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 Five dead and two injured in North Carolina mass shooting

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PostSubject: Five dead and two injured in North Carolina mass shooting   Five dead and two injured in North Carolina mass shooting Icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2022 4:29 am

Raleigh, North Carolina, reports of a mass killing that left five died and two injured perpetrator said to be 15-year-old Austin Thompson the suspect is curutley in critical condition after shootout 

The shooting began when suspect Austin Thompson, 15, stabbed and shot his bother James Roger Thompson, 16, before murdering Nicole Connors, 52, Mary Eliza Marshall, 34, Susan Butler Karnatz, 49, and off-duty Raleigh Officer Gabriel Jesus Torres, 29, and injured Marcille "Lynn" Gardner, 59, and police officer Casey Joseph Clark, 33, 

15 Year Old Mass Shooter Wiped Out By Police Taskforce *headshot*

"Columbine was fucking awesome" - Couch Cuck 

Rest In Peace, Pekka-Eric Auvinen (June 4th, 1989 - November 7th, 2007)

"I hate you and the way you are! You all have to die! Since I was 6, you've all been taking the piss out of me! Now you're going to pay! [...] Finally, I want to apologise for all this to the people who mean something to me or who were ever good to me! I'm gone" - Bastian Bosse 

"I guess it just wasn't there night" - Richard Benjamin Speck 

"There's a devil in me there's a devil in all of use" - Sidney Charles Cooke

"My favourite comedy is the Christchurch livestream that part where he shoots the things is funny as hell" - Andrews Bearing Barwick

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PostSubject: Re: Five dead and two injured in North Carolina mass shooting   Five dead and two injured in North Carolina mass shooting Icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2022 9:14 am

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Previous thread.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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Join date : 2022-09-10
Age : 23
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PostSubject: Re: Five dead and two injured in North Carolina mass shooting   Five dead and two injured in North Carolina mass shooting Icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2022 1:47 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
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Previous thread.
this happened in October??? I only hear about this yesterday

"Columbine was fucking awesome" - Couch Cuck 

Rest In Peace, Pekka-Eric Auvinen (June 4th, 1989 - November 7th, 2007)

"I hate you and the way you are! You all have to die! Since I was 6, you've all been taking the piss out of me! Now you're going to pay! [...] Finally, I want to apologise for all this to the people who mean something to me or who were ever good to me! I'm gone" - Bastian Bosse 

"I guess it just wasn't there night" - Richard Benjamin Speck 

"There's a devil in me there's a devil in all of use" - Sidney Charles Cooke

"My favourite comedy is the Christchurch livestream that part where he shoots the things is funny as hell" - Andrews Bearing Barwick
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PostSubject: Re: Five dead and two injured in North Carolina mass shooting   Five dead and two injured in North Carolina mass shooting Icon_minitime

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Five dead and two injured in North Carolina mass shooting
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