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 Mass shooting as an ideological movement

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Mass shooting as an ideological movement Empty
PostSubject: Mass shooting as an ideological movement   Mass shooting as an ideological movement Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2016 1:47 am

The media often calls mass shootings "senseless." Many true crime researchers see shootings as senseless wastes too, with no valid meaning beyond the shooter's (implicitly erroneous) justifications for their massacres.  

What if it wasn't?

I know there is no delineated code of beliefs shared by each shooter and their manifestos vary in ideology--on the surface.  Underneath each of them, there are propositions in common, and each of them hold certain truths to be self-evident.

1) That something has gone horribly wrong with the society around them;
2) That this brokenness is preventing them and people like them from reaching self-actualization, success, freedom or happiness;
3) That the problem can be witnessed and analyzed, by themselves and others, through its manifestations in their life experiences;
4) That the problem is irreconcilable and irresolvable without exacting a massive death toll.

Shooters might be unconsciously organizing around a meme, despite not knowing each other or having exact agreement on what the wrongness in the world is or where it comes from.

Eric and Dylan tried to codify shootings more concretely, with the documents they left behind.  To a point, they did.  Not as well as they hoped--few of the shooters after followed their blueprint, but there were common ties to their beliefs, here and there.  Many had Columbine-related spaces or discourses as a launching pad or starting point.

It existed before Columbine--"do not think we're trying to copy anyone," they said, "we had the idea before anyone else.". Yet those proverbial "fucks in Kentucky with camouflage and 22s," and Kip Kinkel...they somehow came up with the same idea, despite never having met or spoken to each other.

If it's a revolutionary movement organized around a meme--where did this meme come from, what is it under the surface, and to what extent is this meme correct?
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooting as an ideological movement   Mass shooting as an ideological movement Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2016 2:42 am

"Most folks are dumbfuck drones. I hate living in a world run by imbeciles, so I'm going to off myself and take as many fuckers with me as I can."

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Why does anyone do anything?
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooting as an ideological movement   Mass shooting as an ideological movement Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2016 5:22 am

If you're saying that mass shooting is becoming a 'revolutionary movement' then I'm defintely in disagreement.

Shooters haven't really revolutionised anything. None of the things they feel are 'wrong' about the world have changed.

There is no right or wrong. Both of these things are human concepts, they don't really exist. They are simply a means to justify what is convenient for, and in the best interests of, those in power, and to stop people from doing things that are not. They are a brainwashing technique, and they have been used for such a long time that most people are going to hold these values close to them for their entire lives. But they also suit most people best, so the masses have no need or no reason to want change when they are content in the way things are now. Mass shootings are neither convenient for, nor do they suit the best interests of, the masses and those in power, which is why they have changed nothing and are not a revolutionary movement.

So, the meme cannot be correct, it cannot be incorrect - it is a matter of who is suits, and how powerful they are.

I had it all and I looked at it and I said 'this is a bigger jail than I just got out of'.
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PostSubject: Re: Mass shooting as an ideological movement   Mass shooting as an ideological movement Icon_minitime

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