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 Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott)

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Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott) Empty
PostSubject: Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott)   Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2015 12:53 pm

Randomly stumbled upon Craig's Vimeo page last night. Wow, I really had no idea this was a true story until the real Mark stands next to her grave at the end.
You would think they would've chose someone younger to portray 13 year old Rachel, though.
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This one is OT but it's suicide related. Kinda surprised they (Craig and Darrell) showed the mom shoot herself through the roof of her mouth, like Eric did. I actually thought it was pretty good for a low/no budget short film.
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Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott)   Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2015 4:39 pm

Didn't look like roof of the mouth to me but I get your point. Quite haunting with the mother not hearing her.
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PostSubject: Re: Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott)   Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2015 4:41 am

Radioactive_Clothing wrote:
Didn't look like roof of the mouth to me but I get your point. Quite haunting with the mother not hearing her.
Oh, you're right! She points it directly to the back of her throat. It was just really surprising to see a gun used for suicide in general. Especially when you know who produced and directed it.

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Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott)   Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2015 1:26 pm

paradisedreams wrote:
Randomly stumbled upon Craig's Vimeo page last night. Wow, I really had no idea this was a true story until the real Mark stands next to her grave at the end.
You would think they would've chose someone younger to portray 13 year old Rachel, though.
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This one is OT but it's suicide related. Kinda surprised they (Craig and Darrell) showed the mom shoot herself through the roof of her mouth, like Eric did. I actually thought it was pretty good for a low/no budget short film.
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Thanks for the links and nice catch, paradisedreams.

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PostSubject: Re: Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott)   Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2015 4:27 pm

paradisedreams wrote:
You would think they would've chose someone younger to portray 13 year old Rachel, though.

Also thanks for the link, much appreciated.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott)   Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2015 5:04 pm

tanks, dito - uhm - ditto, yo - sabratha?
alright -
okay - yo!!

stanley harris c00pr
xioxiociaociao plus sl _ ( ) (_)

stalker vi-a



XD xx 00 -.-

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PostSubject: Re: Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott)   Never Said Thank You (Rachel and Mark Ferrington: Directed by Craig Scott) Icon_minitime

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