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 Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?

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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 14, 2016 1:19 pm

So, if the Browns have a copy of the full 911 Library Call, why doesn't someone just request a copy of it from Brooks or Randy ?

Last edited by sororityalpha on Mon Dec 26, 2016 12:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 14, 2016 1:46 pm

Someone surely has before?

I've found Randy quite forthcoming with his opinions on certain issues I've spoke with him about but I'm not sure he'd give up such documents if he had them?
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 14, 2016 2:10 pm

We have full call "transcript" from the FBI Documents.

The full 911 library call would probably be like a 15 MB mp3 file ... it would be so easy to make a copy or upload.

Last edited by sororityalpha on Mon Dec 26, 2016 12:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2016 8:05 pm

I am skeptical about that supposed transcript.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2016 10:10 pm

Is it somehow public knowledge? I know it sounds extreme but if someone were to take them to court over it being public knowledge, they would probably just hand it over. Don't think the Browns would spend massive money on legal counsel over something like that.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2016 5:57 am

lasttrain wrote:
I am skeptical about that supposed transcript.  
Is it because it shoots down your 'Sweet little Dylan was just depressed' Cullen?
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2016 5:12 pm

And why would they turn it over to someone who randomly requests it? Would you want to turn over a tape which basically contains the sounds of death in action to someone and have it plastered all over the internet? I wouldn't want that burden myself.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2016 1:40 am

FlyerFan wrote:
And why would they turn it over to someone who randomly requests it? Would you want to turn over a tape which basically contains the sounds of death in action to someone and have it plastered all over the internet? I wouldn't want that burden myself.

They want everything released.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2016 6:38 pm

Radioactive_Clothing wrote:
FlyerFan wrote:
And why would they turn it over to someone who randomly requests it? Would you want to turn over a tape which basically contains the sounds of death in action to someone and have it plastered all over the internet? I wouldn't want that burden myself.

They want everything released.

"They" who? The Browns?
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2016 10:40 pm

FlyerFan wrote:
Radioactive_Clothing wrote:
FlyerFan wrote:
And why would they turn it over to someone who randomly requests it? Would you want to turn over a tape which basically contains the sounds of death in action to someone and have it plastered all over the internet? I wouldn't want that burden myself.

They want everything released.

"They" who? The Browns?
Yes, the Browns. They wanted everything, including the Basement Tapes released. How this has anything to do with them is beyond me. I mean, I know they put in a complaint against Eric about something totally unrelated to the shooting. But I don't see what the Basement Tapes has to do with them.

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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2016 12:41 pm

Jenn wrote:
FlyerFan wrote:
Radioactive_Clothing wrote:
FlyerFan wrote:
And why would they turn it over to someone who randomly requests it? Would you want to turn over a tape which basically contains the sounds of death in action to someone and have it plastered all over the internet? I wouldn't want that burden myself.

They want everything released.

"They" who? The Browns?
Yes, the Browns. They wanted everything, including the Basement Tapes released. How this has anything to do with them is beyond me. I mean, I know they put in a complaint against Eric about something totally unrelated to the shooting. But I don't see what the Basement Tapes has to do with them.

Browns have always been in an "us vs them" mentality with JeffCo.. in part due to the failure to take their case seriously (presenting Eric as a threat) & ultimately to a greater degree I'd bet because JeffCo completely disrespected & lied about them while also projecting their son Brooks as a possible suspect.

Love em or hate them, the Browns have been strong "give us the truth" advocates from the beginning & Mr. Rohrbough for one has been seen on their side along the crazy journey many times.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2016 5:50 pm

Jenn wrote:
FlyerFan wrote:
Radioactive_Clothing wrote:
FlyerFan wrote:
And why would they turn it over to someone who randomly requests it? Would you want to turn over a tape which basically contains the sounds of death in action to someone and have it plastered all over the internet? I wouldn't want that burden myself.

They want everything released.

"They" who? The Browns?
Yes, the Browns. They wanted everything, including the Basement Tapes released. How this has anything to do with them is beyond me. I mean, I know they put in a complaint against Eric about something totally unrelated to the shooting. But I don't see what the Basement Tapes has to do with them.

