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 NAU shooting comes just 8 days after UCC shooting

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NAU shooting comes just 8 days after UCC shooting Empty
PostSubject: NAU shooting comes just 8 days after UCC shooting   NAU shooting comes just 8 days after UCC shooting Icon_minitimeSat Oct 10, 2015 11:28 am

On October 9th, 2015, at around 1.20 a.m. there was shooting in a dorm parking lot of Northen Arizona University which resulted in one fatality and three injuries. The shooter was 18-year-old Steven Jones, who is a freshman at NAU and is believed to have gotten into some sort of confrontation with four other students, after which he retreived his .40-caliber handgun and opened fire - shooting all victims multiple times. Jones was then tackled to the ground by nearby students and arrested without struggle.

Jones is currently in police custody, having been charged with one count of first degree murder and three counts of aggravated assault. He appeared in court this morning, during which his bond was set for $2 million and a preliminary court date was set for October 15th, 2015.

This shooting happened just hours before another shooting broke out at Texas Southern University which resulted in one fatality. However, there is already a post about this here [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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NAU shooting comes just 8 days after UCC shooting
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