 pm


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Well, I can tell you only what I knew from the work environment and what they said there. I haven't been to their houses or rooms, or in their cars etc. I only knew what they said and played at work...tool, rammstein (constantly) and that they said manson was gay. So frankly I will just leave that out there and others can decide whether manson was their band or not. maybe Dylan liked him an reb didn't? Dont know really. My work experiences are all I really know for sure to go on...with all the false mixed information I come across. For instance, the police interview didn't spell my name correctly, seems small, but really is quite important. They all said I worked for kirgis for a year! Huge error! Means a whole different ball game if that was the case. So facts arent always accurate...even by the police.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:52 pm

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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 29, 2013 11:32 pm

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Apparently the threats were made in a video. That's what Chris and I were told. The fact that our employee saw them drive up that morning, leads me to believe they weren't there for a pie. I don't care what the reports say, I know what I knew. There has been so much garbage published by everyone, including the police, that it's hard to wade through what was fact. It's easier to see the incorrect things from this side. You can only go with what seems reasonable and seems to fit. No one person or agency probably will ever have 100% of the facts, including me. I just know what I saw and heard.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:04 pm


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Venturo wrote:
For instance, the police interview didn't spell my name correctly, seems small, but really is quite important. They all said I worked for kirgis for a year! Huge error! Means a whole different ball game if that was the case. So facts arent always accurate...even by the police.

So very, very true. I am often surprised by how many errors are in the 11k. Many of them do deal with ancillary issues, issues where the cops were getting background or checking on things, but weren’t really chasing down a theory. You can see that with their limited talks with you and other people at BJP other than E&D’s direct associates.

Venturo wrote:
Apparently the threats were made in a video. That's what Chris and I were told.

Right, but therein lays the problem: you don’t know if those threats were actually made, or if you were just told they were. So far as I am aware, no one else who saw the complete video evidence reported this planned attack.

The fact that our employee saw them drive up that morning, leads me to believe they weren't there for a pie.

What is this person’s name? I would like to look at their interview in the 11k.

BTW, I am not calling you a liar. I just want to understand the claim more. Check out this map:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ... on_MAP.htm

See the big distance between where the bomb was set, and the school? Now as you know looking at this map, the Blackjack Pizza is right next to the fire station. So very close to the school, it’s hard for me to see such a planned attack as diversionary. It doesn’t mean they didn’t want to shoot someone, of course, but it seems unlikely to me that this was their diversionary plan.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:57 pm


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I was surprised by the 5 minute interviews by each agency myself. Never much follow up either.

Like I said, I don't know. You may be right, may have been smoke up the wazoo. Except what MY employee told me, That day, before we knew what was going on.

Trying to remember his name...Michael maybe? Crap been so long can hardly remember. Been bugging me since yesterday that I Can't remember. I think it was Michael though. It would have been only Michael that worked there at that time though.

As for the plan....let's face it...they weren't rational. They weren't master planners and carried everything out according to what would make sense. Thank god. I understand they couldnt gt a propane tank in the cafeteria to blow, which would have been real bad as i understand it...correct m if am guys seem to have waaay more knowledge than me about the ancillary things. Using common sense they wouldn't have killed a bunch of innocent kids and a teacher. So as for diversionary, smart yes, dangerous yes, fairly well thought out yes, bit by no means rational. Th way thinking was officially lost to them. So who knows what the point of us was. I tried to help them, and to be told that, pissed me off.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:18 pm


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If they actually had shot up BJack then... the cops would have been called on them. That'd have made it very difficult for them to avoid the cops and get to Columbine while the cops were still searching for them.

If they did talk about shooting up BJack on the videos, it may have been diversionary- maybe they thought the cops would find out about it during the massacre and post guards there and divest resources away, or maybe they wanted to put a pipe bomb there somewhere, I don't know.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:24 pm


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Yeah. That's the part that always confused me. I vaguely remember Chris being shown the video...but don't remember for sure. Neither of us could figure out why us? Other than "the party place" was now a work place with discipline and more order than before. That was the best we could come up with.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:07 pm


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Last edited by InterestedOne on Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:12 pm


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Do you think another one of your employees--Chris Morris--could have been involved, given his closeness to Harris and Klebold?

Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:14 pm


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Funny you should ask that. No offense to Chris, I liked most of these guys, but we actually thought it was Chris shooting the school up initially. Black trench coat, little unstable etc. Then we heard there might be more than one. After I called everybody...three people were unaccounted for Chris reb and Dylan.when there was a mention of black trench coat on the radio, that's when we figured we probably knew who it was going to be and started to fear the shit storm that was coming.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:21 pm


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Venturo wrote:
Trying to remember his name...Michael maybe?