Ah okay. Well I can't blame them for being angry. Their child's life was threatened and nobody did anything about it and then look what happened.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 26, 2016 12:15 pm

sororityalpha wrote:
CalenceEthanEmerson wrote:

He won't tell you that he has a copy of the basement tapes and has shown them to someone from FHM magazine. He denies that now, despite the proof.

Completely understand. Basically I have the magazine and the writer recounts his experience when Randy put on the basement tapes for him and spoke of details he heard and saw. I have posted scanned copies here over 20 times and someone deletes them each time. I can email them directly to you if you would like.

Are you referring to the FHM Magazine Article from 2004?

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sororityalpha wrote:
In the FHM article above, it does state that Randy Brown played a portion of the Basement Tapes ... wow!

Can it really be true that Randy Brown has a copy of both the full 911 library call and the Basement Tapes?

Somebody really needs to talk with Randy Brown and beg for this evidence from him!

So, why doesn't somebody who knows Randy Brown request to see or have a copy of the Basement Tapes as well?

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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 12:44 am

At this point, if the basement tapes / 911 recording were released, Randy would be a prime suspect as the releaser, no matter how anonymously it occurs. Would there be any legal repercussions for him because of this? Or aside from that, would he risk being socially ostracized? Perhaps if he was no longer living in the area he wouldn't have certain pressures keeping him from releasing what he's got. Then again, he's already gone this far in his vocal criticism of Jeffco and the aftermath of the shooting...
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 1:11 am

Maybe we could ask him for a 3 second clip of the bt, have him cut a portion or something.

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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 9:44 pm

Maybe I'm just a n00b but I still don't get why they can't release the tapes. If it's about footage of them making pipe bombs or something, well can't they just cut those parts out and release the rest? I've also heard the argument of "not wanting to humanize them", but there are so many videos already out there of Eric and Dylan doing normal things that make them seem like regular teenagers.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 10:16 pm

BlackandWhite wrote:
Maybe I'm just a n00b but I still don't get why they can't release the tapes. If it's about footage of them making pipe bombs or something, well can't they just cut those parts out and release the rest? I've also heard the argument of "not wanting to humanize them", but there are so many videos already out there of Eric and Dylan doing normal things that make them seem like regular teenagers.
I think the main reason is not that they fear humanizing them but that they don't want to make Eric and Dylan any more famous than they already are. Columbine has inspired or influenced dozens of people to plan or commit acts of mass violence. Experts believe that giving media attention to mass killers encourages copycats and it seems to be especially true in this case. This is why the media has tried to adopt a more cautious approach to their coverage of mass murderers lately.

Take a look at this thread for some examples of crimes influenced by Columbine.
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Releasing the basement tapes would give people hours of new video of the boys posturing as tough guys, including footage of them posing in their trench coats with their weapons and showing off their home-made explosives. It's a nightmare for the people who believe that this kind of material could push vulnerable kids closer to a path of violence.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 10:53 pm

Yeah I guess that makes sense. But personally I don't think the tapes would encourage copycats any more than the stuff that is already out there. The transcripts are out there, the journals, a few videos.. And I think the fact there's still this mystery surrounding Columbine only increases people's curiosity and gives them the incentive to suck the internet dry of any information they can get ahold of. Which, essentially, is keeping Eric and Dylan famous.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 11:33 pm

I have a feeling the basement tapes aren't gonna be what everyone thinks. I remember when that 30 second clip leaked and people commented on how whiny they were and how hard it would be to have to listen to 4 hours of that. I mean some of it might be amusing to see. But in reading the transcripts I feel like hearing them complain about people and brag about their godlike selves and how clever their plan is when we all know the outcome, it will probably get old real fast. Maybe even disappointing. It still would be interesting to see either way though.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 12:36 am

Kiwik wrote:
I have a feeling the basement tapes aren't gonna be what everyone thinks. I remember when that 30 second clip leaked and people commented on how whiny they were and how hard it would be to have to listen to 4 hours of that. I mean some of it might be amusing to see. But in reading the transcripts I feel like hearing them complain about people and brag about their godlike selves and how clever their plan is when we all know the outcome, it will probably get old real fast. Maybe even disappointing. It still would be interesting to see either way though.

