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Columbine High School Massacre Discussion Forum
A place to discuss the Columbine High School Massacre along with other school shootings and crimes. Anyone interested in researching, learning, discussing and debating with us, please come join our community!
Posts : 261 Contribution Points : 96849 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2014-07-14
Subject: Re: Ex Columbine student (1998) discussion thread. Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:49 am
This is going to sound shallow and sort of silly, but did you think Eric or Dylan were cute or did you know anyone who had crushes on them before the fact?
Posts : 79 Contribution Points : 87187 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2015-07-18 Location : Hell, 6th Level.
Subject: Re: Ex Columbine student (1998) discussion thread. Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:52 am
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] it doesn't sound shallow or silly at all.
I've had a crush (if that's the right term) on Eric since I first saw his face on T.V. Both of them were attractive in their own ways, and it's extremely awkward crushing on a dead guy for 15+years. Personally, I think I've kind of projected all the less popular guys I DID see and noticed being treated badly onto Eric...resulting in a never ending kind of guilt/ crush.
I didn't know anyone at Columbine who may have liked them before 4/20. I remember Dylan from 98, but cannot remember seeing Eric at all. Can't tell you how hard I've tried to remember.
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Posts : 79 Contribution Points : 87187 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2015-07-18 Location : Hell, 6th Level.
Subject: Re: Ex Columbine student (1998) discussion thread. Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:55 am
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] thank you! I'm still wracking my brain to try and remember any Tonys..no luck yet. I'll update when I go by and grab my yearbook.
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Posts : 79 Contribution Points : 89737 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2015-04-06 Age : 36 Location : Germany
Subject: Re: Ex Columbine student (1998) discussion thread. Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:06 am
thank you for all your great info, yo.
(struggling whether i shall exaggerate with sayin "thank ya" or just lurk, but - somone has told me to ask questions and to not stop annoying people (even if it's you) and think first. (thank you lporter101, thank you kelly rowland, marshall mathers III, nathan, plus (...) and - for real - violenta, yo.)
greetz nightshiftstalker
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Posts : 79 Contribution Points : 87187 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2015-07-18 Location : Hell, 6th Level.
Subject: Re: Ex Columbine student (1998) discussion thread. Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:31 am
_________________ ' THIS is what I am motivated for. THIS is my goal, THIS is what I want ‘to do with my life.’
Posts : 79 Contribution Points : 89737 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2015-04-06 Age : 36 Location : Germany
Subject: Re: Ex Columbine student (1998) discussion thread. Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:30 am
thank you.
_________________ "Die Wand bleibt Beton, betrachtet bei Vollgas - sechs Kugeln haben im Kolt Platz."
(Unser Platz, Prinz Pi, Kompass ohne Norden)
Posts : 1656 Contribution Points : 103416 Forum Reputation : 52 Join date : 2014-02-12 Age : 38
Subject: Re: Ex Columbine student (1998) discussion thread. Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:55 am
Welcome Violenta Great to have you here .Thanks for being willing to share. Do you have any memories or stories from you friend about E &D you could tell us? You said you saw Kelly and Rachel around. Did you ever have any interaction with them at all? Rachel was said to be very friendly. Do you have any idea why Dylan was cursing when you saw him or why he seemed upset? Thank you.
I was a senior on 4/20. I had returned to my parents, and finished my senior year at my original school. Oddly, we had free periods in our school library and that's where I was when I found out. My mom came to tell me, and take me home if I wanted to leave.
I had made one friend at Columbine, about 6 weeks before my grandmother had her stroke. At the time, I didn't know she knew both of them fairly well.
I had tried calling her parent's when I got home and lodged myself in front of the TV. All I did that day was watch that TV, trying to see if I saw her or anyone else I remembered. That night she finally called me and let me know she was ok. She had run from the cafeteria during the original pandemonium and wasn't hurt. She asked me if I would drive up and my mom actually let me go. (That shocks me still). When I got to Littleton, there were cops everywhere, l went directly to her house, and we went to a church service that afternoon with her Dad. So much was still unknown, but people basically knew E & D had done it, rumors were flying. The whole church seemed to be in tears. She and I went outside before the thing was over, and smoked. That's when she mentioned she had known Eric pretty well, and that she thought Dylan pushed Eric into it, or strong armed Eric. Completely opposite of everyone's views in Littleton. I cannot emphasize enough how much hatred there was towards them on the 21st. People were either crying, walking like zombies or cursing E & D..
I stayed with her until the following Saturday, and after the church thing we mostly drove around, stayed at her house &talked. We are still close to this day. Her name might be familiar from one of the lists, so if anyone wants to know who she is..I will have to ask her permission. We've talked every year on 4/20 since '99. Sometimes, we'd meet up and go bowling. One year, in 2005, we went and did a huge amount of fireworks we'd bought the previous 4th of July. We'd always do something in their memory. Especially Eric's. To this day, she hates when people blame it all on him. Her view of him, and mine (mostly because of her memories and stories) aren't of a psychopath with no feelings. Much more a troubled kid, who smiled a lot, made ridiculous jokes, flirted wildly and ended up a victim as well. Dylan also. I remember Dylan, though not Eric. My impression of him was loud, brooding and he cussed alot when I saw him in school. A normal guy.
That's basically all I can remember from that week..hope I didn't bore everyone.
LPorter101 Top 10 Contributor
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Subject: Re: Ex Columbine student (1998) discussion thread. Thu Jun 06, 2019 9:41 pm
Bumping this. There are some questions as to the authenticity of the OP, but very interesting if true.
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Screamingophelia Other Crimes Moderator & Top 10 Contributor
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Subject: Re: Ex Columbine student (1998) discussion thread. Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:50 am
Considering the fact she first says she knew Eric and then says she had a crush on him since she saw him on TV doesn't give me hope that she is telling the truth.
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Subject: Re: Ex Columbine student (1998) discussion thread.