In the 11k, the Blackjack Pizza information begins at 10141. I can't find a Michael there. But there is a Miceal Mooney McEwan! It starts at 10186.

McEwan says that he saw Dylan before 11 AM, driving down the road (presumably Coal Mine Road), wearing a Hawaiian shirt. McEwan says he was crossing from Shiloh house to his therapist's office. After his appointment, he walked to Blackjack Pizza. Not sure the rest makes sense:

"Upon reaching the parking lot of the Blackjack Pizza, he observed that Klebold had returned and was now wearing all black. McEwan also observed that Harris' gray Toyota was following the BMW. When McEwan approached the his two coworkers" they sped off northbound on Pierce towards Columbine H.S."

As for the plan....let's face it...they weren't rational. They weren't master planners and carried everything out according to what would make sense.

I would have to disagree. They were master planners for their age. The plan they had was very smart. The problem was that their bomb making skills were utter crap. Oddly, the only bomb with a timer that did work (sort of) was the diversionary bomb, which was actually a mix of bombs rigged to go off at 11:15. I believe this bomb was part of the plan.

I think when you are writing "rational" maybe you mean moral or ethical? They definitely needed help in that department!

Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:32 pm


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Yes! Michael mcewan that was our 15 year old work release cook! That is what I mean...he saw them behind blackjack before they took off.

And I disagree...yes great planners. Yes intelligent. Yes well thought out..But how do you figure any of what they did was rational?? Hardly! And yes, I also mean moral and ethical as well. Don't diefy or glorify them....they don't deserve that. They were created by their surroundings...perfect storm if you will...but still human beings that weren't clear and made a massive bad decision. Period.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:00 pm


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Also, THEY DID NOTHING TO HURT THOSE THAT HURT THEM! They only killed a bunch of innocent kids. Not one "jock" as it were. I get revenge and anger and hurt and hatred. But they just lashed out at whomever was near. So yeah some planners...didn't get who they wanted one bit.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:02 pm


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In case you have forgotten or don't is the definition of rational:
1. Having or exercising the ability to reason.
2. Of sound mind; sane.
3. Consistent with or based on reason; logical: rational behavior. See Synonyms at logical.
4. Mathematics Capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:09 pm


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Another question for Jason,

The last eight or so weeks before the shooting, did Harris and Klebold work steady at BJ, or were there periods of extended absenses, like were they gone for a week or more during that time?

The reason I asked is there were reports that Harris may have been hospitalized or jailed at some point, or they may have both taken trips out of town.

Last edited by starvosan on Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:18 pm


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No absences. Always on time..always did a good job. Nothing to indicate any rebellious tendencies etc.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:19 pm


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So I have a question for you guys now. Why the interest? What age ranges we talking about here? What professions are you guys in? I am just curious.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:21 pm


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Venturo wrote:
But how do you figure any of what they did was rational?? Hardly! And yes, I also mean moral and ethical as well. Don't diefy or glorify them....they don't deserve that.

I’m not glorifying them at all. There aren't many people who glorify them on this board, and I'm certainly not one of them.

I’m saying that their moral and ethical failings don’t make them bad planners. I was reacting to you writing: “As for the plan....let's face it...they weren't rational. They weren't master planners and carried everything out according to what would make sense.â€

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:21 pm


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As I understand it now...he was on some meds at one point...and was in trouble with the law too. But that was not while we knew him.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:23 pm


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A few more, if you don't mind:

Do you remember Charles Phillips or Nate Dykeman working there, and if so what was your impression of them?

Why the interest?

Are you aware that eyewitnesses said Chris Morris was in that school at the time, firing a gun(as well as other members of the TCM)? I was just hoping you could shed some light on the thought that Morris was a lot closer to the plan that he let on.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:24 pm


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@xerxes, I agree with their planning skills. They put a lot of time and thought into it. They were smart and efficient. But you are talking I think about the specifics of the plan and I am referring to the act as a whole. So yes me walking down the street is rational....but me walking down the street with a gun to kill someone would be irrational. So maybe that is where we are disagreeing. You guys use a lot of quotes, so reread where I did indeed say they were good planners. But by definition...the plan...and what it's end means if you will....was not rational. Ok...I agree they just wanted kills...and in numbers....seems weird to me though they wouldn't want their juiciest target though.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:28 pm


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@starvosan, Charles Phillips doesn't ring a bell. Sorry. As for Nate, he worked for us maybe a week? He was one that didn't care for our improvements and didn't want to stick around. Since he was only there a week or so, I never really new much of him. He was older a bit I think than the high school kids. I think he was a driver only, meaning I saw even less of him.