I doubt anyone thinks there's going to be something super amazing and meaningful in those tapes. It's just a matter of wanting something that is being kept from us- that makes people place more importance on it.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 9:24 am

sororityalpha wrote:

sororityalpha wrote:
CalenceEthanEmerson wrote:

He won't tell you that he has a copy of the basement tapes and has shown them to someone from FHM magazine. He denies that now, despite the proof.

Completely understand. Basically I have the magazine and the writer recounts his experience when Randy put on the basement tapes for him and spoke of details he heard and saw. I have posted scanned copies here over 20 times and someone deletes them each time. I can email them directly to you if you would like.

Are you referring to the FHM Magazine Article from 2004?

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sororityalpha wrote:
In the FHM article above, it does state that Randy Brown played a portion of the Basement Tapes ... wow!

Can it really be true that Randy Brown has a copy of both the full 911 library call and the Basement Tapes?

Somebody really needs to talk with Randy Brown and beg for this evidence from him!

So, why doesn't somebody who knows Randy Brown request to see or have a copy of the Basement Tapes as well?

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You should try to contact the journalist who wrote the FHM piece and see what else he or she recalls about seeing The Basement Tapes. Really verify that he or she saw the tapes.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 9:45 am

BlackandWhite wrote:
Kiwik wrote:
I have a feeling the basement tapes aren't gonna be what everyone thinks. I remember when that 30 second clip leaked and people commented on how whiny they were and how hard it would be to have to listen to 4 hours of that. I mean some of it might be amusing to see. But in reading the transcripts I feel like hearing them complain about people and brag about their godlike selves and how clever their plan is when we all know the outcome, it will probably get old real fast. Maybe even disappointing. It still would be interesting to see either way though.

I doubt anyone thinks there's going to be something super amazing and meaningful in those tapes. It's just a matter of wanting something that is being kept from us- that makes people place more importance on it.
I doubt we'd learn any new facts from it but I'm interested in it because we've seen videos of the two goofing around and acting, we've seen writing where they've talked about their intentions but we've never seen those two things put together. We have partial transcripts, but a video would have so much more information. I'm curious about the part where they supposedly discuss their "philosophies" and whether the two agree on everything. I'm curious about body language, tone and how they interact with each other when discussing the plan. I wonder if it's really obvious that Eric is taking the lead and Dylan is following. When I read the transcripts, I feel like Eric is the one who comes across as more regretful at times and I'd like to see if that's accurate or if they're just words. I'm curious about the infamous moment where Dylan lets on that he's Jewish and there's some sort of tension where people have said that Dylan looks apprehensive for a moment as if Eric might turn on him. I'm curious about how (in)sincere their words to family and friends sound. I'm curious about the part when Eric apparently cries for a moment. I'm curious about how they're acting on the day of the massacre. I think there is insight to be gained from viewing the tapes even if it would be subject to interpretation. The video of Eric inside the high school really crushes the idea that Eric was confident and at ease, based on very simple interactions and body language and I think that this would offer a new perspective in the same way. Basically, I'm trying to say that I think there's interest from people that goes beyond simply wanting what we can't have because I know that my own reasons go beyond that.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 10:42 am

sscc wrote:
BlackandWhite wrote:
Kiwik wrote:
I have a feeling the basement tapes aren't gonna be what everyone thinks. I remember when that 30 second clip leaked and people commented on how whiny they were and how hard it would be to have to listen to 4 hours of that. I mean some of it might be amusing to see. But in reading the transcripts I feel like hearing them complain about people and brag about their godlike selves and how clever their plan is when we all know the outcome, it will probably get old real fast. Maybe even disappointing. It still would be interesting to see either way though.

