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 Questions thread for Amanda Stair

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Questions thread for Amanda Stair Empty
PostSubject: Questions thread for Amanda Stair   Questions thread for Amanda Stair Icon_minitime20/4/2013, 23:17

Well, the old one got deleted thanks to a certain zesty tik.... so let's make a new one!

Some of these questions may have been asked before but, for the sake of posterity and newcomers, let's continue!

*. Link to Anime thread with Yumeko
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1. After 4/20, many in the media idiotically blamed "The Matrix" particularly "the Lobby Scene" due to passing similarities between the two.

What do you think of the Matrix? Are you uncomfortable watching it because of the media's connecting of the two?

2. Have you read No Easy Answers by Brooks Brown? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
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Questions thread for Amanda Stair
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