I heard a lot of rumors and Chris Morris being involved was one of them. I remember seeing him in handcuffs on tv and being put in a cop car. But like everything else...he wore a black trench that by association made him a bad guy. I think if he was shooting, he wouldnt be out today. I doubt he could have pulled off a ruse like that. I am only speculating because there wasn't a mention of the plan from Chris and I never saw him again after this. But I bet he knew about it. He probably thought it was more a fantasy than a reality, or maybe didn't view it as something tangible. Remember, our gut reactions were he was the one doing it.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:36 pm


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Yeah still in denver.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:58 pm


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Well thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.

Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:27 pm


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Indeed, thanks!

Venturo wrote:
@xerxes, I agree with their planning skills. They put a lot of time and thought into it. They were smart and efficient. But you are talking I think about the specifics of the plan and I am referring to the act as a whole.

You are now, but that’s not how I interpreted your first use of the word rational. My interest in their “rationalityâ€

Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:50 pm


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Hey... thanks for coming here (whatever it was that brought you here), and for being willing to answer questions...

I have one: You said that Eric and Dylan were both fans of Hitler... How did their Hitler-love manifest itself? And were you aware at the time that Dylan was part-Jewish?

Thanks again.

She is words and music
I am skin and bones
But we will dance till doomsday,
Thank God I'll never be alone.

Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:57 am


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Venturo wrote:
So I have a question for you guys now. Why the interest? What age ranges we talking about here? What professions are you guys in? I am just curious.

Hi Venturo - it's always interesting to have someone on the board who has an actual real-life knowledge of the 2 of them.

To answer some of your questions: I'm interested because I don't get it. Everything I have read/seen indicates that they were teenagers who were smart and pissed off and not too popular - that doesn't provide enough fuel for what they did as far as I can reason. I'm old - 36. And a techie by trade, but not a gamer.

I think I'd just like to know what you thought of them. If you can seperate what they did from who you thought they were before they did it. If you can see enough reason for them to do what they did?

"What were they thinking?"

Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:28 am


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I'm bumping this.

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:40 pm


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Venturo wrote:
Thank you again. I had forgotten some of that. Man do I remember right now.

As for chasing the jocks away, it was like I said. They were all pissed and winded one day and came running into the store. Asked what was wrong, to which they replied "nothing, just some faggots". Of course i prodded further, and said what about these "faggots"? They replied "some faggots are fucking with us" Of course now I was curious, and being the smart ass I am, I teased them to lighten em up a bit and tell me what was going on. I said "so a bunch of faggots are picking on ya and your all upset?". They said "some faggot jocks were throwing rocks and bottles at us". I said "where?? Out back here??" reb said "just now out back." I said "let's go get em!" we ran out back and looked around, but no one was there. Then apparently they decided I deserved a bullet in the head, little pricks. Anyways, that's almost verbatim, and happened a couple times similarly. I was 26 and full of bravado then so forgive my aggressiveness, hopefully I have matured a bit.

i cant believe they possibly considered shooting you..after you tried to stick up for them..damn i'd be so MAD about that

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Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:28 pm


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I wonder, how did the shooting effect business afterwards?

(or did we already answer this, don't want to go through 80+ posts right now)

Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:44 pm


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I bump, therefore I am.

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:24 pm


Thanks for bumping this thread, Porter - this was one of my favourites.

I would LOVE for Jason to come back to the board - though I totally understand why he wouldn't.

This thread actually inspired my "Eric vs. Reb" thread.

Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:38 pm


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Cherry Popsicle wrote:
Thanks for bumping this thread, Porter - this was one of my favourites.

I would LOVE for Jason to come back to the board - though I totally understand why he wouldn't.

This thread actually inspired my "Eric vs. Reb" thread.

Agreed, it's a favorite. I wish he'd come back.

Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:47 am


I love this thread.

Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:28 am


Becca wrote:
I love this thread.

Meeee tambien.

Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:34 pm


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imagine if e/d had worked for a more known brand of fast food like Mcdonalds? i doubt it would give mickey d's a bad image though...

But maybe people would eat it less?

We all want to be somebody

Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:43 pm


hellothisismyshow wrote:
imagine if e/d had worked for a more known brand of fast food like Mcdonalds? i doubt it would give mickey d's a bad image though...

But maybe people would eat it less?

I've always wondered what would have happened, say if BJ's Pizza was swapped w/ Pizza hut or Dominoe's, to that chain's name. It would definitely have an impact on that specific location, but I'm not sure the chain would suffer as a whole. Perhaps initially, but I doubt it would have lasted for too long. I think personally I might have ate there less at first, but after awhile I'd want my damn Pizza Hut pizza.

Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:51 pm


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Becca wrote:
I love this thread.

I agree. It's so full of information and well you know i like info.

"You know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery"

Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:39 pm


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hellothisismyshow wrote:
imagine if e/d had worked for a more known brand of fast food like Mcdonalds? i doubt it would give mickey d's a bad image though...

But maybe people would eat it less?