I doubt anyone thinks there's going to be something super amazing and meaningful in those tapes. It's just a matter of wanting something that is being kept from us- that makes people place more importance on it.
I doubt we'd learn any new facts from it but I'm interested in it because we've seen videos of the two goofing around and acting, we've seen writing where they've talked about their intentions but we've never seen those two things put together. We have partial transcripts, but a video would have so much more information. I'm curious about the part where they supposedly discuss their "philosophies" and whether the two agree on everything. I'm curious about body language, tone and how they interact with each other when discussing the plan. I wonder if it's really obvious that Eric is taking the lead and Dylan is following. When I read the transcripts, I feel like Eric is the one who comes across as more regretful at times and I'd like to see if that's accurate or if they're just words. I'm curious about the infamous moment where Dylan lets on that he's Jewish and there's some sort of tension where people have said that Dylan looks apprehensive for a moment as if Eric might turn on him. I'm curious about how (in)sincere their words to family and friends sound. I'm curious about the part when Eric apparently cries for a moment. I'm curious about how they're acting on the day of the massacre. I think there is insight to be gained from viewing the tapes even if it would be subject to interpretation. The video of Eric inside the high school really crushes the idea that Eric was confident and at ease, based on very simple interactions and body language and I think that this would offer a new perspective in the same way. Basically, I'm trying to say that I think there's interest from people that goes beyond simply wanting what we can't have because I know that my own reasons go beyond that.

I completely agree with you. I just feel like whenever I try to explain why I want the basement tapes to be released, it always comes across as if I'm some fangirl who thinks Eric and Dylan are sooo cute and that that's the reason I want to see them. But I mean for some reason a lot of us have been fascinated with this topic for years, done research, so it only makes sense we'd want to see more videos if they exist.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 10:46 am

On reflection, I am skeptical that Randy Brown showed the Basement Tapes to a journalist from FHM.

First of all, according to Emerson, Brown denied showing the tapes to the journalist. So, again according to Emerson, Brown has already accused the journalist of fabricating the entire episode.

Second, the FHM journalist claims to have seen the tapes and to have transcribed a statement made by Eric in the tapes, but that transcription differs radically from other reports of what's in the tapes.  FHM reports:

"More rage, more rage! Keep building it on!" spits Eric, eyes burning through the television screen. "You've been giving us shit for years. I'm going to kill you all!"

However, according to the reporting by Nancy Gibbs and Timothy Roche, at least one of whom we know saw the tapes, Eric never said anything like this. The quotation in FHM combines quotations that Time attributes to both Eric and Dylan.

Here's what Gibbs and Roche report:

"More rage. More rage," Harris says. "Keep building it on," he says, motioning with his hands for emphasis.

And then a separate quotation from Klebold.

Except for his parents, Klebold says, his extended family treated him like the runt of the litter. "You made me what I am," he said. "You added to the rage." As far back as the Foothills Day Care center, he hated the "stuck-up" kids he felt hated him. "Being shy didn't help," he admits. "I'm going to kill you all. You've been giving us s___ for years."

Now, I don't know if the reporter from FHM actually saw the tapes. But if that reporter did, his/her transcription differs radically from what the Time reporters who actually saw the tapes transcribed. And I think Time is authoritative here.

If the reporting from FHM contained some new detail about the tapes not reported elsewhere, I would be more inclined to trust the reporting. Instead, it gives some of the same quotations as the Time reporting, only attributed only to Eric and in different word order than Time reported it.
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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 11:41 am

Regardless. I agree with [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and I've said it on here before, we already the know the full transcript. What difference would it make watching the boys along with it?

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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 12:09 pm

lasttrain wrote:
You should try to contact the journalist who wrote the FHM piece and see what else he or she recalls about seeing The Basement Tapes. Really verify that he or she saw the tapes.

It appears that Piers Hernu wrote the article

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It appears Anthony Cullen did the photos for the article

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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 09, 2020 10:16 pm

Sorry to bump an old thread, but if Randy really does have the basement tapes and the 911 call maybe he'll release them along with his book? It would certainly bring a lot of attention to it and help sales.
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PostSubject: Re: Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?   Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ? Icon_minitime

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Why not request a copy of the full 911 library call from the Browns ?
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