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 Making a Columbine book?

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Making a Columbine book? Empty
PostSubject: Making a Columbine book?   Making a Columbine book? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 08, 2015 10:44 pm

Would anyone on here ever consider making a book about the Columbine shooting?

The thought just occurred to me this week after reading that AMA where people on reddit loved Cullen's book and completely believed it. I'm not sure if I'd ever do one, but the thought of it is pretty cool.
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Making a Columbine book? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making a Columbine book?   Making a Columbine book? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2015 12:17 pm

I would LOVE to.
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Making a Columbine book? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making a Columbine book?   Making a Columbine book? Icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2015 1:00 pm

I know Gustopoet is finishing one up soon. It's aimed at dispelling a lot of the myths that have circulated after the shooting.

I was planning on writing a narrative, novelized timeline of the events leading up to the shooting, but I still have to finish this other crappy book I'm stuck on. Friggin' last ten pages too...

Also, I would have to create certain interactions and events for the sake of making it a compelling read. I'm loathe to do that, since it would probably end up in the historical fiction category by then.
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