Eric worked at Chili's...but that's a lesser known factoid. I work there (hate it) and sometimes I want to tell the girls who think they're hot stuff for having a job there that Columbine shooter Eric Harris once was also working the same joint as them, but I keep that to myself.

Chili's food is gross, but somehow business is booming.

Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:45 pm


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boot2themoon wrote:

hellothisismyshow wrote:
imagine if e/d had worked for a more known brand of fast food like Mcdonalds? i doubt it would give mickey d's a bad image though...

But maybe people would eat it less?

Eric worked at Chili's...but that's a lesser known factoid. I work there (hate it) and sometimes I want to tell the girls who think they're hot stuff for having a job there that Columbine shooter Eric Harris once was also working the same joint as them, but I keep that to myself.

Chili's food is gross, but somehow business is booming.

My cousin wanted to go there for her birthday. We tried to talk her out of it, but she insisted.

Even she conceded that it was a mistake.

We ended up going to Friday's for my birthday. I had to go four times in a month to get a $20 certificate.

"You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:15 am


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boot2themoon, he didn't work there for long though?

Blackjack is more infamous because everyone knows he worked there for a while.

i was even talking to my sister about it a week ago bout how Eric got stuck doing dishes while Kevin was takin orders...

That sucks...thats basically tellin Eric that he has no people skills lol

but then my sister brought up the idea that maybe he didn't want to be around people..but still

if he had applied for a waiter position and got the dishwasher, then that was the boss's way of saying "you got no people skills"

We all want to be somebody

Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:01 am


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He was probably 15 or 16 while he worked there, since Kevin was still in high school at the time. When you're that young, you're not allowed to serve alcohol. You have to be 18. Eric was a bus boy, not a dishwasher. There are high schoolers that work with me, but they can only "bus" (they don't anymore, they just help clean around the dish area) or to "to-go."

Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:27 am


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:::small voice:::

I like Chili's.....though I haven't been there in forever.

“We have Reb, but there’s something on my mind...Ashli. Are we really going to do this, leave behind the best thing that ever happened to us since guns, bombs, Doom and alcohol?"


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hellothisismyshow wrote:
imagine if e/d had worked for a more known brand of fast food like Mcdonalds? i doubt it would give mickey d's a bad image though...

But maybe people would eat it less?

I doubt it.

People just want the food, I know I've never really thought about who was working to get my food or anything.. I just know I want the pizza or whatever.

Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:05 pm


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Elisabell wrote:

hellothisismyshow wrote:
imagine if e/d had worked for a more known brand of fast food like Mcdonalds? i doubt it would give mickey d's a bad image though...

But maybe people would eat it less?

I doubt it.

People just want the food, I know I've never really thought about who was working to get my food or anything.. I just know I want the pizza or whatever.

I agree, when you are hungry and waiting for someone to make your food, you don't think for a second about the people making it. At least that is what i do.

"You know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery"

Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:59 pm
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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 29, 2013 11:50 pm

Manson did dress up in a naked female bodysuit on one of his album covers, that's probably where the "faggot" remark came from.
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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 12:08 am

Thank you so much for posting this. I never knew about Black Jack being a target, very interesting.
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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 12:21 am

queenfarooq wrote:
Thank you so much for posting this. I never knew about Black Jack being a target, very interesting.

You're welcome. I'm very glad I saved it. It was just something that after I read it, I felt I should save it in case anything ever happened to the forum it was on. And, lo and behold something did happen.

I don't sense that Jason is lying about anything, but I have strong suspicions that he and Chris (the owner) were told that they were targets by law enforcement to get them to talk in case they had any thoughts of "hiding" anything they knew. I don't think Black Jack or any of it's employees were is just my opinion and I don't know anything, but I don't think what Jason was told was true. That's just my feeling after re-reading this a few times.
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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 12:32 am

Sounds about right. No Easy Answers does document a plethora of Jeffco lies.
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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 12:33 am

tfsa47090 wrote:
queenfarooq wrote:
Thank you so much for posting this. I never knew about Black Jack being a target, very interesting.

You're welcome. I'm very glad I saved it. It was just something that after I read it, I felt I should save it in case anything ever happened to the forum it was on. And, lo and behold something did happen.

I don't sense that Jason is lying about anything, but I have strong suspicions that he and Chris (the owner) were told that they were targets by law enforcement to get them to talk in case they had any thoughts of "hiding" anything they knew. I don't think Black Jack or any of it's employees were is just my opinion and I don't know anything, but I don't think what Jason was told was true. That's just my feeling after re-reading this a few times.

Yes that was my first thought also, I've never heard any mention anywhere else that Black Jack was a target. I also have never heard of a reference to Black Jack been a target in any of the information I've come across regarding the basement tapes. Additionally there is no mention of this is any of Eric and Dylan's writings that I am aware of. It doesn't really come as a shock that they may have been lied to in order to "persuade" them to confess information.

