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 The Memorial Crosses

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PostSubject: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 12:38 am

We had a comprehensive discussion on the last forum, so I wanted to start one here. List all the writings you know of from the crosses. I'll start out with a few:


I'm sorry we failed you. May God have mercy on your soul
Shame on you Dylan!
Jesus will forgive
Hate kills the soul
Our love is with you
How can anyone forgive you? Somebody answered: Through Jesus Christ, that's how!
Evil Bastard
Forgive but never forget
No more pain


How can we ever forgive you?
You died over a year ago...and no one noticed.
Your lives were lost long before this ever happened.
He is still God's child and is loved
You also deserve our compassion
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The Memorial Crosses Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 8:41 am

Thankyou so much for making this thread. I've been wanting to know what was written on their crosses. And I'm glad there were people who wrote positive comments.
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PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 12:41 pm

Thank you!
It's nice/weird to see they're not all hateful comments
These two are curious though:
You died over a year ago...and no one noticed.
Your lives were lost long before this ever happened.

Do we know who wrote them?

Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage.
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PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 12:52 pm

Laeda wrote:
Thank you!
It's nice/weird to see they're not all hateful comments
These two are curious though:
You died over a year ago...and no one noticed.
Your lives were lost long before this ever happened.

Do we know who wrote them?

Nope, the second one is from a Huffington Post article if I remember correctly. The first one is from another misc article somebody posted on the old forum (if anyone knows please post!).

I think the first one is the most poignant quote written on any of the crosses. On a side note, I asked Brooks Brown if he wrote anything on the crosses and he didn't answer Sad
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The Memorial Crosses Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 1:05 pm

I thought the comment your lives were long lost before this ever happened was interesting and really sad. In the aftermath it seemed that Eric and Dylan's friends weren't really welcomed in certain places and people would shun them so maybe he decided not to visit.
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PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 5:35 pm

CatherineM813 wrote:
I thought the comment your lives were long lost before this ever happened was interesting and really sad. In the aftermath it seemed that Eric and Dylan's friends weren't really welcomed in certain places and people would shun them so maybe he decided not to visit.

More or less.

He mentions that the jocks were threatening to gang together and jump him after a funeral ceremony or something.
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PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 6:38 pm

There was a video on the internet of Dylan and Eric's crosses being removed and thrown into the back of a truck to be taken to be destroyed. The video is no longer available, but luckily we were able to get screenshots of this being done. It's not as good as having the video, but better than nothing. Very Happy

“And may you grow to be proud
Dignified and true
And do unto others
As you'd have done to you”
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PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 6:41 pm

MarmaladeSkies wrote:
On a side note, I asked Brooks Brown if he wrote anything on the crosses and he didn't answer Sad

Why am I not surprised... ;) Great question though.


No more pain

Wonder who wrote that one..

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PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 7:18 pm

Jenn wrote:
There was a video on the internet of Dylan and Eric's crosses being removed and thrown into the back of a truck to be taken to be destroyed. The video is no longer available, but luckily we were able to get screenshots of this being done. It's not as good as having the video, but better than nothing. Very Happy

I have seen it recently I think if my memory is correct 'rebgirl' posted it on the old board Question
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PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 7:23 pm

queenfarooq wrote:
Jenn wrote:
There was a video on the internet of Dylan and Eric's crosses being removed and thrown into the back of a truck to be taken to be destroyed. The video is no longer available, but luckily we were able to get screenshots of this being done. It's not as good as having the video, but better than nothing. Very Happy

I have seen it recently I think if my memory is correct 'rebgirl' posted it on the old board Question

She may have, yes. I got them from her and I have also posted them on Ivan's and my Columbine facebook page.

“And may you grow to be proud
Dignified and true
And do unto others
As you'd have done to you”
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PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 11:52 pm

InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
MarmaladeSkies wrote:
On a side note, I asked Brooks Brown if he wrote anything on the crosses and he didn't answer Sad

Why am I not surprised... ;) Great question though.


No more pain

Wonder who wrote that one..

Evidently someone who knew about Dylan's suffering beforehand. Interesting, because I thought Dylan kept his sadness to himself. Maybe it's just a coincidence. How many people really knew about the extent of Dylan's depression?
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PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitimeTue Apr 02, 2013 12:12 am

I could be wrong but maybe it was Zach Heckler. I know their friends weren't really welcomed in certain places but perhaps that didn't stop him from visiting. He and Dylan often talked about their depression over the phone and I believe they remained close friends even when he started seeing Devon.
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PostSubject: Re: The Memorial Crosses   The Memorial Crosses Icon_minitime

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