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 Amanda Stair and Craig Scott

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PostSubject: Amanda Stair and Craig Scott   Amanda Stair and Craig Scott Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2020 6:25 pm

I think according to Amanda Stair, she and Craig Scott carried Kacey Ruegsegger out of the library. Sometimes Craig says it was Val Schnurr, but based on descriptions, it was Ruegsegger.

In this video from the 20th anniversary, they met for the first time since the massacre.

I think Amanda Stair's youtube videos lead to a cracked article, but I also wonder if they lead to this appearance on national tv too.
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Amanda Stair and Craig Scott Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amanda Stair and Craig Scott   Amanda Stair and Craig Scott Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2020 7:59 pm

I could be wrong but I feel Val was really far from where Craig was. So I think it was probably Kasey

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Amanda Stair and Craig Scott   Amanda Stair and Craig Scott Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2020 9:09 pm

She says Craig Scott helped her out of the library:

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Here it says another girl helped her up:

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This article states that Amanda Stair and Craig Scott helped her out:

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Kasey was hiding under table 2 with Amanda Stair. Amanda and Craig Scott helped her out of the library, and Sara Houy began to help her once they were hiding behind a police car outside.

From Amanda’s statement (page 594): “Amanda then crawled out from under her table and went to Casey [sic] to assist her. At that time a male student in a red shirt, unknown to her but later identified as Craig Scott, also crawled out from a near-by table, began assisting Amanda in helping Casey, who had been shot in the shoulder, out of the library.”

From Craig’s statement (page 580): “Scott went over to her and helped her get up and then he put his arm around her and her arm around his neck. Together they then moved along the west windows toward the back door. [...] By the back door Scott got kind of knocked off of the girl (Kacey) [sic] in a rush of students. At that point the girl (Kacey) was able to walk and they both ran up behind a police car parked on the side of the hill.”

From Kasey’s statement (page 127): “Scott and the girl that was in cubby hole next to her, helped her get up to her feet. Scott then held on to her and they moved to the back door exit of the Library. [...] She remembers seeing Dan Steepleton, Val Schnuur and Sara Houy behind the police car. Schnuur was sitting next to her and Houy was holding a shirt to Ruegsegger’s shoulder.”

From Sara’s statement (page 390): “Behind the patrol car that Sara was at were two officers. Sara began to help Casey Ruesacker [sic]. She remembers the officers saying that a patrol car was coming and that the students should help the injured.”
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PostSubject: Re: Amanda Stair and Craig Scott   Amanda Stair and Craig Scott Icon_minitime

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