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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 12:52 am

MnM wrote:
Sounds about right. No Easy Answers does document a plethora of Jeffco lies.

Yes, I remember that, although hazily, since I haven't read that book in many years. I need to read it again as soon as I have a full day to sit down with it.

queenfarooq wrote:
tfsa47090 wrote:
queenfarooq wrote:
Thank you so much for posting this. I never knew about Black Jack being a target, very interesting.

You're welcome. I'm very glad I saved it. It was just something that after I read it, I felt I should save it in case anything ever happened to the forum it was on. And, lo and behold something did happen.

I don't sense that Jason is lying about anything, but I have strong suspicions that he and Chris (the owner) were told that they were targets by law enforcement to get them to talk in case they had any thoughts of "hiding" anything they knew. I don't think Black Jack or any of it's employees were is just my opinion and I don't know anything, but I don't think what Jason was told was true. That's just my feeling after re-reading this a few times.

Yes that was my first thought also, I've never heard any mention anywhere else that Black Jack was a target. I also have never heard of a reference to Black Jack been a target in any of the information I've come across regarding the basement tapes. Additionally there is no mention of this is any of Eric and Dylan's writings that I am aware of. It doesn't really come as a shock that they may have been lied to in order to "persuade" them to confess information.

It is a common tactic that corrupt law officials use. I don't have any concrete examples on hand at this exact second, but it happens quite often to emotionally manipulate witnesses.

I only know of Eric supposedly saying in one of the tapes that is part of the basement tapes, that he will miss different members of the "black jack crew". It wasn't in reference to killing them, it was him discussing his own impending suicide and lamenting not being able to see his old friends in the states he lived in before moving to Colorado. It is on the one where he starts crying and turns off the camera.

"The tape stops again and when it starts, Eric Harris is alone in a moving car. The camera seems to be mounted on the car's dashboard. It's dark out and there are raindrops on the window. At one point he passes a street sign that reads "Federal". There's music playing loudly, making it hard at times to understand what Eric is saying. At one point he mentions "The Black Jack Crew" [Eric and Dylan worked at Blackjack Pizza], specifically mentioning "Jason" and "Chris".

Eric: "You guys are very cool. Sorry, dudes. I had to do what I had to do."

Eric also makes mention of "Angel", "Phil", and "Bob".

Eric: "Bob is one of the coolest guys I've ever met in my life, except for being an alcoholic." Eric says he's going to miss Bob. "It's a weird feeling knowing you're going to be dead in two and a half weeks."

Eric says he can't decide "if we should do it before or after prom". At the end of this section of the tape Harris says he wishes he could have re-visited Michigan and "old friends". He falls silent then and appears to start crying, wiping a tear from the left side of his face. He shuts the camera off."
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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 07, 2013 2:12 pm

Owner/Manager Chris Lau's call to the police on April 20, 1999.

Co-Manager Jason Secor's call to the police on April 20, 1999. Note that even during this phone call he refers to Eric as "Reb" Harris.

These links will automatically open in another window and will start playing.

*Note: It is likely that these were retrieved from the following:

Jefferson County 911 and dispatch audio on a two CD-ROM set
Released Aug. 7, 2000
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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2014 4:49 am

Regarding the audio links above:

The blog this originated from was brought to my attention recently, and if anyone would like the link/url to said blog, please PM me.

These links were sent to me last year in the exact form they have been shared here.

First of all, had they been sent to me (or even discovered by me) in their original form and not extracted like this, I wouldn't have been able to post them in that form, as they would link directly to a personal social network account, which is against the rules of this forum.

So in that hypothetical instance, I would have explained that I had been sent audio posts from tumblr, and to PM me for the links.

As I said, someone else extracted these and sent them to me in this fashion, which is why I posted them here that way.

To reiterate, had these audio files been sent to me as blog posts, or if I had found them myself as blogs posts, I would have simply posted: "I've been alerted to some very interesting audio posts from tumblr concerning the person and other people discussed in this thread. Please PM me for the links".

So, if anyone would like the link to the blog that originally snipped these from the CD-ROMs and posted them, please PM me.

The person who posted these are entitled to credit, as anyone else is, period. But even more-so in this case, as I am sure they forked over the cash for these CD-ROMs directly from JeffCo.

(Those CD-ROMs cost $25.00 now!!! These items they sell used to be monumentally cheaper. It's ridiculous!)
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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2014 12:07 pm

I noticed that Jason referred to Eric as his nickname during the call to the police.

