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 Mass shooting at Mexican nightclub a few days ago. 15 dead 7 injured

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Mass shooting at Mexican nightclub a few days ago. 15 dead 7 injured Empty
PostSubject: Mass shooting at Mexican nightclub a few days ago. 15 dead 7 injured   Mass shooting at Mexican nightclub a few days ago. 15 dead 7 injured Icon_minitimeWed Mar 13, 2019 4:04 pm

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At least 15 killed at nightclub shooting in central Mexico
Another seven people were injured on Saturday when attackers opened fire in Salamanca city.
9 Mar 2019

At least 15 men died following a shooting at a nightclub in central Mexico, officials said Saturday.

Another four people, three men and a woman, suffered injuries, a spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office told Agence-France Presse.

The club lies in Guanajuato state, where authorities have launched an operation against criminal gangs involved in fuel theft.

The attack took place in the early hours Saturday as several heavily armed men opened fire at the La Playa nightclub in Salamanca before making off in a vehicle, the spokesman said.

Salamanca is the site of the main pipeline of the state oil company, where fuel thieves have cost the firm around $3 billion over the last few years.
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Mass shooting at Mexican nightclub a few days ago. 15 dead 7 injured
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