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 "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"

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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime3/12/2015, 07:16

Sorry if this isn't the correct category to put this topic in but I had to share with you guys. So there's this book.. Check out the name of the school, the little blurb on the cover, and it sorta looks like columbine! Fun facts. Author is from Colorado. & some of the characters in the book eerily have the same names as some of victims (kelly, Danny)

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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime3/12/2015, 07:17

Was published 8 years before, 1991
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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime3/12/2015, 07:26

At first I thought someone just photoshopped 'Columbine' onto the book but no, it really does say Columbine on it. And what is the gist of this story? I've never heard of it. A school shooting at a school called 'Columbine'?

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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime3/12/2015, 07:33

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] here's a little summary

Kelly has always been afraid of final exams. Now she's scared to death.

Something strange has been going on all week....something weird. It started with someone playing a few pranks on her at school. Trashing her locker. Stealing her purse. Then the pranks turned deadly.

Someone doesn't want Kelly to graduate. They've prepared a special final exam, just for her. And she'd better not have any wrong answers ... because her life depends on it. Less
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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime3/12/2015, 07:33

Whoops didn't mean to put the "less" at the end
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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime3/12/2015, 14:52

Strange....I'm going to have to find this and read it.
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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime3/12/2015, 15:27

Totally creepy, and yet I want to read it.
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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime3/12/2015, 16:56

I heard this was written by a disgruntled former student but I don't know if that's correct or not.

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime3/12/2015, 22:14

There's some discussion about it here also on Reddit where the author apparently posts:
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PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime4/12/2015, 00:54

Sounds interesting, I wanna read it.

*insert Columbine related quote here*
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PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime4/12/2015, 01:39

Thank you for clearing up the rumors as to who actually wrote the book.

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime4/12/2015, 15:21

Worth mentioning that the book was published before the major renovations to the school in 1995, so that could be why it doesn't look exactly like the Columbine we're familiar with.
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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime4/12/2015, 15:53

fatlittleparasite wrote:
Worth mentioning that the book was published before the major renovations to the school in 1995, so that could be why it doesn't look exactly like the Columbine we're familiar with.

The author said it was inspired by another school of the same name that their daughter went to, check out the reddit link that someone posted above, lot of good questions answered there.
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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime9/12/2015, 20:51

FlyerFan wrote:
fatlittleparasite wrote:
Worth mentioning that the book was published before the major renovations to the school in 1995, so that could be why it doesn't look exactly like the Columbine we're familiar with.

The author said it was inspired by another school of the same name that their daughter went to, check out the reddit link that someone posted above, lot of good questions answered there.

The author (Auline Bates) stated on reddit, that the cover art work was outside of her control, but that she had control of the schools name. Her daughter was a student @ Olde Columbine in Longmont (about 40 miles north of Denver). Also stated the author didn't even think of the school name coincidence on 4/20 until asked about it later.
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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime10/12/2015, 23:07

What a freaky coincidence, I would be interested to read.

I had it all and I looked at it and I said 'this is a bigger jail than I just got out of'.
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"Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime25/12/2015, 05:46

This brings back memories..I actually read the author's books in probably 6th grade. I never noticed the Columbine name I'm going to try to find a copy for science.

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PostSubject: Re: "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?"   "Teen horror book published 8 years before shooting foreshadowing?" Icon_minitime

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