The only suss thing I thought with Jason's posts was his insistence of calling Eric 'reb' but now hearing him calling Eric that to police has made the chat seem legit to me now.
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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeSat May 11, 2019 11:31 pm

Here is everything that Jason Secor wrote. Some of them are responses to questions, so you might have to go back through the original posts to see the context.

Hi guys.
Hello, my name is Jason Secor. Yes, the same from this very black jack pizza. I am amazed people are still talking about this 11 years later! I live it every day so I know why I still think of it. So this forum is for a columbine RPG game? If so, I am dumbfounded by people. Trust me the real thing ain't so fun. The hurt it caused all of us SUCKED. Anyways, came on here like I do once in awhile in articles etc, when people start wondering what really happened etc. Try to dispell with the myths and such...cuz frankly almost nobody has ever gotten this stuff right.,...apparently this game didn't either, at least partly, with Marilyn mansion (cd?). Whats that about? Both reb and Dylan hated marilyn manson and referred to him as a "faggot", their words, not mine. So anyways, hopefully there is some education to all this considering the crap that went down. Jason.

Sure thing. Kinda my mini mission to educate if you will. One thing most don't know, is that the pipe bombs were let off in a field a mile or two away from blackjack. The reason? I was late for work that day and they were forced to alter the original plan. As the manager, I was never late, except that day. WE were supposed to be shot to hell as a distraction for the police, not the pipe bombs. The FBI informed us of that little tid bit as well as one of our employees that was waiting outside that day, saw them pull up, then drive away when i wasn't there.. Great little bit of guilt to live with huh? Needless to say, I don't like being late for anything now. Before people say "you were lucky cuz they woulda shot you!" I wasn't a high school kid and certainly had little fear, guns or not, I might have been able to talk em down or outright stop em. Pipe dream? Maybe, but I am the one left to wonder if I could have stopped em. So I blame myself for being late. I am not any kind of Nancy, but I certainly should have sought counseling. Anyways, the ATF, FBI, and just about every three letter agency you can imagine searched blackjack and interviewed us. Fun stuff. You don't find many articles from Chris or myself because it would've been blood money in our minds, and believe me, there was monies offered! A lot of the kids did interviews, but mostly from a friends perspective, not ultra objective in my opinion. The only real interview we did was with the wall street journal. It was free to them, and was an article based on how a business survives such a crisis. It saved that place. Until that time, no one knew our role, and many thought we were the kingpins...ridiculous! The police and FBI were the only ones who knew we were victims as well. They gathered some of their bomb making materials from blackjack. Such as the glass jugs for hot sauce. They would break them up to use as shrapnel. The klebolds are wonderful people. At least from what I knew. Didn't speak with Harris family too much. They kinda disappeared afterward. Reb was an extremely intelligent kid, quiet, but smart, and likable! We actually wanted to promote him to shift manager! Can you believe it?! Dylan was more outgoing and laughed more, but seemed like a good kid. There were NO signs, i dont care what all the talking heads say, i worked next to them both DAILY. I am no expert, but they were no different to me or many others from what i can recall. They loved rammstein. Hated manson. They did idolize hitler and the nazi ideal. For a couple tormented and apparently unstable kids, they couldnt have picked a worst role model. The "jocks" did indeed torment those two...on more occasions then most anybody knew or would admit. They threw rocks and bottles at them etc. Aside from the mental and emotional abuse as well. While there is absolutely no excuse for what transpired, they became a product of their environment. I liken it to this analogy: you cage a dog and poke it with a stick repeatedly and daily, it will become vicious. That is probably the single best summary of what happened. I liked the same music they did, I was angry at life growing up, I played violent video games, I watched violent movies, yet I didn't go shoot up a lot of innocent kids. I was much more social than reb or Dylan growing up and at least didn't get the repeated "torture" if you will that they received. Some of these incidents even transpired as they were coming to work a couple times. I tried to stick up for them, but real or imaginary, I never was able to confront anyone near the store. So I had to go on their word. So there is a quick synopsis. Feel free to ask more if you like. I am happy to answer what I can and what I know. Jason

Iporter101, no I have not read [Dave Cullen's] book. I was asked to consult on a book with someone about 2 weeks after all this, and at that time, we were and still are utterly disgusted with any media folks. Maybe same person? Not sure. They are bottom feeders. Anyways, they didn't mention ketchup and tampons specifically, they were repeatedly hurt and upset by things at school, But whenever I tried to inquire, they would clam up and refer to them as "faggots", which is what they pretty much called everything they didnt like. I do know this though, one day they both came to work out of breath and upset. I asked why. They said that a bunch of jocks were throwing rocks and bottles at them. We ran out back to nobody there. This happened more than once. I don't remember eric(reb) being a chick magnet. That sounds somewha far fetched, as these two were in more of a clique than anything (trench coat mafia thing). Dylan was NOT scared of reb. That is ridiculous. Those two were pretty much inseparable. The had one spat for a day or two, and I don't recall Dylan running away or cowerin in a corne by any stretch. A coupl of peas in a pod for sure.

@justmythoughts, I am not sure how, other than these details, to prove to you, I am who I say. I obviously can't post my social sec. Num. Have run across skeptics before. Some think it's for attention etc, but I assure you, I didn't want any money or attention then or now. Only to let people know what actually was going on. Maybe someone smarter than me can figure it out. It is somewhat therapeutic to talk to others though so that is one other reason, I poke my head out of my shell with this every now and then.

@MNM, holy crap! Now here is someone who knows some stuff! Yes I do know where kirgis is. You wouldn't believe where either. Frankly, I don't like the guy. He knew more of the BS than Chris or I would ever have tolerated. He was a bad influence, and frankly he should've been prosecuted for his apathy! sorry if he is you or a friend of yours, but his negligence and irresponsibility led to all this being undiscovered until it was too late...IMO. I Dont think he recognized me, but I ran into him a few years ago, and he was still there last year. Don't know if I should say where, because it could make me liable, bad mouthing him and all. Let's just say a "predominate sandwich making chain in Denver". I stayed with Chris and black jack for only a short time. Couldn't take the pizza biz after that any more. I told Chris I would help build it back unto where we were, than I had to move on. It took a couple months of ass bustin but we got it there. Chris moved to Pennsylvania with his family. Poor guy. One of the nicest guys and friends I ever worked with. Wrong tome wrong place.

@MNM, [Kirgis] had kind words, true, but he did know stuff that kids should not be doing...and HE DID NOTHING! Except drink his beer in the store in front of those kids at the very least. Kind words or not I really disliked him after that. The place was a disaster when we came in. Firs time I saw it he offered me a beer...some business model huh?

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], I get the sceptiscm. Nothing new t m. I wish I wasn't ever there and didnt hear the freegin gun shots from the store, and take all the stupid ass calls from "funny" hillbillies in tennesee asking to buy tech nines, etc. At least if I was pretending, I wouldn't have any real memories of this crap. It's cool though. I am dealing and moving on. Every April though, I get real grumpy for a week.

Let's see what I can answer here.

As for the spat [between Eric and Dylan], nothing serious as I recall, but don't remember what exactly. Just a couple friends mad at each other for whatever. I think Dylan told me, but it seemed unimportant at the time. Chris and I only knew them for a couple months so not sure how long before it took place that they had the spat. Seemed unimportant, so never really committed to memory.

We talked about the prom, but don't remember everything. I thought he had a girlfriend or a date though. Funny how some of this fades but the other crap sticks like glue. I know he liked a girl at one point towards the end, but not sure what came of it.

Yes, they were bullied relentlessly.

Aside from Internet articles, I rarely read books on this. Bad enough every April having to hear about the anniversary. I commented on some female students article that was featured on msn, last year, and man talk about skeptics! Sounds like this gentleman culled together all the media info and put it together. Chris and I never consulted with anyone about this stuff, except the police, FBI, ATF. So I feel the whole story isn't out if you don't have all sides. That's why I will chat on these kinds of things every now and then.

Lol...seriously?!?! This guy said they were never bullied?!?! Ha! Then he is a hack, and only interested in making a buck! I was there! I saw the anguish they went through pretty much daily. I tried to stick up for them! We went to chase the "faggot jocks" a couple times. Where do these guys get off with that BS? That one infuriates me...cuz that isn't remotely true. Now, they did have a small clique of friends. So they were popular with them. I think we employed most of them, unfortunately. But they all seemed harmless enough, just high school kids ya know?

That leader follower crap, I have heard many times. They were friends, they had different personalities sure, different in their own ways, but not like a leader follower scenario. Hard to explain exactly but hopefully that helps.

This guy really sucks. I might read this book, but sounds like I would be reallly pissed the entire read, and I don't need that.

Apparently I disagree with cullen in every way. I worked side by side with reb way more than Dylan. We worked 5 nights a week together Dylan only worked a couple. We chatted and talked about lots of stuff, but mostly benign coworkers, life stuff. Kinda why this was a huge surprise.

Boy, really feel like I want to read this book now! Lol...I certainly am not going to purchase it though, doesn't sound like an ounce of fact so far.

@MNM, you would think [Kirgis] would have been messed up. Chris and I were devastated after only two months! He put on a good show though. Did ibis interview as their boss, collected his money, etc. Smelling of beer with tears in his eyes, he made me sick. They showed him a pipe bomb they made and he "apparently" told them to take it out o there. Never reported it. Nothing. IMO, from what I knew of him, he was probably " COOL!" but I don't know that for fact. Shows you what I think of him.

As for chasing the jocks away, it was like I said. They were all pissed and winded one day and came running into the store. Asked what was wrong, to which they replied "nothing, just some faggots". Of course i prodded further, and said what about these "faggots"? They replied "some faggots are fucking with us" Of course now I was curious, and being the smart ass I am, I teased them to lighten em up a bit and tell me what was going on. I said "so a bunch of faggots are picking on ya and your all upset?". They said "some faggot jocks were throwing rocks and bottles at us". I said "where?? Out back here??" reb said "just now out back." I said "let's go get em!" we ran out back and looked around, but no one was there. Then apparently they decided I deserved a bullet in the head, little pricks. Anyways, that's almost verbatim, and happened a couple times similarly. I was 26 and full of bravado then so forgive my aggressiveness, hopefully I have matured a bit.

The bombs were a distraction indeed. However, the real distraction was supposed to be shooting the hell out of, blackjack and us employees. Mainly Chris and me I guess. The cops told us they said that in their video(s). One of our other cooks was waiting for me in the back and saw them pull up. He said hey. They just stared and drove away. Apparently pulled around to another parking lot to prepare the pipe bombs, to blow up in a field, as I understand it and was told.

I will tell you this, in retrospect, those two were anything but indecisive. They had a plan and went through every part of it that they could. I was late to work..plan altered (why just shoot one 15 year old kid they hardly knew, sitting outside smoking by himself, with a locked door outside?). Eric always insisted on being called reb. Dylan wasn't as attached to the name vodka, as eric was to reb tho. I do remember him being referred to that tho. Just not all the time.

@vau0807, I know it is hard to envision, and to be honest I don't know how [Dylan] was bullied. He was taller than me. Maybe it was something that happened for a long time, maybe before he "sprouted"? I don't really know. I don't think he was as much of the teasing as reb was. He was more outgoing, and probably was able to get along with some better, but I don't know for sure. I remember being in middle school and picking on guys much much bigger than me. It's not always about size, it is mostly a mental state. One of the reasons I wanted those two to go outside and confront their tormenters. Try to build some confidence in them to stand up for themselves. To help them not fear these people.

@cdeichman, thank you for trying to understand this. I still am. You connect with people in this life, some more than others. On a deeper level with some and really deep with others. I always liked reb, and Dylan. I felt like I was connecting with reb and that we had a chance to be friends at some point. I was 26 then and not too much older, I saw myself in him and I could relate to him as I had similar experiences growing up, just not to those extremes. I chose a path that didn't involve all the violence, but I was almost as angry as those two were inside, growing up. So it scares me to think that my path could've been similar, Eerily similar. I still feel I know why they snapped, but ultimately it is still a choice. They made theirs and I made mine. Now we all get to live with the consequences of those choices.

Well xerxes, I am not sure where that "info" comes from, but I know at work day in and day out, they would refer to [Marilyn Manson], among others as a "faggot". They played rammstein DAILY. I don't mind the band, but I heard more than I cared for day and day out. So take that for what it's worth.

Well, I can tell you only what I knew from the work environment and what they said there. I haven't been to their houses or rooms, or in their cars etc. I only knew what they said and played at work...tool, rammstein (constantly) and that they said manson was gay. So frankly I will just leave that out there and others can decide whether manson was their band or not. maybe Dylan liked him an reb didn't? Dont know really. My work experiences are all I really know for sure to go on...with all the false mixed information I come across. For instance, the police interview didn't spell my name correctly, seems small, but really is quite important. They all said I worked for kirgis for a year! Huge error! Means a whole different ball game if that was the case. So facts arent always accurate...even by the police.

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Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeSat May 11, 2019 11:46 pm

^Very interesting.
I'm skeptical about them planning to shoot up Blackjack before going to the school, as that would of most likely ruined the entire plan.
I also highly doubt that Chris Morris would of been a target to them, as they were pretty close friends, and he even held on to napalm for them apparently.

I do believe that the cops might of told him that though.
I can see the cops saying this either to try and get information, (these kids wanted to kill you, they weren't your friends, so you might as well tell us everything) type of thing, or just straight up misinformation.

I don't recall there being any proof that they planned to kill their coworkers first, no journal entries or mention of it in the basement tapes.
In fact, Eric actually shouted out "the blackjack crew" on the BT's, and talked about how is going to miss them, while apparently shedding tears.
From all accounts, it seems as if they both liked their coworkers and enjoyed working there.

I remember hearing a story about them driving to Blackjack before hand, but I'm pretty sure that was proven false.
It's always a treat to hear from someone who was close to them though.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 17, 2019 7:09 am

I bump, therefore I am.

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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum)   Eric and Dylan's Boss (originally from the other forum) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 17, 2019 9:16 am

LPorter101 wrote:
I bump, therefore I am.
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